簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李珮雯
Pei-Wen Lee
論文名稱: 不同思想制度下的訊息傳播現象之研究創作
The study of message communication phenomena under different ideologies
指導教授: 林廷宜
Tingyi S. Lin
口試委員: 范振能
Jeng-Neng Fan
Ming-Chuan Fu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 雲端自由海報設計插畫
外文關鍵詞: Internet, freedom, poster design, illustration
相關次數: 點閱:504下載:42
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本創作論文成果,是以兩件作品及一個展覽呈現。分別是(1)笑的自由?(The freedom of smile?),以神秘北韓為創作主體,分析社會主義制度下的資訊箝制狀況,以系列海報三張呈現;(2)雲雲眾生(Cloudist),雲端科技引發的各種網路現象,網路匿名性讓人們輕鬆擁有多重身份,101張人物圖像以插畫呈現(3)李珮雯創作個展,以本創作成果兩件作品的階段性展覽。

Idea is the media, and media is the society. Today, information reaches far and wide through cloud technology, and internet has become indispensable in modern society. Through cloud computing, storage and dissemination of information become quicker without geographical restrictions, and the network is no longer a marginal media.

The purpose of this creation is to explore the relationship between information dissemination and different social systems, and extend the thinking and broaden creative vision through the process of literature analysis, thus reflecting the impact of cloud information freedom on modern society. The creation imports the experiments of implementation way and color performance from the creative process, uses poster design and illustration design to show research views, and finally reflects on their issues with the audience through orientation thrown by works.

The paper achievement of this creation is presented by two works and an exhibition, namely, (1) The freedom of smile? - taking the mysterious North Korea for the creation subject,and analyzing information clamped conditions under the socialist system to be presented by a series of three posters; (2) Cloudist - a variety of internet phenomena caused by cloud technology and internet anonymity make people have multiple identities easily, 101 pieces of character images are showed by illustrations; (3) Lee Pei-wen’s Art Exhibition is a periodic exhibition with two works of this creation.

論文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 圖索引 IV 1. 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2創作目的 4 1.3創作範圍與限制 5 1.4創作架構 6 2. 文獻探討 8 2.1訊息傳播 8 2.1.1資訊的意涵 8 2.1.2資訊傳播的媒介:承載資訊的網路 8 2.2資訊傳播與共產社會 9 2.2.1社會主義的意涵 9 2.2.2社會主義社會下的網路訊息箝制-中國與北韓 10 2.3資訊傳播與資本主義的社會 12 2.3.1資本主義社會的意涵 12 2.3.2資本主義社會與網路關係 12 2.4資訊發達對人類及社會的影響 14 2.4.1雲端與人類行為 14 2.4.2網路媒體與社會 15 2.4.3網路社群 16 3.研究與創作方法 18 3.1案例介紹與分析 18 3.2創作方法 24 3.2.1 拼貼效果運用於創作 24 4.實驗創作過程 31 4.1作品01《笑的自由?/The freedom of smile?》31 4.1.1概念發展背景與創作形式 31 4.2作品02《雲雲眾生/Cloudist》 35 4.2.1概念發展背景與創作形式 35 4.2.2角色海選 36 5. 創作成果 40 5.1作品01《笑的自由?/The freedom of smile?》 40 5.2作品02《雲雲眾生/Cloudist》 45 5.3作品03《雲雲眾生/Cloudist》 48 5.4李珮雯-森の創作個展 62 6. 結論 65 參考文獻 67 附錄A:個人簡介 70 附錄B:獲獎與參展經驗 71

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