Author: |
張腕玲 Wang-Ling Chang |
Thesis Title: |
跳舞中的大象 : ARG蛻變進行曲 The Dancing Elephant : March of the ARG toward Transformation |
Advisor: |
Jen-Wei Cheng |
Committee: |
Ren-Jieh Kuo 呂志豪 Shih-Hao Lu 鄭仁偉 Jen-Wei Cheng |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2018 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 106 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 53 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 變革管理 、破壞式創新 、商業模式 、企業轉型 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Organization Transformation, Disruptive Innovation, Business Model Canvas, Corporate Transformation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 762 Downloads: 6 |
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個案公司是成立於1988年的自有電腦品牌-ARG,全球僱用超過6,000人遍佈100多個國家。ARG秉持設計出簡單可靠的產品,包含桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦,伺服器、平板、智慧手機、顯示器和周邊商品,2017年的最新排名,其是全球排名第六的個人電腦公司。隨著科技進步、寬頻化與互聯網多元發展下,自2011年以後,全球PC市場需求逐年遞減。個案公司因看錯市場趨勢、偏重行銷,忽略研發能力,使得新一輪戰場,只能以低價策略攻佔市場,導致財務不佳,甚至虧損。從2012年3月至2013年11月,公司執行長接連異動,造成軍心動搖,甚至海外通路商也紛紛見風轉舵,面對這內憂外患的困境,甫上任的CEO,如何穩定軍心,帶領團隊轉型? 如何創造差異化策略,走出新的路?
ARG Inc. is established in 1988 and hire over 6,000 employs in more than 100 countries,offering a complete range of desktops, laptops, server, tablet, smart phone, monitor and peripherals for both consummer and commercial computing needs .The latest ranking is as the world's No. 6 branded PC vendor , designing easy , dependable IT solutions that enhance their lives.
With the rapid development of technology, broadband interent popularization, and the booming IoT, the global PC market demand has been declining year by year after 2011. The company encounters financial extremely loss in the latest competition via wrong strategies, lack of investment of Research & Development, failure of price war. Resulting in high-level managers quitted, unstable Organization and lossing Brand Loyalty from channel partners during the period of Mar. 2012 to Nov. 2013. How to take such series challenges from a new CEO’s point of view? How to stabilize the cross countries Organization? How to turnaround the company to be on the right track? How to find a new way out in differentiation?
The case is conducted in a Harvard case study including analysis content and Teacher’s Manual. After the case studying, it leads to readers to realize Organization Transformation, Disruptive Innovation, Business Model Canvas, Corporate Transformation. Sincerely expecting it can provide different angles and points to those leaders suffering similar issues to make the most appropriate strategies in the future.
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1. 哈佛商業評論 (。
2. 維基百科 (。
3. MBA 智庫百科 (。
4. 工業技術研究院 (。
5. 遠見雜誌 (。
6. 公開資訊觀測站 (。
7. 天下雜誌 (。
8. 讀墨 (。