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研究生: 許慶武
Ching-Wun Hsu
論文名稱: 售後服務成本分攤模式應用作業基礎成本法之研究-以個案公司為例
A Case Study of Activity-Based Costing for Post-Sale Service Cost Analysis in ODM Company
指導教授: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
口試委員: 楊文鐸
Wen-Dwo Yang
Chao-hsiew Pan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 售後服務成本作業基礎成本制度
外文關鍵詞: Activity-Based Costing System, Post-Sale Service Cost
相關次數: 點閱:598下載:2
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  • 因售後服務成本資訊收集過程較複雜又有時間落差的問題以及採用傳統成本會計管理制度,導致未能快速且正確的掌握售後服務成本。作業基礎成本制度可以減少成本扭曲,讓管理者有更完整、正確的成本資訊來輔助釐訂競標價格與售後服務策略,有助於企業成本之控管、競價、爭取訂單與確保獲利。









    Due to the informations of post-sale service cost are still hard to be handled fast and accurately as a result of the high difficulty and complexity of gathering the related post-sale service information, timing lags, and the calculation of post-sale service based on traditional accounting system.
    The research is a case study of a Taiwan’s leading ODM’s company in IT industry to examine the suitability of the post-sale service cost allocation model based on ABC system. The research subjects are as below:

    1.Explore the application and the suitability of ABC system according to the actual activities of post-sale service to find out if ABC system is suitable for post-sale service activities.

    2.Compare the difference between traditional accounting system and ABC system as the important reference for the calculation and analysis of post-sale service cost.

    3.Establish the related activities dictionary according to the post-sale service activities and explore the cost drivers and analysis to be served as a reference for the similar businesses.

    After analyzing the difference between the traditional quantity-based costing system and ABC system in current post-sale service activities of the case study company, the research results indicate that:

    1.The ABC system is suitable for the case study company and is able to reflect post- sale service cost reasonably.

    2.The ABC system is able to analyze post-sale service cost accurately and provides the key to improve post-sale service activities.

    3.The post-sale service cost allocation model established by the research can be served as a reference for similar businesses to build the model.

    摘 要.............I ABSTRACT.........II 誌 謝..III 目 錄...IV 圖目錄...VI 表目錄...VII 第一章 緒論.......1 1.1 研究背景與動機.....1 1.2 研究目的....3 1.3 研究方法....3 1.4 研究限制........4 1.5 論文架構與流程.....5 第二章 文獻探討.......7 2.1 作業基礎成本制度之基本理論.......8 2.2 作業基礎成本制度之相關文獻......14 2.3 作業基礎成本制度之售後服務成本分攤模式...31 第三章 個案公司及其產業概況......35 3.1 個案公司概況.................35 3.1.1 個案公司之沿革與組織.......35 3.1.2 個案公司之經營理念與策略....39 3.1.3 個案公司之主要產品與製程....41 3.1.4 個案公司之營運概況.....42 3.1.5 個案公司之競爭利基.....47 3.2 個案公司之產業概況.......49 第四章 個案研究........53 4.1 現行售後服務流程及成本分攤方式..54 4.2 選取作業基礎成本制度的理由.......62 4.3 售後服務程序、作業、成本動因及成本標的之選定 63 4.3.1 確認資源項目及資源動因...65 4.3.2 確認作業項目及作業動因....72 4.3.3 將資源成本歸至作業......76 4.3.4 確立成本標的與作業成本動因...79 4.3.5 作業成本分攤至成本標的.......81 4.4 售後服務成本分析...............84 4.4.1 售後服務成本因素之分類.......84 4.4.2 售後服務成本分析......87 4.4.3 傳統售後服務成本與ABC售後服務成本之差異分析..88 4.5 改善售後服務作業之預期效益分析..90 第五章 結論與建議...93 5.1 研究結論......93 5.2 研究建議.......95 參考文獻........97 專有名詞........102

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