簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 丁祈偉
Chi-wei Ding
論文名稱: 中國崛起台灣競爭力何去何從
The Impact of China’s Emergence on the Competitiveness of Taiwan
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Ju-Yu Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 投資決策資源基礎觀點左右開弓適應性企業
外文關鍵詞: investment decisions, ambid
相關次數: 點閱:428下載:33
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漢高台灣分公司齊總經理於2011年讀到總部一份聲明,預計斥資5千萬歐元在上海新建全球最大的熱熔膠生產工廠,以滿足中國和亞太地區市場的需求。新廠年產能將為50萬噸,預計將在2012年底投產。齊總經理也想到不久前UA部門業務經理 Tony向他報告,佔UA部門業績60%的三大客戶,紛紛將其工廠外移而且又有其他新競爭者蠶食下,業績受到很大的衝擊。在全球化的潮流、中國崛起及台灣的經濟環境逐漸惡化的情形下,齊總經理思考著台灣分公司該如何轉變,以因應多變的環境,才能找出自己的競爭優勢,為公司創造出最大的價值?

In 2011, Mr. Chyi, General Manager of Henkel Taiwan, read a statement by HQ that expected to spend €50 million on establishing the world’s largest hot melt adhesive plant in Shanghai in order to meet the demands of the markets in China and the Asia Pacific Zone. The annual capacity of the new plant will be 500,000 tons and production is expected to begin at the end of 2012. It occurred to Mr. Chyi that Tony, Sales Manager of the UA Department, had reported to him a while ago, saying the three most important clients, accounting for 60% sales of the UA Department, had moved their factories abroad and other competitors had grown, thus sales had been affected significantly. Under the trend of globalization, China’s emergence and the gradual deterioration of Taiwan’s economic environment, Mr. Chyi pondered how to change Henkel Taiwan in order to respond to the variant environment so that the Company can find its competitive advantage and create maximum value?
This thesis will carry out a series of discussions on issues regarding corporate management by using the case of Henkel Taiwan’s investment in China. Under the tactical objective of globalization, multinational enterprises apply resources to the greatest effect in order to achieve maximum synergy. As the emerging markets in the Asia Pacific Zone had grown rapidly in recent years, Henkel was limited in 2008 by the competition of National Starch and Chemical Company and had not been able to increase market share and profit rate. Therefore, the board of directors decided to purchase the adhesive and electronic material sales department of National Starch and Chemical Company in 2008. In addition to eliminating the greatest competition, the action also increased the 2008 sales in the Asia Pacific Zone from 8% to 12%, and the 30% sales growth in the Asia Pacific market had benefited the development in China market. Since the economy in China had developed rapidly during the last decade, China was one of the few areas in the global market, besides Europe, that manufactured all products of Henkel. Furthermore, Henkel sales in China had not decreased with the fall of financial crisis in European and American stock markets in 2009. Thus, Henkel was positive about the long-term development of China’s market and planned to establish the world largest adhesive plant in Shanghai in 2011 to expand emerging markets and achieve the goal of leading sophisticated markets.
The clients of Henkel Taiwan moved to the southeastern area of China due to cost and industrial supply chains, causing the managerial environment in Taiwan to be more severe. As local enterprises can make their own decisions, they can move to China or establish plants in other areas under the consideration of cost. However, the Taiwan branch of the multinational corporation did not have such great decision-making power, and had to be responsible for local operations, which adopted the profit center system, so the branch must be responsible for its own profits and losses. Under Henkel Taiwan’s visions and tactical objectives, how can it use the competition relationship and the distinct creativity of Taiwan enterprises to obtain collaborative or complementary revenue for creating the competitive advantage of Taiwan? How can Henkel Taiwan change and adjust in order to respond to environment variations to react rapidly and regulate flexibly so that it can make corresponding strategies for obtaining advantages and creating maximum values?

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 個案背景與接著劑產業概況 1 (一) 個案背景 1 (二) 接著劑產業概況 2 (三) 特用化學品工業概況 3 二、 個案漢高公司概況 4 (一) 漢高公司成立背景 4 (二) 漢高公司合併國民澱粉公司的策略 6 (三) 漢高中國公司成立背景 7 三、 漢高公司新的策略性計劃及目標 9 (一) 策略性計劃及目標 9 (二) 漢高發展戰略的推行 10 (三) 中國興建世界最大工廠計劃 11 四、 漢高台灣分公司所面臨的難題 13 (一) 台灣產業外移及金融海嘯影響 13 (二) 中國的崛起及公司資源分配的傾斜 14 (三) 台灣市場的飽和 14 五、 台灣分公司策略 14 (一) 變不變?如何變? 15 (二) 善用台灣優勢爭取資源 16 (三) 台灣未來發展方向 17 (四) 台灣分公司2011-2012營運狀況 17 六、 附錄: 18 (一) 漢高公司大事紀 18 (二) 化學工業範疇 23 貳、 個案討論 24 一、 個案總覽 24 二、 教學目標與適用課程 24 三、 學生課前討論問題 27 四、 個案人物背景 27 五、 個案分析 29 課程目標一:投資決策探討 30 課程目標二:資源基礎理論探討 34 課程目標三:左右開弓策略 37 課程目標四:適應性企業之建立 41 六、 課程結論 45 七、 教學建議 45 八、 板書規劃 50 (一)課程教案板書一:投資理論 50 (二)課程教案板書二:資源基礎觀點 50 (三)課程教案板書三:左右開弓 50 (四)課程教案板書四:適應性企業 51 參、 參考文獻 52 一、 英文部分 52 二、 中文部分 53

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二、 中文部分
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