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研究生: 陳梓瑄
Tzu-Hsuan Chen
論文名稱: 3D雷射掃瞄應用於商圈內部分析與衍生研究-以師大與東區商圈為例
The applications of 3D laser scan for the internal analysis and derivative research of Taipei business districts around the National Taiwan Normal University and the East District
指導教授: 施乃中
Naai-Jung Shih
口試委員: 王惠君
Huey-Jiun Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 194
中文關鍵詞: 電腦模型建構建築都市設計三維掃瞄現況資料商圈夜市攤販
外文關鍵詞: 3D computer modeling, architecture design, urban design, 3D scan, as-built data, circle, night market, street pedlars
相關次數: 點閱:657下載:0
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現況都市景觀數位資料庫建立之成果可作為跨部會整合用之共用數位都市景觀模型,3D 外觀之描述不僅可建立具體可量測變異之描述資料且跨領域較具公信力,並可視需求增刪。
本研究運用長距離3D 掃瞄器建立精確的都市數位景觀,以現況資訊為擷取對象,將都市建物立面、植栽綠地、開放空間等靜態景觀及人、車、物流路徑動態景觀掃瞄記錄、分析、比對,建構一外觀描述模型精度可達4mm 之都市資訊系統。

The research uses 3D laser scanner to record the 3D (Three-Dimensional) urban data and build based on former 3D scans of vertical and horizontal streets, this project will create the contents of “Digital City” gradually by scanning famous Taipei business districts near the streets as an extension from points, lines, to whole urban areas.
As-built urbanscape database can be shared cross government departments as a way to integrating related urban information. 3D scans of building facades, which are part of an integrated environmental database, are feasible for deformation measurement. As-built data also present the most updated spatial information which can be edited cross disciplines.
Finally, use mini laser scanner to integrate points by different software . Expression with simpler and recording variety of distinctive and characteristics street pedlars by the National Taiwan Normal University circle and the East District circle.
1.Taipei National Taiwan Normal University circle:
The record and illustration of “Alley Commercial Activities”
The interface between the circle and the National Taiwan Normal University Campus
The conflicts between the residential area and he commercial activities
The variation of alley facades
2.Taipei East District circle:
The presence of large department stores
Multi-level connections between business blocks
The construction and as-built scenes near main transportation (MRT) neighborhood facilities in east Taipei
Scans of street facades
The purpose of this study is to build-up precise digital urbanscape, based on as-built architectural, landscape, and urban forms using a 3D long range scanner. The urbanscape includes 1) static scenes contributed by building facades, plants, open spaces; and 2) dynamic scenes contributed by the circulations of human, vehicles, and objects. The contents of urbanscape will be retrieved by 3D long-range laser scanners and be analyzed afterward. The result is an information management system up to 4 mm precision level of geometries.
The main in Taipei East District circle is ground scanning, and the assist is height scanning. Taipei National Taiwan Normal University circle is reverse. The combine of this research is used to different ways to do it. In the last , the scan points data could analysis of ancient maps, cadastral maps, diagrams and analysis variety of data.
Keywords: 3D computer modeling, architecture design, urban design, 3D scan, as-built data, circle, night market, street pedlars

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XV 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 1 1.3 研究範圍 1 1.4 研究內容 2 1.5 研究流程 3 第2章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 雷射掃瞄技術與都市環境紀錄 4 2.1.1 雷射掃瞄儀技術 4 2.1.2 3D掃瞄應用 5 2.1.3 雷射掃瞄器 6 2.1.4 3D掃瞄器優點與使用原因 7 2.2 相關文獻回顧 8 2.2.1 3D掃瞄相關應用 8 2.2.2 夜市探討文獻 9 2.3 文獻回顧總結 19 2.3.1 敘述這些研究與本研究關連性 19 2.3.2 與本研究差異性 20 第3章 都市現況掃瞄操作 21 3.1 掃瞄範圍 21 3.1.1 師大商圈 22 3.1.2 東區商圈 22 3.2 使用設備介紹 24 3.2.1 3D雷射掃瞄器與輔助設備介紹 24 3.3 掃瞄程序 26 3.4 掃瞄計畫 29 3.4.1 初期掃瞄計畫 29 3.4.2 師大掃瞄計畫 33 3.4.3 東區掃瞄計畫 35 3.4.4 修正後的掃瞄計畫 36 3.4.5 掃瞄作業時間(以師大為例) 37 3.4.6 掃瞄過程的環境限制 40 3.5 點雲資料處理 44 3.5.1 數據分析 45 3.5.2 師大地區介面關係 48 3.6 掃瞄成果 50 第4章 點雲資料對比分析 52 4.1 商圈歷史 53 4.1.1 師大商圈 53 4.1.2 東區商圈 55 4.2 商圈在城市中的定位 56 4.2.1 師大商圈 56 4.2.2 東區商圈 61 4.3 地理空間變化演進 66 4.3.1 師大商圈 66 4.3.2 東區商圈 77 第5章 剖析師大、東區商圈點雲 84 5.1 點雲資料概述與分析 84 5.1.1 師大-文教住宅區「巷弄商圈」風貌之紀錄與呈現 85 5.1.2 東區-大型購物百貨風貌之紀錄與呈現 91 5.2 師大相關議題 93 5.2.1 商圈街道空間與師範大學校園介面掃瞄記錄 93 5.2.2 居住與商業空間衝突之辨識 95 5.2.3 沿街面之巷弄景觀改變記錄 99 5.3 東區相關議題 102 5.3.1 記錄-多層次商圈空間3D掃瞄 102 5.3.2 台北市東區重要轉運站周邊設施現狀或施工掃瞄記錄 108 5.3.3 重要幹道掃瞄 109 5.4 123D CATCH與地面點掃瞄的結合 118 5.4.1 123D catch 118 5.4.2 師大與123D catch的應用 119 5.4.3 東區與123D catch的應用 127 5.4.4 123D catch與Cyclone點雲檔師大商圈部分結合 131 5.4.5 小型掃瞄器應用 140 5.4.6 師大商圈高層分析 154 第6章 結論與建議 157 6.1 結論 157 6.2 研究限制 166 6.2.1 外在因素 166 6.2.2 內在因素 167 6.3 後續研究與建議 168 參考文獻 170

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