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研究生: 孔繁瑋
Forn-Woei Koong
論文名稱: 豐富手沖咖啡體驗之器具設計
Product Design for Enriching the Experience of Pour-Over Coffee Making
指導教授: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
口試委員: 范振能
Jeng-Neng Fan
Ting-Yi Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 手沖咖啡體驗茶席儀式感美感體驗
外文關鍵詞: The Experience of Pour-over Coffee, Tea Site, Ritual, Aesthetic Experience
相關次數: 點閱:237下載:20
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  • 在第三波咖啡浪潮中,以熱水澆注在咖啡粉上的沖煮方式—「手沖咖啡」漸趨盛行。手沖咖啡步驟繁多也費時,但卻具有一種儀式感,能使人放鬆,也令人們得以放慢生活步調,並在其中獲得精神上的滿足。另外,手沖咖啡的展演性亦日漸提高,其體驗不只包含沖煮者的感受,觀賞者欣賞的體驗也是其中的一環。
      創作內容分別為:(1)「裝飾重量」,為咖啡豆秤,以插花的意象與咖啡豆秤重結合。(2)「溫度的氣味」,為溫度計,以花朵的形象設計溫度計,並以欣賞花朵的感受來閱讀溫度。(3)將兩件實體創作放入手沖咖啡流程中以創造新的手沖咖啡體驗—「Smell the Flower」。挪去沖煮環節中理性、冰冷的量化數字,透過器物之外觀,及沖煮者使用器物之肢體動態創造美的儀式感,強化儀式感本身給予參與者之精神感受外亦促成美感之體驗,期望藉此使沖煮者與觀者的手沖咖啡體驗得以更豐富、更有情趣。

    In the term of the third wave of coffee, there was a trend-setting fashion of streaming hot water over coffee grounds, called “Pour-over coffee”. Through numerous steps with steady breathing, the process of pouring coffee has been relaxing people and steering people to a slow-paced time zone, it builds a solid spiritual satisfaction with the sense of ritual. Moreover, pour-over coffee became a common performance in nowadays, the sensory experience of pouring coffee is not only for the barista but the audience as well.

    However, pour-over coffee could be a new filed of alternative science with wide coffee knowledge and measuring instrument controlled. Sometimes it takes the feeling of enjoying the process away from an ultimate scientific method. In stark contrast with the “Tea ceremony”, it didn’t develop on measuring, but seeking beauty with water, leaf, tea equipment, and atmosphere, is particular about connecting with sense and beauty. Pour-over coffee has its unrealized potential to become a craft with perceptual experience as the tea ceremony.

    Therefore, based on the influence of the third wave of coffee, the relationship between tea site and tea brewing experience of the tea ceremony, this thesis meant to explore how ritual-beauty immersed into applications from the perspective of industrial design. Then, formulate a design logic and style for two measuring product designs. Furthermore, create a new way for a pour-over coffee experience through two of the measuring design works.

    The concept has divided into three parts. (1) “The beauty of weight.” A coffee bean scale reflects an image of flower arrangement. (2) “The aroma of temperature.” A thermometer with flower-shaped, we read the number like a pose of flower viewing. (3) Creating a new pour-over coffee experience with two design works — “Smell the Flower”. This thesis aims to inspire people to find invisible ritual-beauty from the relationship between two creative designs and barista. Moreover, not only triggering a deeper connection with spirit and aesthetic emotions but also enriching the experience of pour-over coffee making.

    目錄 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 創作背景和動機 1 1.2 創作目的 2 1.3 創作流程與架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1咖啡浪潮與沖煮的展演化 5 2.1.1咖啡的三波浪潮 5 2.1.2 第三波咖啡浪潮中沖煮的展演化 6 2.2 茶藝 8 2.2.1茶藝概述 8 2.2.2茶席觀念 9 2.2.3茶席於泡茶體驗的影響 10 2.3 儀式感 11 2.3.1 行為至精神層面的儀式感 11 2.3.2 生活層面的儀式感 12 2.2.3 美的儀式感 13 2.3.4 美的儀式感應用於產品設計 15 2.4 結論 18 第三章 設計創作 19 3.1 創作概念與主題訂定 19 3.1.1 創作品項與流程 21 3.2 創作一:裝飾重量 23 3.2.1 草圖、概念發散與收斂 24 3.2.2 機構設計 28 3.2.3 草模製作與造型定案 30 3.2.4 原型製作 32 3.3 創作二:溫度的氣味 40 3.3.1 草圖、概念發散與收斂 40 3.3.2 機構設計 43 3.3.3 草模製作與造型定案 44 3.3.4 原型製作 48 3.4創作三:沖煮體驗設計—「Smell the Flower」,以影片呈現 54 3.4.1 影片定調與參考蒐集 54 3.4.2 腳本與分鏡規劃 57 3.4.3 拍攝成果 65 3.5 平面攝影成果 71 3.5.1 創作的個性描述與攝影風格定調 71 3.5.2 草圖與成果 72 第四章 實際沖煮體驗 76 4.1 測試者A 76 4.1.1 以往沖煮體驗 77 4.1.2 測試結果與感想 78 4.2 測試者B 81 4.2.1 以往沖煮體驗 81 4.2.2 測試結果與感想 82 4.3 測試者C 85 4.3.1 以往沖煮體驗 85 4.3.2 測試結果與感想 86 4.4 結論 89 第五章 總結 90 5.1 自我評述 90 5.2 結論 93 參考文獻 95


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