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研究生: 梅慧淑
Hui-shu Mei
論文名稱: 全球運籌觀點下之市場與產能配置–以FCCL材料供應商為例
Market and Capacity Allocation from the Perspective of Global Logistics– A Case Study of FCCL Material Supplier
指導教授: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
口試委員: 周碩彥
Shuo-yan Chou
Kung-jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 軟性銅箔基板軟性電路板海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議全球運籌自由貿易協定
外文關鍵詞: Flexible Copper Clad Laminate (FCCL), Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC), Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), Global Logistics, Free Trade Agreements (FTA)
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中國大陸地區早期因具備較低廉之勞工成本優勢,吸引全球許多資金、技術與人才投入大陸市場,促使大陸經濟更快速的發展。其中以台灣及香港所佔比重最高,合計市占率約為七成,其他如日本及美國,亦因境內生產成本過高,而將部分生產線移至中國大陸。隨著台灣電子產業西進大陸,原本的供應商也隨著到大投資設立新廠形成群聚效應。上游的軟性電路板廠(Flexible Printed Circuit; FPC)原本就是高人力需求的產業也在這趨勢下紛紛前往大陸設廠,主要集中在長三角及珠三角兩大區域。在這發展趨勢下,兩岸經貿活動越來越頻繁,許多台灣企業的產銷活動不斷穿梭於兩岸之間,使兩岸的物流活動蓬勃發。
在過去,低成本的非技術性勞工是決定工廠地點的主要因素。然而最近以來政治及經濟的力量也有著很大的影響,如匯率波動、區域貿易協定等。近年隨著政經環境的改變,中國大陸市場受人民幣升值,且尤其在勞動合同法實施後大陸地區勞工成本已不若以往低廉,亦逐步邁入高成本時代,且會持續上升。近年來全球也興起洽簽自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement; FTA),兩岸也簽訂了海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement; ECFA),簡稱兩岸經濟協議,自2012年1月1日有90%產品可享有零關稅,將有助於台灣的產品外銷到大陸地區,不同的貿易保護機制將影響到企業全球運籌的規劃。本研究將針對大中華區FPC上游最大的軟性銅箔基板(Flexible Copper Clad Laminate; FCCL)供廠商為例,探討如何規劃兩岸的運籌管理為本研究討論的議題。

In the early days, China had the advantage of low labour cost, and attracted global capital, technique, and human resource into the Chinese market, which led to promote the economy growth in China. Taiwan and Hong Kong had the highest proportion, about 70% of the market share. Others like Japan and the U.S. also had high domestic production costs; therefore, some parts of the production lines were moved to China as well.
In the results of Clustering Effect, following Taiwanese electronic technology industries moving to China, the original suppliers also invested new plants in China. Upstream industries such as the Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC), which require high demand of manpower, also followed this trend and relocated to China, mainly located in the regions of Chang Jiang Delta and Pearl River Delta. Under this development, the economic and trade activities are more frequent. There are many productions and marketing activities between Taiwan and China, hence the logistics became flourished.
In the past, low-cost unskilled labour was the major facto to determine the location of the factory. However, recent political and economical powers also have the great impact, such as exchange rate fluctuation, and regional trade agreements. With the change in political and environment in recent years, RMB appreciation and the implementation of Labour Contract Law, the labour costs in not as low as before. It has gradually entered high-cost ear and will continue rising.
Recently Free Trade Agreements (FTA) is also becoming popular worldwide. China and Taiwan has signed Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). From 1st January 2012, 90% of goods are customs duty-free, which will help Taiwanese goods to export to China. Different trade protection systems will affect to the global logistic planning of business. This study will take the largest Flexible Copper Clad Laminate (FCCL) supplier in upstream of FPC supply chain in Greater China Groups to discuss how to plan the logistics management for both sides of Taiwan and China.
This study applied single case research method to discuss the strategies with global logistic aspect and explore how the customs duties preferences will impact the cost calculation in different import method, and compare the time of shipping logistic from the production plant to the warehouse, then to consider if the capacity allocation needs to be re-planned and adjusted, therefore the business can reduce total operating costs and meet the efficiency of customer satisfaction.

摘要 i Abstract iii 誌謝 v 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 3 1.4 論文架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 供應鏈管理 5 2.2 全球運籌管理 9 2.3 自由貿易協定 12 2.4 印刷電路板及軟性電路板簡介 16 第三章 軟板產業分析與大陸台商及案例公司營運模式 20 3.1 軟板市場分析 20 3.2 軟板產業關聯架構圖 26 3.3 兩岸供應鏈及物流管理模式 27 3.4 兩岸倉儲管理模式–VMI倉 28 3.5 大陸關稅與稅賦奬勵 30 3.6 案例公司背景介紹 32 第四章 案例公司營運分析與運籌規劃 35 4.1 案例公司銷售市場分析 35 4.2 案例公司營運據點及產能配置 37 4.3 物流時間評估分析 39 4.4 大陸貿易進口稅務費用成本比較 42 4.5 兩岸分工之營運模式 47 第五章 結論與建議 48 5.1 研究結論 48 5.2 研究限制及後續研究建議 49 參考文獻 50

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