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研究生: 鄭群禾
Chun-ho Cheng
論文名稱: 稻殼灰為矽源的A型沸石合成研究
Utilizing Rice Husk Ash as Silicon Source to Synthesize Type A Zeolite
指導教授: 劉端祺
Tuan-Chi Liu
口試委員: 萬本儒
Ben-Zu Wan
Wei-Hung Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 稻殼灰沸石分子篩
外文關鍵詞: RHA, A Zeolite, molecular sieve
相關次數: 點閱:269下載:4
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以稻殼灰為矽源合成的A型沸石其結晶度可達80 %。合成的過程可分為誘導期、過渡期及成長期,本研究成功的推導一個數學關係式,可預測在不同合成時間及溫度下的結晶度。
經研究發現,以稻殼灰萃取液合成的A型沸石,其吸水率與結晶度成直線正比關係,吸水速率及最大吸水量在相對濕度為49-64 %之間不受濕度的影響。結晶度為80 %的A型沸石其最大吸水量為21 %,乾燥的A型沸石在相對濕度49 %下,僅需40分鐘吸水量即達飽和。
另研究以TEOS與矽酸鈉為矽源合成A型沸石並與以稻殼灰萃取液所合成的A型沸石進行比較,得到的結晶度分別為81.7 %(稻殼灰)、78.6 %(矽酸鈉)及26.5 %(TEOS)。以稻殼灰合成的A型沸石中有約11.5 %的氧化物雜質,其它二個矽源的產品則無。以稻殼灰為矽源所合成的A型沸石,其陽離子交換能力略低於以矽酸鈉所合成者,但遠大於以TEOS合成的A型沸石。由稻殼灰合成的A型沸石,其粒徑較大,約為以矽酸鈉所合成者大約3倍。

Taiwan produces about 300,000 tons of rice husk per year. Rice husk can be burned to supply heat. The ash from the burning contains significant amount of silica which makes the ash a valuable resource. Nevertheless, resource is often wasted by burying in the field. The purpose of this research is to develop a way of utilizing the rice husk ash (RHA) by extracting the silica from it and used silica to synthesize type-A zeolite.
Type-A zeolite has the highest ion-exchange capability among zeolites, and is also remarkable in capability in absorbing moisture. The greatest applications of type A zeolite is to use as an additive in detergent and as a drying reagent. The cation-exchange capability of type-A zeolite makes it especially suitable to solve environmental problems, such as removing harmful cations, including radio active cations, from waste water.
The contents of this studied can be classified into three parts, namely extracting silica from RHA and building a mathematical model for it, utilizing the extracted silica to synthesize type-A zeolite and examining the process of the synthesis, and finally, comparing the differences among the zeolites synthesized from different silicon sources (RHA, sodium silicate, and TEOS).
An extraction model based on shrinking core, first order reaction and second order reactivity decay was developed. The model can precisely predict the fraction of silica in RHA extracted with respect to extraction time and temperature.
The maximum crystallinity of the zeolite synthesized from RHA was found to be 80%. The crystallization process could be divided into three periods, the induction, the transition, and the crystal growth periods. A mathematical model was developed to describe the relation between the crystallinity and synthesis time at varied temperature.
This study revealed that moisture absorbing capability of the RHA-zeolite increased linearly with the crystallinity of the zeolites. Under the condition of 49-64% relative humidity, the rate and maximum of moisture absorption was not affected by the moisture. The maximum amount of moisture a RHA-zeolite could absorbed was about 21% of the weight of the zeolite, and it took about 40 minutes to reach the maximum under 49% relative humidity.
Other than RHA, this investigation also used TEOS and sodium silicate to synthesize type-A zeolite. The resulting zeolites were compared. The crystallinity of the zeolites synthesized from varied silicon source was found to be 81.7% (RHA), 78.6% (sodium silicate) and 26.5% (TEOS). In addition, the RHA-zeolite was found to contain 11.5% impurities, while the other two zeolites had none. The ion-exchange capability of RHA-zeolite was about the same as that of sodium-silicate-zeolite, and was far greater than that of TEOS-zeolite. The size of the RHA-zeolite was found to be 2.3 nm which was about 3 times larger than that of sodium-silicate-zeolite.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 3 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 稻殼 4 2.1.1 構造與物性 4 2.1.2 化學組成 5 2.1.3 高溫熱分解 6 2.1.4 矽的分布 9 2.2 稻殼灰 13 2.2.1 組成與特性 13 2.2.2 矽之型態 15 2.2.3 稻殼灰的應用與矽取得 18 燃燒法 19 溶液萃取法 19 2.3 沸石 20 2.3.1 簡介 20 2.3.2 結構 26 初級結構單元 27 次級結構單元 28 其他特殊結構單元 31 2.3.3 合成機制 36 固相轉換機制 36 液相轉換機制 38 2.3.4 影響合成的因素 40 第三章 實驗方法與設備 43 3.1 藥品與設備 43 3.1.1 藥品 43 3.1.2 儀器設備 44 3.2 實驗方法 45 3.2.1 稻殼灰中矽的萃取 45 3.2.2 A型沸石的合成 47 3.2.3 矽源的影響 48 3.2.4 陽離子交換容量(Cation exchange capacity, CEC) 49 3.2.5 實驗流程圖 50 3.3 儀器介紹 51 3.3.1 感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜儀(ICP-AES) 51 3.3.2 X光繞射儀(XRD) 51 3.3.3 熱重分析儀(TGA) 52 3.3.4 粒徑分析儀(PSA) 52 3.3.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM) 53 3.3.6 能量分散光譜儀(EDS) 53 第四章 結果與討論 54 4.1 稻殼灰與矽的萃取 54 4.1.1 稻殼的TGA分析 54 4.1.2 稻殼灰的成分及矽的萃取 55 4.1.3 萃取速率模式 59 4.2 以稻殼灰為矽源合成A型沸石 66 4.2.1 結晶速率分析 66 4.2.2 A型沸石的吸水性 72 4.2.3 A型沸石合成過程的外觀變化 75 4.2.4 A型沸石合成過程的粒徑變化 76 4.2.5 交換當量比與離子交換度 77 4.3 比較不同矽源合成的A型沸石 79 4.3.1 結晶度的差異 79 4.3.2 A型沸石組成的差異 79 4.3.3 沸石外觀的差異 82 4.3.4 沸石除濕能力的差異 83 4.3.5 沸石陽離子交換能力的差異 84 第五章 結論 86 第六章 參考文獻 88

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