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Author: 李明揮
Ming-Hui Lee
Thesis Title: 全球零時差的一日結帳系統 C銀行海外分行資訊系統建置個案
Global Realtime Checkout System in One Day-A Core Banking System Implementation Case of C Bank Overseas Branch
Advisor: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Committee: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Tain-Yi Luor
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2020
Graduation Academic Year: 108
Language: 中文
Pages: 50
Keywords (in Chinese): 成長策略模組化資源整合組織靈巧集中系統
Keywords (in other languages): Growth Strategy, Modularity, Resource Integration, Ambidexterity, Centralized System
Reference times: Clicks: 673Downloads: 13
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C 銀行,是國內一家已有百年歷史的商業銀行,主要經營的業務範圍有一般 存放款業務、貿易融資、國際金融、基金理財、保險、財富管理、信用卡等業務, 1989 年個案銀行為拓展海外市場,在美國紐約開設了第一家海外分行,提供跨 國間的金融服務,在當時的外匯金融圈,C 銀行可說是數一數二的一家本國銀行, 而隨著業務的不斷拓展,C 銀行也積極的向其它海外進行營業據點的開拓,先後 陸陸續續成立了洛杉磯、東京、倫敦、香港及新加坡等海外分行。C 銀行的海外 分行,在分行設立時採購建置資訊系統,然而採購的系統主要以各地套裝軟體為 主,一方面每家分行各別投資建置,造成資源虛耗且管理不易,一方面隨著時間 的推延與時代的變遷以及國際的發展趨勢,各海外分行所採購的系統,面臨到系 統無法符合業務需求,需面臨系統汰換的議題。
本論文以哈佛式個案論文撰寫法進行寫作,包含個案本文及個案教學指引 等,個案教學指引對個案中的討論內容詳做說明,主要採用模組化、資源整合、 組織靈巧及成長策略理論與管理議題,並依照理論學說及個案內容進行分析探 討,期透過實務與理論的結合,瞭解個案銀行海外分行如何運用集中建置的策略 建置系統,與如何提升個案銀行的人員素質及核心競爭力,以實現拓展海外經營 版圖之目標。

C bank, the case of this thesis, is a historical commercial bank. Its main business content includes credit business, trade finance, international finance, fund management, insurance, wealth management, and credit card. In 1989, C Bank established its first overseas branch which provided international financial service in New York in order to explore overseas markets. C Bank is an outstanding local bank in exchange market, it keeps expanding their business scope with across countries aggressively via establishing overseas branches in Los Angeles, Tokyo, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. As branches founded, they purchased and adopted local software package as their business system respectively. Nevertheless, with this scenario, it causes few shortages, first, it makes the difficulty for C bank to manage the software package resource centrally as each branch use its own system. Second, it wastes the overall resource to manage with each branch system. Last, with the ever-changing society and technology, it faces the issue that system cannot satisfied with current business need and needs upgrade with their systems.
This thesis uses Harvard Business Study (HBS) case as study method, which involves C bank case study and case method. The case method includes modularity, resource integration, ambidexterity and growth strategy. In this thesis, we analyzed the theory and C bank case practice separately. With the combination of theory and practice, we anticipate the strategy improvement with oversees branch business system on system integration and the enhancement of human resource ability with core competitiveness to achieve the goal of expanding the overseas operation.

摘要-I Abstract-II 誌謝-III 第一部分、個案本文-1 第一節、序場-1 第二節、個案公司簡介與個案背景-2 第三節、建置的開始—老董一句話,邁向模組化與集中化-7 第四節、導入的歷程—關關難過,找出關鍵,關關過-13 第五節、建置的成果—圓滿集中,苦盡甘來-23 第六節、面對多變局勢,穩步邁向成長-25 第二部分、個案教學指引-28 第一節、個案總覽-28 第二節、教學目標與適用課程-29 第三節、學員課前討論問題-31 第四節、個案背景-31 第五節、個案分析-33 第六節、教學建議-44 第七節、板書規劃-46 參考文獻-49 中文文獻-49 英文文獻-49 網路部分-50

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1.MBALib(MBA 智庫網)