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研究生: 方瑞穎
Ruei-Ying Fang
論文名稱: 縮小化平面傳輸線至矩形波導轉接
Miniaturization of Planar Transmission Lines to Rectangular Waveguide Transitions
指導教授: 王蒼容
Chun-Long Wang
口試委員: 吳瑞北
Ruey-Beei Wu
Shyh-Jong Chung
Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang
Tzyy-sheng Horng
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
Yo-Shen Lin
Ching-Wen Hsue
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 平面傳輸線矩形波導轉接縮小化
外文關鍵詞: planar transmission line, rectangular waveguide, transition, miniaturization
相關次數: 點閱:462下載:11
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在論文的第二章,我們首先提出一個架構簡單且寬頻的槽線至矩形波導轉接。這個架構運用四分之一波長的共面帶線來作為天線與槽線間的阻抗轉換器。為了進一步縮小這個寬頻轉接的電路面積,我們運用步階阻抗共振器(stepped-impedance resonator, SIR)來取代原有的四分之一波長阻抗轉換器。藉由這樣的替換,電路長度不僅縮小了,而且20-dB的比例頻寬可以維持住。
論文的第三章,我們首先提出一個運用四分之一波長槽線的共面波導至矩形波導轉接。。為了進一步縮小這個寬頻轉接的電路面積,我們使用電感補償的槽線(inductance-compensated slotline)來取代原有的四分之一波長槽線。藉由這樣的替換,電路長度不僅縮小了,而且頻寬可以維持住。
在論文的第四章,我們首先提出一個架構簡單的微帶線至矩形波導轉接。這個結構運用四分之一波長的雙面平行帶線(Broadside-coupled microstrip line)來作為天線與微帶線間的阻抗轉換器。為了進一步提升這個轉接的操作頻寬,我們使用電容補償的雙面平行帶線(capacitance-compensated broadside-coupled microstrip line)來取代原有的四分之一波長轉換器。藉由這樣的替換,電路面積不僅維持不變且15-dB的比例頻寬也大幅提升至37.33%。

In order to save cost and make the device more portable, several size reduction techniques are developed in this dissertation. These techniques are then applied to implement compact and broadband planar transmission line to rectangular waveguide transitions, which include compact and broadband slotline-to-rectangular waveguide transition; compact and broadband coplanar waveguide-to-rectangular waveguide transition; compact and broadband microstrip line-to-rectangular waveguide transition. The simulation and measurement results of these transitions have demonstrated that compact and broadband transitions can be achieved at the same time.
In chapter 2, a broadband slotline-to-rectangular waveguide transition using a quarter-wavelength coplanar stripline is proposed. Furthermore, in order to miniaturize the proposed transition, a stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) is used in placement of the quarter-wavelength section in the transition. The resulting slotline-to-rectangular waveguide transition using the SIR not only greatly reduces the physical size but also maintains the broadband performance.
In chapter 3, a broadband CPW-to-rectangular waveguide transition using a quarter-wavelength slotline is proposed. Furthermore, in order to miniaturize the proposed transition, a miniaturized coplanar waveguide to rectangular waveguide transition using an inductance-compensated slotline is proposed.
In chapter 4, a microstrip line-to-rectangular waveguide transition using a quarter-wavelength broadside-coupled microstrip line is proposed. The proposed transition using the quarter-wavelength broadside-coupled microstrip line is compact but has 20.95% 15-dB fractional bandwidth, which could only cover part of the X-band. In order to enhance the bandwidth, a double-section quarter-wavelength broadside-coupled microstrip line, which is implemented with the capacitance-compensated broadside-coupled microstrip line, is adopted to replace the quarter-wavelength broadside-coupled microstrip line. The microstrip line-to-rectangular waveguide transition using the capacitance-compensated broadside-coupled microstrip line is both compact and wideband.

Chapter 1 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1 Motivation and Objective --------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 Literature Survey ------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1.3 Contributions ------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 1.4 Discourse Overview ---------------------------------------------------------- 7 Chapter 2 Miniaturization of Slotline to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Stepped-Impedance Resonator---------16 2.1 Slotline to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Quarter-wavelength Coplanar Stripline ------------------------------------ 17 2.1.1 Single Transition Design ---------------------------------------------- 17 2.1.2 Back-to-back Verification --------------------------------------------- 27 2.1.3 Discussions -------------------------------------------------------------- 31 2.2 Stepped-impedance Resonator ---------------------------------------------- 34 2.3 Slotline to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Stepped-impedance Resonator ---------------------------------------------- 37 2.3.1 Single Transition Design ---------------------------------------------- 37 2.3.2 Back-to-back Verification --------------------------------------------- 43 2.4 Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 Chapter 3 Miniaturization of Coplanar Waveguide to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Inductance-Compensated Slotline ------------------------------------------------------------- 47 3.1 Coplanar Waveguide to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Quarter-wavelength Slotline ------------------------------------------------ 48 3.1.1 Single Transition Design ---------------------------------------------- 48 3.1.2 Back-to-back Verification --------------------------------------------- 52 3.2 Inductance-compensated Slotline ------------------------------------------- 57 3.3 Coplanar Waveguide to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Inductance-compensated Slotline ------------------------------------------- 63 3.3.1 Single Transition Design ---------------------------------------------- 63 3.3.2 Back-to-back Verification --------------------------------------------- 64 3.4 Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 Chapter 4 Miniaturization of Microstrip Line to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Capacitance-Compensated Broadside-Coupled microstrip line -------------------------- 69 4.1 Microstrip Line to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Quarter-wavelength Transformer ------------------------------------------- 70 3.1.1 Single Transition Design ---------------------------------------------- 70 3.1.2 Back-to-back Verification --------------------------------------------- 73 4.2 Capacitance-compensated Microstrip Line -------------------------------- 76 4.3 Relationship between the Broadside-coupled Microstrip Line and the Microstrip Line ------------------------------------------------------ 80 4.4 Microstrip Line to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Using Capacitance-compensated Broadside-coupled Microstrip Line -------- 83 4.4.1 Single Transition Design ---------------------------------------------- 83 4.4.2 Back-to-back Verification ---------------------------------------------101 4.5 Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------------103 Chapter 5 Conclusions --------------------------------------------------------104 5.1 Summary---------------------------------------------------------------------- 104 5.2 Future Work-------------------------------------------------------------------106 References -----------------------------------------------------------------------107 Publication List ---------------------------------------------------------------- 111

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