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研究生: 黄慧娜
Wijaya - Diana
論文名稱: 印尼爪哇島雨水收集系統評估指標與區劃潛力之研究
The research of evaluation indicator and zoning potential of rainwater harvesting system in Java, Indonesia
指導教授: 鄭政利
Cheng-Li Cheng
口試委員: 蔡欣君
Lucky Shin-Jyun Tsaih
Chih-Hong Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 雨水收集系統評估指標
外文關鍵詞: rainwater harvesting system, evaluation indicator
相關次數: 點閱:402下載:12
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指導教授 : 鄭政利
畢業學生 : Diana Wijaya

由於乾淨水源的短缺,雨水收集系統一直都是被廣泛運用的替代方案,這個系統的最佳化使用率可以創造最大的效益,然而這個系統卻尚未在印尼盛行。本研究以印尼爪哇島的降雨數據做評估,藉此建立一套用於建築規劃中的雨水收集系統指標,一個可確立決策過程與量化評估方案的實用系統。本論文使用統計軟體對降雨數據進行分析與重新排列,此數據處理程序是基於台灣雨水收集系統的實際應用方法與經驗,藉由本評估指標可評估擬議中的建築設計,協助爪哇島中建築雨水收集系統利用率的優化。 本研究結果驗証了此評估指標可以依照不同地區的降雨特徵進行系統設計。

關鍵字 : 雨水收集系統、評估指標。

The research of evaluation indicator and zoning potential of rainwater harvesting system in Java, Indonesia

Thesis adviser: Cheng-Li Cheng
Graduate student: Diana Wijaya


Rainwater harvesting system has been widely used as an alternative solution to solve the insufficient access of clean water. The optimized utilization of this system creates maximum effectiveness. However, this system is still minimally practiced in Indonesia. In this research, the rainfall data are evaluated to create a rainwater harvesting system guideline for architectural planning in Java Island, Indonesia. This proposed system is a practical sytem to identify the decision-making process and assess the solution. Rainfall data are arranged and analyzed using statistical programs. The procedure of this methodology is based on the practical application of rainwater harvesting system in Taiwan. The evaluation indicator can be used to review the proposed design and achieve optimization of rainwater harvesting system utilization in Java. These results carry implication for the use of evaluation indicator to evaluate the system design based on each district's rainfall characteristic.

Keywords: rainwater harvesting system; evaluation indicator

Table of Contents Abstract i Table of Content ii List of Figures v List of Tables vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Literature Review 4 2.1. The development of Indonesia's green building rating system 4 2.2. The development of Taiwan's green building rating system 5 2.3. Water consumption in Indonesia 6 2.4. Regional rainfall level zoning and an evaluation indicator of rainwater harvesting systems in northern Taiwan 6 Chapter 3 Methodology 7 3.1. Sample areas 8 3.2. Rainfall data 8 3.3. Missing values 8 3.4. Cluster analysis 9 3.4.1.Hierarchical clustering 9 3.4.2.K-Means clustering 11 3.5. Principal component analysis 11 3.6. Procedure of Evaluation 12 Chapter 4 Areas Analysis 15 4.1. Banten and Jakarta 15 4.1.1. Initial rainfall level analysis 16 4.1.2. Optimum number of clusters 18 4.1.3. K-Means cluster 18 4.2. West Java 20 4.2.1. Initial rainfall level analysis 28 4.2.1. Optimum number of clusters 23 4.2.2. K-Means cluster 25 4.3. Central Java and Yogyakarta 27 4.3.1. Initial rainfall level analysis 28 4.3.2. Optimum number of clusters 30 4.3.3. K-Means cluster 31 4.4. East Java 35 4.4.1. Initial rainfall level analysis 35 4.4.2. Optimum number of clusters 37 4.4.3. K-Means cluster 40 Chapter 5 Results 43 5.1. Evaluation Indicator 43 5.1.1.Banten and Jakarta 43 5.1.2.West Java 44 5.1.3.Central Java and Yogyakarta 45 5.1.4.East Java 46 5.2. Potential of water savings 49 5.2.1.Java 49 5.3. Case study 52 5.3.1.Condition and Planning 52 5.3.2.Tap water replacement ratio 54 5.3.3.Discussion 55 Chapter 6 Conclusions 57 References 58 Appendix A 59 Appendix B 94   List of Figures Figure 1 Maps of Java, Indonesia 2 Figure 2 Areas analysis flow chart 8 Figure 3 Hierarchical cluster 11 Figure 4 Evaluation procedure flow chart 13 Figure 5 List of symbols and definitions used in evaluation procedure 14 Figure 6 Seasonal zones of Banten and Jakarta 16 Figure 7 Spatial distribution of average annual rainfall in Banten and Jakarta 17 Figure 8 Spatial distribution of rainfall probability in Banten and Jakarta 17 Figure 9 Hierarchical cluster of Banten and Jakarta 18 Figure 10 Map of Banten and Jakarta's cluster members 19 Figure 11 Seasonal zones of West Java 21 Figure 12 Spatial distribution of average annual rainfall in West Java 23 Figure 13 Spatial distribution of rainfall probability in West Java 23 Figure 14 Hierarchical cluster of West Java 24 Figure 15 Map of West Java's cluster members 19 Figure 16 Seasonal zones of Central Java and Yogyakarta 27 Figure 17 Spatial distribution of average annual rainfall in Central Java and Yogyakarta 29 Figure 18 Spatial distribution of rainfall probability in Central Java and Yogyakarta 30 Figure 19 Hierarchical cluster of Central Java and Yogyakarta 31 Figure 20 Map of Central Java and Yogyakarta's cluster members 32 Figure 21 Seasonal zones of East Java 35 Figure 22 Spatial distribution of average annual rainfall in East Java 37 Figure 23 Spatial distribution of rainfall probability in Banten East Java 37 Figure 24 Hierarchical cluster of East Java 39 Figure 25 The cluster membership of Java 40 Figure 26 Map of rainfall data in Java 48 Figure 27 The suggested cluster membership of Java 48 Figure 28 The potential map of Java 50 Figure 29 Master plan of Newton Residence Apartment 52 Figure 30 Typical Floor Plan of Newton Residence Apartment Tower A,B, and C 52 Figure 31 Typical Floor Plan of Low-Rise Residential 53 List of Tables Table 1 Estimated water consumption in Indonesia 6 Table 3 Average annual rainfall and rainfall probability in Banten and Jakarta 16 Table 3 Cluster members of Banten and Jakarta 19 Table 4 Number of observations in each cluster of Banten and Jakarta 20 Table 5 Iteration history of clustering in Banten and Jakarta 20 Table 6 Average annual rainfall and rainfall probability in West Java 22 Table 7 Cluster members of West Java 25 Table 8 Number of observations in each clusters of West Java 26 Table 9 Iteration history of clustering in West Java 26 Table 10 Average annual rainfall and rainfall probability in Central Java and Yogyakarta 28 Table 11 Cluster members of Central Java and Yogyakarta 32 Table 12 Number of observations in each cluster of Central Java and Yogyakarta 34 Table 13 Iteration history of clustering in Central Java and Yogyakarta 34 Table 14 Average annual rainfall and rainfall probability of East Java 35 Table 15 Cluster members of East Java 39 Table 16 Number of observations in each cluster of East Java 42 Table 17 Iteration history of clustering in East Java 42 Table 18 Proposed storage days of Banten and Jakarta 44 Table 19 Proposed storage days of West Java 44 Table 20 Proposed storage days of Central Java and Yogyakarta 45 Table 21 Proposed storage days East Java 46 Table 22 Total varianced explained in principal component analysis 50 Table 23 Variables and scores of rainwater utilization indicator 50 Table 24 Component score coefficient matrix 51 Table 25 Result of KMO and Bartlett's Test 52

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