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研究生: 嚴士翔
Shih-Hsiang Yen
論文名稱: 基於服務型應用之無感測器機械手臂與安全力量控制器開發
Development of Sensorless Robot Arm and Safety Force Controller for Service Applications
指導教授: 林其禹
Chyi-Yeu Lin
Yuan-Chiu Lin
口試委員: 蔡清池
Ching-Chih Tsai
Hsien-I Lin
Po-Ting Lin
Yuan-Chiu Lin
Chyi-Yeu Lin
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 無感測器機器人動態補償器即時控制虛擬力感測器安全碰撞檢測剛性控制
外文關鍵詞: sensorless robot, dynamic compensator, real-time control, virtual force sensor, safety collision detection, stiffness control
相關次數: 點閱:461下載:0
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  • 在以服務型應用為目的的機械手臂中,為考量人機互動的安全性,需降低控制增益來限制機械手臂工作時的速度與力量輸出;在成本效益上,由於服務型任務無須高精度的位置控制,可使用低解析度的感測器來降低成本,然而弱感測器也會使控制系統響應變慢,導致動態控制精度變差。因此本研究基於安全性與降低成本,提出一個低增益與無感測器的無刷馬達控制架構,僅使用霍爾感測器與單個電流感測器進行位置和扭力控制。我們在伺服控制器中加入低通濾波器,來解決感測器取樣不足與訊號干擾的問題。而為了克服伺服控制系統反應過慢,我們在電流控制器中加入動態補償器,透過簡化的機械手臂系統模型與鑑別實驗,可即時的補償運動時各軸馬達所需要的電流,加快伺服控制系統的反應與提高控制精度。

    Robot arms used for service applications require safe human-machine interactions; therefore, the control gain of such robot arms must be minimized to limit the force output during operation. To improve cost efficiency, low-resolution sensors can be used to reduce cost. However, low-resolution sensors slow the response of closed-loop control systems, leading to low accuracy. Focusing on safety and cost reduction, this dissertation proposed a low-gain, sensorless Brushless DC motor control architecture, which performed position and torque control using only Hall-effect sensors and a current sensor. Low-pass filters were added in servo controllers to solve the sensing problems of undersampling and noise. To improve the control system’s excessively slow response, we added a dynamic force compensator in the current controllers, simplified the system model, and conducted tuning experiments to expedite the calculation of dynamic force. These approaches achieved real-time current compensation, accelerated control response and accuracy.
    To protect operators and conform to safety standards for human–machine interactions, the design of collaborative robot arms often incorporates flexible mechanisms and force sensors to detect and absorb external impact forces. However, this approach increases production costs, making the introduction of such robot arms into low-cost service applications difficult. This study proposes a low-cost, sensorless rigid robot arm design that employs a virtual force sensor and stiffness control to enable the safety collision detection and low-precision force control. Additionally, a torque saturation limiter is added to the servo drive for each axis to enable the real-time adjustment of joint torque output according to the estimated external force, regulation of system stiffness, and achievement of impedance control that can be applied in safety measures and force control. The design this study developed is a departure from the conventional multisensor flexible mechanism approach. Moreover, it is a low-cost and sensorless design that relies on model-based control for stiffness regulation, thereby improving the safety and force control in robot arm applications.

    中文摘要 Abstract 誌謝 Table of Contents Index of Tables Index of Figures Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Motivation 1.2 Literature Review 1.2.1 Sensorless BLDC Motor Control 1.2.2 Low-Gain Closed-loop Control 1.2.3 Force Sensor and Safety Control 1.3 Dissertation Overview 1.4 Dissertation Organization Chapter 2 Dynamic Force Compensator on Motor Driver 2.1 Sensorless Control Problems 2.1.1 Low-Speed Control with Low-Pass Filter 2.1.2 Phase Delay Problem 2.2 Simplified Robot Dynamic Compensator 2.2.1 Robot Dynamic Model 2.2.2 Simplified Robot Dynamic Model 2.2.3 Simplified Dynamic Force Compensator Design 2.3 Simplified Dynamic Force Compensator Tuning 2.3.1 Simplifying the Calculations of Moment of Inertia and Gravity Torque 2.3.2 Tuning Experiment with SDFC 2.3.3 Analysis of Time-delay Compensation 2.4 Steady-State Error Compensator Chapter 3 Real-Time System Framework on Robot Controller 3.1 Development Platform 3.2 Real-Time Operating System 3.2.1 Xenomai 3.3 Real-Time Communication 3.3.1 Serial Peripheral Interface 3.3.2 Real-Time SPI Communication 3.4 Real-Time Program Architecture Chapter 4 Virtual Force Sensor for Safety Control 4.1 Contact Force Estimation 4.2 External Torque Observer Design 4.3 External Torque Observer Calibration 4.4 Verification of Contact Force Estimation Chapter 5 Safety Force Controller 5.1 Torque Saturation Design 5.2 Impedance and Force Control 5.3 Safety Collision Detection 5.4 Teaching by Hand Guided Chapter 6 Experiments and Results 6.1 Joint Position Accuracy Analysis 6.1.1 Experiment 1: Single-axis Repeatability Accuracy 6.1.2 Experiment 2: Multiple-axis Repeatable Accuracy 6.1.3 Discussion 6.2 Compensator Efficiency Analysis 6.2.1 Experiment 3: Compensator Efficiency Analysis 6.2.2 Discussion 6.3 Collision Detection and Safety Control 6.3.1 Experiment 4: Collision Detection 6.3.2 Experiment 5: External Force Detection 6.3.3 Discussion 6.4 Force Control Application 6.4.1 Experiment 6: Contact Force Control 6.4.2 Experiment 7: Wiping Motion Control 6.4.3 Discussion Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works 7.1 Conclusions 7.2 Future works References Appendix

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