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研究生: 林譽宸
Yu-Chen Lin
論文名稱: 製備鈣鈦礦鈷鈦和鎳鈦混合氧化物擔載PtRu觸媒及其氫氣氧化反應及醇類氧化反應探討
Preparation of Perovskite Co-Ti and Ni-Ti mixed oxides for supporting PtRu for Hydrogen oxidation reaction and Alcohol oxidation reaction
指導教授: 林昇佃
Shawn.D Lin
口試委員: 林修正
Andrew.S Lin
Meng-Che Tsai
Min-Hsin Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 148
中文關鍵詞: 鈣鈦礦氫氣氧化反應CO耐受性甲醇氧化反應乙醇氧化反應
外文關鍵詞: Perovskite, Hydrogen oxidation reaction, CO tolerance, Methanol oxidation reaction, Ethanol oxidation reaction
相關次數: 點閱:425下載:3
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研究結果顯示經Sol-gel處理之NiTiO3-600、CoTiO3-600載體具有高比表面積特性,擔載PtRu觸媒其PtRu合金粒徑約(3~5)奈米,CO-Stripping分析顯示CO氧化起始電位接近於20Pt10Ru/C-JM商用觸媒,氫氣氧化反應(HOR)在純H2、250 ppm CO/H2環境下的旋轉圓盤電極分析,發現NiTiO3-600擔載PtRu觸媒具有比擬商用觸媒20Pt10Ru-C-JM良好的抗CO能力、氫氣氧化活性與穩定性。在甲醇氧化反應中,自製觸媒20Pt10Ru/NiTiO3-600、20Pt10Ru/CoTiO3-600正向峰電流與商用觸媒接近較接近的表現,而乙醇氧化反應中仍以商用觸媒具有較佳的活性。

We research the cobalt-titanium and nickel-titanium perovskite mixed oxide support was used to make PtRu catalyst as the anode of H2 fuel cell, and its hydrogen oxidation activity and alcohol oxidation reaction were analyzed. The conductivity of metal mixed oxide support is not as good as that of traditional carbon black support , but its potential advantage is higher stability than carbon black. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the non-probing carrier perovskite mixed oxide carrier anode reaction catalyst, improve the specific surface area, stability and CO tolerance of the catalyst, and prepare the titanium-containing cobalt-nickel perovskite mixture by the previous co-precipitation in the laboratory. Based on metal oxides (CoTiO3-1000, NiTiO3-1000), further test the influence of preparation parameters on the catalyst. The parameters tested include: different calcination temperatures, different ratios of platinum and ruthenium, and understanding the possible roles of each component in the catalyst , and their effects on electrochemical reaction characteristics and resistance to CO poisoning.
The research results show that the NiTiO3-600 and CoTiO3-600 carriers treated with Sol-gel have high specific surface area characteristics. The onset potential is close to that of the 20Pt10Ru/C-JM commercial catalyst. The hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) analysis of the rotating disk electrode in the environment of pure H2 and 250 ppm CO/H2 shows that the NiTiO3-600 supported PtRu catalyst has a better performance than the commercial catalyst. The medium 20Pt10Ru-C-JM has good anti-CO ability, hydrogen oxidation activity and stability. In the methanol oxidation reaction, the forward peak currents of the self-made catalysts 20Pt10Ru/NiTiO3-600 and 20Pt10Ru/CoTiO3-600 are close to those of the commercial catalysts, while the commercial catalysts still have better activity in the ethanol oxidation reaction.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 第1章 、緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2文獻回顧 3 1.2.1質子交換薄膜燃料電池(PEMFC) 4 1.2.2直接甲醇燃料電池(DMFC) 5直接甲醇燃料電池反應機制 6 1.2.3直接乙醇燃料電池(DEFC) 10直接乙醇燃料電池陽極觸媒特性 10直接乙醇燃料電池反應機制 12 1.3觸媒載體開發及活性金屬介紹 14 1.3.1 Pt金屬觸媒 14二元合金觸媒 14多元合金觸媒 16 1.3.2碳載體觸媒 17 1.3.3金屬氧化物載體 18氧化鈦(Titanium oxides、TiOx) 20氧化釕(Rutherium oxides、RuOx) 24鈣鈦礦結構(Pervoskite,ABO3) 24 1.4 研究動機 28 第2章 、研究設備與方法 29 2.1研究架構 29 2.2實驗藥品與設備 29 2.2.1實驗藥品與氣體 29 2.2.2實驗設備 30 2.3觸媒載體製備方法 32 2.3.1溶液凝膠法(Sol-gel)改良CoTiO3(或NiTiO3)載體 32 2.4乙二醇熱注射還原法擔載PtRu金屬觸媒 33 2.4.1製備20wt%Pt-10wt%Ru、30wt%Pt-15wt%Ru、40wt%Pt-20wt%Ru 33 2.5材料鑑定方法 34 2.5.1 X光繞射分析(XRD) 34 2.5.2表面積與孔隙度測定儀(BET) 35 2.5.3掃描式電子顯微鏡-能量散射光譜儀(SEM-EDS) 36 2.5.4感應耦合電漿原子放射光譜儀(ICP) 37 2.5.5 X光吸收光譜(XANES) 37 2.6電化學分析方法 39 2.6.1薄膜電極的製備 39 2.6.2可逆氫電極(RHE)製作 40 2.6.3循環伏安法 40 2.6.4 CO電催化氧化分析(CO-Stripping) 40 2.6.5甲醇電催化氧化分析 41 2.6.6乙醇電催化氧化分析 41 2.6.7氫氣氧化反應之陽極測試條件(HOR-pure H2 HOR-250ppm CO/H2) 41 2.6.8電化學活性面表面積CO/H比例計算 42 2.6.9塔弗方程式(Tafel equation) 43 2.6.10氫氣氧化之分析方法 44 第3章 、結果與討論 46 3.1高比表面積CoTiO3、NiTiO3鈣鈦礦載體製備與擔載PtRu觸媒 46 3.1.1載體與觸媒特性分析 47 XRD分析 47氮氣等溫吸/脫附分析及孔徑分析 55材料之形貌及組成分析 62 CoTiO3-600載體擔載PtRu製成觸媒Co-K edge 之XANES圖譜 71 NiTiO3-600載體擔載PtRu製成觸媒Ni-K edge 之XANES圖譜 73 鈣鈦礦載體擔載PtRu製成觸媒Pt-L3 edge之XANES圖譜 75 3.1.2 CoTiO3、NiTiO3擔載 PtRu觸媒之電化學反應特性分析 78觸媒之循環伏安法分析 78觸媒之CO氧化脫除分析 82鈣鈦礦載體擔載PtRu觸媒之氫氣氧化反應分析 87 3.2擔載Pt-Ru金屬製成觸媒應用於醇類電化學反應特性分析 97 3.2.1不同載體擔載PtRu於甲醇氧化電活性探討 97 3.2.2不同載體擔載PtRu於乙醇氧化電活性探討 102 第4章、結論 107 參考文獻 109 附錄A 116 附錄B 氫氣氧化動力學數據處理 117 附錄C SEM EDX-元素分析圖 130 附錄D 甲醇、乙醇不同圈數下峰電流值變化 132

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