簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳庭芳
Ting-Fang Chen
論文名稱: 電子商務中間商品牌代運經營模式18個月蛻變計劃-以A公司為例
E-Commerce Intermediary Brand Representing Agent’s Operation Business Model: 18-Months Transformation Plan - The Case of A Company
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 陳崇文
Chung-Wen Chen
Chun-Nan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: 波特五力組織變革敏捷管理期待理論
外文關鍵詞: Porter five forces analysis, Organizational Change, Agile Management, Expectancy Theory
相關次數: 點閱:387下載:0
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本論文以哈佛式個案撰寫的方式,包括本文與教學指引手冊兩部分。通過導師的引導,依據個案公司的發展情況,引領學員探討如何運用 波特五力、組織變革、敏捷管理、期待理論,並精益求精持續改善個案公司內部管理,期望本個案論文可做為存在相似問題企業的經營參考。
關鍵字: 波特五力、組織變革、敏捷管理、期待理論

The development of technology has driven the transformation of the retail industry. The process of transformation has led to increasing economies of scale and the emergence of new players. From traditional grocery stores to chain stores, large-scale retailers, convenience stores, department stores, and more, the industry has moved from physical channels to virtual channels. The development of virtual channels has given rise to various business models such as B2C, B2B2C, C2C, and B2B, along with the integration of online and offline channels. With the rise of social media, new forms of live streaming/group buying shopping have also emerged, causing changes in consumer behavior and presenting unprecedented challenges for brand manufacturers that traditionally focused on product development and marketing. The evolution of retail channels has facilitated the reconfiguration of the value chain, and playing a crucial role between brands and channels has always been the goal of intermediaries. Traditional distributors and agents have always been unable to gain control or expand their scale due to inventory and capital pressures, while the retail industry has continued to advance. Whether the brand agency operation model of the new generation of e-commerce intermediaries can reverse the situation is worth observing, perhaps even more so than the competition among channels. Since 20, the COVID-19 pandemic has driven exponential growth in e-commerce performance, an explosion in orders, and the warehouses and logistics are completely unable to keep up with the speed, while employee morale has declined due to internal and external challenges. In addition, the collaborative brands have been affected by factors such as the disruption of brand supply chains due to lockdowns and the continuous increase in channel costs. These are the issues that need to be resolved in this case.
This thesis is written in the Harvard case writing style and consists of two parts: the main text and the instructional guide. Through the guidance of the instructor, students are led to explore how to apply business models, organizational transformation, agile management, and expectancy theory to continuously improve internal management in accordance with the development of the case company. It is expected that this case study can serve as a reference for the management of similar companies facing similar problems.

Keywords: Porter five forces analysis, Organizational Change, Agile Management, Expectancy Theory.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝IV 目錄V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 壹、個案本文 1 一、 開場白 1 二、 零售產業介紹與市場現況說明 2 (一)零售市場現況: 5 (二)零售業的贏家必需具備下列能力 5 三、本個案公司介紹 6 (一)個案公司背景介紹 6 (二) 個案公司延革與經營成效介紹 6 四、本個案面對的挑戰 10 五、建立「看見房間裡的大象」擁抱問題、看見希望的競爭力 15 (一)組織再造, 重新組合最適組織 15 (二)精實的管理思維、建立敏捷式(agile)管理 17 六、討論問題 23 貳、教學手冊 24 一、個案總覽 24 二、個案分析層次及Takeaways 24 三、教學目標與適用課程 25 四 、個案人物介紹 26 五、學員課前準備 27 六、學員的問題討論 27 七 、教學目標與學習目的 28 (一)教學目標一: 組織變革之探討(Organizational Change) 28 (二)教學目標二: 波特五力 31 (三)教學目標三: 敏捷式專案(Agile) 34 (四)教學目標四: 期待理論 35 參考文獻 38 一、中文文獻: 38 二、英文文獻 38

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