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研究生: 蔡佩穎
Pei-Ying Tsai
論文名稱: 創業團隊心理資源與創業機會辨識—團隊創造力的中介角色研究
A Research on Entrepreneurial Team Psychological Resources and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification ˗A Study on the Mediation Role of Team Creativity
指導教授: 郭庭魁
Ting-Kuei Kuo
Mei H.C. Ho
口試委員: 郭庭魁
Ting-Kuei Kuo
Mei H.C. Ho
Ying-Jung Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 創業團隊心理資源內控前瞻性堅毅性創業自我效能創造力創業機會辨識
外文關鍵詞: Entrepreneurial Team Psychological Resources, Locus of Control, Proactivity, Hardiness, Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, Creativity, Entrepreneurial opportunity identification
相關次數: 點閱:779下載:1
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本研究提出團隊心理資源一詞,包含內控、前瞻性、堅毅性與創業自我效能四項人格特質之變數,進一步探討團隊心理資源與創業機會辨識之間的關係,並以創造力為中介角色,同時研究年資與創業經驗是否對於創造力與創業機會辨識具有調節影響。本研究結果顯示: (1)團隊心理資源對創業機會辨識為正向影響。(2)創造力對團隊心理資源與創業機會辨識具有正向中介效果。(3)年資對創造力與創業機會辨識具有負向調節效果。(4)創業經驗對創造力與創業機會辨識不具有調節效果。

In Taiwan, entrepreneurship has become a trend in Taiwan for decades and always played a critical role in the influence of economy. According to the past research, entrepreneurial activities help strengthen the economy and decrease unemployment rate. The major economy structure in Taiwan is SME. Thus government starts to emphasize on cultivating entrepreneurial talents, encouraging entrepreneurs to entrepreneurship and learning innovation from other countries.
The research collaborated with the cultivation program, From IP to IPO (abbreviated to FITI), was held by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. We collected data from the 2 stages participants who attended FITI in 2015. Moreover, we aggregated individual members as a team to be a unit. There were 233 valid questionnaires and the valid rate was 66%;Furthermore, turning unit to team, we eventually collected 52 teams. The research used SPSS statistical software, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and analysis of variance to conduct empirical study.
In the research we proposed “team psychological resources”, which consists of locus of control, proactivity, hardiness and entrepreneurial self-efficacy and also probed the relationship between team psychological resources and entrepreneurial opportunity identification with the mediator of creativity. In addition, job experiences and entrepreneurial experiences which are seen as the moderators between creativity and entrepreneurial opportunity identification used in the research. The results of the study show as follows: (1) Team psychological resources have positive effect on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. (2) Creativity plays a mediator role between team psychological resources and entrepreneurial opportunity identification. (3) Job experiences have negative moderating effect on creativity and entrepreneurial opportunity identification. (4) Entrepreneurial experiences don’t have moderating effect between creativity and entrepreneurial opportunity identification.

第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究流程 3 第二章、 文獻探討 4 2.1 創業機會辨識 4 2.2 團隊心理資源與創業機會辨識 6 2.2.1 內控與創業機會辨識 7 2.2.2 前瞻性與創業機會辨識 8 2.2.3 堅毅性與創業機會辨識 9 2.2.4 創業自我效能與機會辨識 10 2.3 創造力之中介效果 13 2.4 年資與創業經驗之調節效果 15 第三章、 研究方法 17 3.1 樣本與資料收集 17 3.2 研究假設 18 3.3 測量方法與統計結果 19 3.3.1 內控 (Locus of Control) 20 3.3.2 前瞻性 (Proactivity) 21 3.3.3 堅毅性 (Hardiness) 22 3.3.4 創業自我效能 (Entrepreneurial self-efficacy) 23 3.3.5 創造力 (Creativity) 24 3.3.6 創業機會辨識 (Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification) 25 3.4 分析策略 26 3.4.1 驗證性因素分析 (Confirmatory factor analysis;簡稱 ;簡稱 CFA) 26 3.4.2 信度分析 (Reliability analysis) 26 3.4.3 相關分析 (Correlation analysis) 26 3.4.4 迴歸分析 (Regression analysis) 27 3.4.5 變異數分析 (Analysis of variance;簡稱 ANOVA) 27 第四章、 分析結果 28 4.1 驗證性因素分析 28 4.2 信度分析 與相關性 30 4.3 假設驗證 31 4.4 結構方程模型比較 33 4.5 迴歸分析 35 4.5.1 調節效果 35 4.5.2 中介效果 36 4.6 變異數分析 40 第五章、 結論與建議 41 5.1 研究結論 41 5.2 管理意函 44 5.3 研究限制 46 5.4 未來研究方向 46 參考文獻 47 中文部分 47 英文部分 48 附錄 59 附錄一、 2015年宏圖營個人資料 59 附錄二、 2015年宏圖營問卷數量 60 附錄三、 FITI創新業激勵計畫之問卷摘錄 創新業激勵計畫之問卷摘錄 61

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