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研究生: Yenni Tjhin
Yenni - Tjhin
論文名稱: On The Partition of Virtual Community: A Matrix Joining Process
On The Partition of Virtual Community: A Matrix Joining Process
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: Chen, Chung-Wen
Chen, Chung-Wen
Jang, Woan-Yuh
Jang, Woan-Yuh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: block-modelingpartitioningCONCORpermutationmatrix joining process
外文關鍵詞: block-modeling, partitioning, CONCOR, permutation, matrix joining process
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:1
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  • This paper employs three block-modeling and partitioning methodologies: matrix joining process, CONCOR and permutation with partition through matrix joining process, and CONCOR and permutation with partition based on sign change for partitioning a virtual community into sub-communities. We also design a robust check to measure and compare the performance of those three methods in terms of error rates. Our empirical results reveal that (1) CONCOR plus permutation would favor the situation where there are only two subgroups. (2) The variable percentage of missing is not a determinant for error rates. (3) The error rates are not much affected by matrix size. (4) Maximizing X_C^2 value as the criterion function for matrix joining process might be too stringent since it considers both ties sent to and received from every pair of actors in the evaluated subgroup.

    This paper employs three block-modeling and partitioning methodologies: matrix joining process, CONCOR and permutation with partition through matrix joining process, and CONCOR and permutation with partition based on sign change for partitioning a virtual community into sub-communities. We also design a robust check to measure and compare the performance of those three methods in terms of error rates. Our empirical results reveal that (1) CONCOR plus permutation would favor the situation where there are only two subgroups. (2) The variable percentage of missing is not a determinant for error rates. (3) The error rates are not much affected by matrix size. (4) Maximizing X_C^2 value as the criterion function for matrix joining process might be too stringent since it considers both ties sent to and received from every pair of actors in the evaluated subgroup.

    1Introduction1 2Literature Review4 2.1Social Network Analysis4 2.2Matrix Permutation Approach5 2.3Block-modeling6 2.3.1CONCOR7 2.3.2Euclidean Distance8 2.4Regular Equivalence Approximation9 3Data and Methodology11 3.1Data Description11 3.2Partition Method 112 3.3Partition Method 214 3.4Partition Method 318 3.5Robust Check19 3.6Implementation21 4Analysis of Result21 4.1Simulation: Matrix 6x622 4.2Simulation: Matrix 8x825 5Conclusion29

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