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研究生: 陳亮妤
Liang-Yu Chen
論文名稱: 虛擬徵選面談與徵選結果:以印象管理戰術為中介角色
Virtual Selection Interview and Selection Outcomes: The Mediating Roles of Impression Management Tactics
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
Shih-Hao Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 虛擬徵選面談肯定型印象管理戰術防禦型印象管理戰術訊息架構展望理論
外文關鍵詞: virtual selection interview, assertive impression management tactics, defensive impression management tactics, message framing, prospect theory
相關次數: 點閱:437下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討不同印象管理戰術在虛擬徵選面談中之影響力。人員招聘過程對於求職者之應聘至關重要,由於COVID-19疫情帶來的不確定性,大多數的企業及組織漸漸被迫從現場面談轉向虛擬形式;儘管如此,過往現場面談仍是多數企業或求職者選擇的首選,由於目前的趨勢,虛擬徵選面談逐漸被視為比現場面談更為合適的型態,不過現階段關於虛擬徵選之研究仍舊有限。在此情況下,本研究提出一個框架,使用印象管理戰術作為中介角色,以評估虛擬徵選面談與求職者、組織的徵選結果之間的關係,其中印象管理策略分為兩類,一類為肯定型之印象管理戰術,另一類則是防禦型之印象管理戰術,基於此框架,隨後討論了六個命題,藉此了解不同印象管理戰術在虛擬徵選面談中產生何種影響。最後,本研究藉由理論與管理實務上之意涵得出結論,旨在作為未來研究之基礎。

    The selection interview procedure is essential for job applicants to land a job. Due to the uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, most enterprises and organizations are somehow forced to switch from in-person interviews to virtual forms. Nonetheless, in-person interviews have historically been preferred for the job applicants’ selection process. Because of the current trend, virtual selection interviews are gradually seen as a more suitable approach than in-person ones, yet research on virtual selection interviews is still limited. In this case, synchronous interviews are the ones to be discussed. A framework is proposed in this study to assess the relationship between virtual selection interviews and selection outcomes for job applicants and organizations, using impression management tactics as mediators. Impression management tactics were then divided into two categories, one is assertive IM tactics and the other is defensive IM tactics. Based on this proposed framework, six propositions are discussed afterward to see how impactful different IM tactics may be in virtual selection interviews. Eventually, this study is concluded by providing theoretical and managerial implications and aims to serve as a fundamental basis for future studies.

    Contents 摘要 II Abstract III Acknowledgments IV List of Figures VI List of Table VI Chapter 1. Introduction 7 1.1、Research Background and Motivation 7 1.2、Purpose of the Study 9 1.3、Thesis Structure 12 Chapter 2. Literature Review 13 2.1、Virtual Interviews in Selecting Process 13 2.2、Impression Management Tactics in Selection 15 2.2.1.Definitions of Impression Management (IM) 15 2.2.2.Impression Management in Virtual Interviews 19 2.2.3.Message Framing and Assertive/Defensive IM Tactics 21 2.3、Applicant & Organization Outcomes 24 Chapter 3. Proposed Framework & Propositions 26 3.1、Proposed Framework 26 3.2、Propositions 27 Chapter 4. Conclusion & Implications 34 4.1、Conclusion 34 4.2、Theoretical Implications 35 4.3、Managerial Implications 37 4.4、Limitations and Future Research 39 References 41

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