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研究生: 曾繹豪
Yi-Hao Tseng
論文名稱: 近斷層地震參數對隔震系統之影響
Effects of Near-Fault Ground Motion Characteristics on Seismic Isolation Systems
指導教授: 黃震興
Jenn-shin Hwang
口試委員: 汪向榮
Shiang-Jung Wang
Yin-Nan Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 289
中文關鍵詞: 近斷層地震速度脈衝隔震系統等效線性分析
外文關鍵詞: near-fault earthquakes, velocity pulse, isolation system, equivalent l inear analysis
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:1
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近斷層地震對於柔性房屋結構的破壞潛勢往往超過一般遠域地震,根據1971年Bertero的研究可以發現,Maximum Incremental Velocity是造成結構破壞的一大主因,1995年John Hall的研究顯示出近斷層地震會造成一地表位移脈衝,此位移脈衝會對結構造成破壞並且產生巨大殘餘變形(Residual Deformation)。
2007年Baker利用小波分析發展出一套判識別近斷層地震的標準,利用擷取地表速度脈衝的方式建立脈衝指標(Pulse Indicator),將脈衝指標採納為評斷近斷層地震的標準。根據Baker的判斷標準,本研究嘗試藉由隔震系統對於不同近斷層地震的位移反應結果探討Maximum Incremental Velocity (MIV)與Duration of Maximum Incremental Velocity (TIV)兩近斷層地震參數的重要性。
由於現今隔震設計規範採靜力分析方法,此規範分析方法是由等效線性分析(Equivalent Linear Analysis)所衍生而來,因此搜集不同等效線性模型(Equivalent Linear Model),利用不同近斷層歷時及遠域歷時資料進行等效線性動力分析(Equivalent Linear Dynamic Analysis)與非線性動力分析(Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis),藉由兩者結果比較,探討等效線性模型是否可以準確預測近斷層地震作用下之非線性動力反應結果。

The damage potential of near-fault ground motions to structures, in particular the flexible structures such as seismically isolated structures and high-rise buildings, may be much more than that of far-field ground motions. In 1971, Mahin and Bertero discovered that the “maximum incremental velocity” could be one of the indices to well represent the damage potential of near-fault ground motions. In 1995, John Hall et al. showed that the displacement pulse contained in the near fault ground motions could also be another index demonstrating damage potential of near fault ground motions. Considering the two important findings, this study is conducted with an intension to investigate the significance of a parameter which is composed of the maximum incremental velocity (MIV) and the duration of maximum incremental velocity (TIV). The MIV is multiplied by TIV as an index for the seismic response demand on isolation systems by near fault ground motions.
For design purpose of isolation system against near-fault ground motions, the current isolation design specifications generated from equivalent linear analysis are examined for their accuracy and appropriateness in predicting the seismic responses of isolation system subject to near fault ground motions. Maximum seismic responses obtained from various equivalent linear models using linear dynamic analysis are compared with those determined by nonlinear dynamic analysis. In addition, maximum responses predicted using iterative static analysis as employed by current seismic isolation design codes are used to compare with the results from nonlinear dynamic analysis so that the damping reduction factor can then be examined for its appropriateness.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 圖目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與目的 1 1.2研究重點與內容 4 第二章 近斷層地震特性及篩選機制 5 2.1近斷層地震特性 5 2.1.1 FORWARD DIRECTIVITY 5 2.1.2 Fling Step 6 2.1.3 Maximum Incremental Velocity 7 2.2近斷層地震篩選機制 8 2.2.1小波分析理論 9 2.2.2篩選機制 10 第三章 不同地震對隔震系統之影響 15 3.1前言 15 3.2隔震系統模型設計 15 3.2.1系統力學特性 15 3.2.2系統基本資訊 17 3.2.3隔震系統設計 18 3.3選取地震資料 20 3.3.1近斷層地震資料 21 3.3.2遠域地震資料 21 3.4非線性動力分析結果 22 3.5近斷層地震速度脈衝參數識別 23 3.5.1 Maximum Incremental Velocity 24 3.5.2 Duration of Maximum Incremental Velocity 24 3.6非單調式速度脈衝地震 26 3.7速度脈衝參數與非線性動力分析反應關係 29 3.8近斷層地震破壞指標 30 第四章 不同等效線性模型探討 33 4.1前言 33 4.2設計規範靜力分析與非線性動力分析之比較 33 4.3等效線性模型介紹 35 4.3.1 Model 01 35 4.3.2 Model 02 36 4.3.3 Model 03 36 4.3.4 Model 04 37 4.4不同模型之等效線性動力分析與非線性動力比較 37 4.5不同模型之等效靜力分析與非線性動力分比較 39 第五章 結論與建議 43 參考文獻 45 附表 51 附圖 93

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