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研究生: 湯惠君
Huei-jiun Tang
論文名稱: 精品化設計策略與執行面探討-以瀚斯寶麗為例
The Design Strategy and Executive Review of Luxury Product– A Case Study of HANNSpree
指導教授: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
Jeng-Neng Fan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 精品產品設計策略產品差異化策略瀚斯寶麗
外文關鍵詞: luxury product, product design strategy, product differentiation strategy, HANNSpree
相關次數: 點閱:487下載:4
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Research timing and cost control are two decisive factors that determine the success of any high-tech product. Producers are constantly exploring the market for niche opportunities where they can establish brand presence and gain consumers’ recognition; the proper balance between the timing and cost of their R&D efforts determines whether the product/brand is successful. This paper focuses on the study of HANNSpree, a local LCD TV brand that emphasizes its distinct designs, by gathering primary data as well as secondary data such as past literatures and press articles. Through interviews with industry experts, we found HANNSpree’s emphasis on creative product designs and its attempts to differentiate itself from the competition through a sense of novelty were too costly to execute, leaving its products priced beyond what consumers were willing to accept. Furthermore, its R&D efforts were badly timed, leaving its products disconnected from mainstream technologies and specifications despite their pleasing appearance. This study aims to provide a useful reference for succeeding brands by reflecting on the challenges HANNSpree encountered over the course of its R&D, and its attempt to differentiate itself through creative designs. Research findings are as follows:
4.HANNSpree overweighed its focus on luxury product design, brand differentiation, and product appearance, but neglected rapid changes in mainstream technologies, which rendered its products outdated and unable to meet the latest specifications. The study found product appearance a rather weak ground for competing in the high-tech category.
5.The broad variety of product designs often resulted in a lack of uniform specifications, and low interchangeability in terms of parts, components, and packaging materials. Many of HANSpree’s designs required manual work, which limited the scalability of its productions. As a result, products became costly to produce and were priced beyond what consumers were willing to pay.
6.The company’s R&D teams competed against each other and lacked communication. They wasted resources on conducting researches similar to what other teams had already completed; this showed a lack of control in both project timing and cost. Prolonged researches caused HANNSpree to lag behind mainstream specifications, while the lack of cost control forced product pricing through the roof. In addition, much of the company’s resources was spent on R&D, leaving little available for marketing and advertising, which were key to establishing brand presence.

摘要I AbstractII 誌謝IV 目錄V 表目錄IX 圖目錄X 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究目的3 1.3研究架構與流程3 第二章 文獻探討5 2.1精品5 2.1.1 精品產業5 2.1.2 精品品牌及產品特性6 2.1.3精品與品牌連結7 2.1.4 小結10 2.2設計策略11 2.2.1策略之定義11 2.2.2 設計策略之定義13 2.2.3 設計策略之做法14 2.2.4小結16 2.3宏達電HTC的品牌發展策略17 2.3.1 宏達電公司成立背景18 2.3.2 宏達電公司沿革19 2.3.3 宏達電商業模式之經營策略分析23 2.3.4 宏達電與One & Co25 2.3.5 宏達電成功的商業模式26 2.3.6 小結27 第三章 研究方法與步驟28 3.1研究方法28 3.2資料蒐集方式29 第四章 瀚斯寶麗34 4.1 品牌名稱由來與公司簡介34 4.2 瀚斯寶麗品牌故事與定位35 4.3 瀚斯寶麗CMGT整合運用與管理38 4.4 瀚斯寶麗產品主題分類40 4.5 瀚斯寶麗商業模式47 4.6 瀚斯寶麗產品通路與價格定位48 第五章 個案研究54 5.2案例一55 5.1.1 產品簡介55 5.1.2 產品運用之二次加工製程簡介57 5.1.3 產品生產執行面59 5.1.4 小結62 5.2案例二63 5.2.1 產品簡介63 5.2.2產品運用之二次加工製程簡介68 5.2.3產品生產執行面69 5.2.4 小結72 5.3 案例三73 5.3.1 產品簡介73 5.3.2產品生產執行面76 5.3.3 小結79 第六章 結論與建議81 6.1研究結論81 6.2後續研究與建議82 參考文獻84

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