簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 杜雅筑
Ya-Jhu Du
論文名稱: 雙臂操作步行輔具專利佈局與技術發展之研究
The study of Patent Portfolio and Technology Development on Walking Aids
指導教授: 耿筠
Yun Ken
口試委員: 耿筠
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 醫療器材雙臂操作步行輔具專利分析技術功效矩陣圖
外文關鍵詞: Medical device, walking aids, Patent analysis, Technical-function matrix
相關次數: 點閱:1212下載:8
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  • 近年受到高齡化社會趨勢,促使全球對於輔具研發的重視度提升,有鑑於輔助行走與降低跌倒風險是老年人的基本需求,故本研究以雙臂操作步行輔具為主題進行專利分析,以了解雙臂操作步行輔具的整體與技術發展趨勢,協助我國輔具廠商進行產品研發的參考,提升治療師對新產品技術的掌握度。


    分析結果經整彙整如以下五點:(1)雙臂操作步行輔具研發投入呈上升趨勢,美國為最主要的技術領導國,其次為加拿大與台灣;(2)已進入我國市場,且研發能量強的國際大廠為Evolution Technologies、Drive Medical以及Invacare公司;(3)雙臂操作步行輔具核心發展項目,為可便於攜帶的折收結構;近五年才備受關注的研發項目為電力驅動系統;(4)我國的研發重點方向,著重於剎車系統的部件改良,以達到結構的強化、提升操作安全性與簡化操作的功效;(5)我國尚未投入研發的項目中,可直接進入且侵害風險低的技術功效區塊有35個,需積極跟進的新興技術功效區塊有19個。

    Along with the trend of aging society within these years, spur various countries on to improve the level of importance in assistive devices. Considering assistive for personal mobility and a lower risk of falling is the basic need for elderly people. Therefore, this research aims to conduct patent analysis in walking aids manipulated by both arms. Moreover, in order to familiarize the general patent trend of walking aids manipulated by both arms enable to assist Taiwanese assistive device manufacturers to proceed the reference of product research, to escalate physiatrist to master the new product and technical.

    This research is based on data acquired from patent database of USPTO. The overall development trend includes the analysis of application, countries, assignees, legal status and patent family and so on. In order to understand the degree of competition, technology strength and the strategy of patent application. As for the technology development trend involves the whole, recent years, Taiwan and invalid analysis of technology-function matrix. In order to discuss technology development of popular domains and white spaces.

    The results of analysis are as follows: (1) there is an increase trend in the research and development of walking aids manipulated by both arms. The leading country is United States, the following countries are Canada and Taiwan. (2) international companies are already entered Taiwan market. Moreover, high technology strength international companies include Evolution Technologies, Drive Medical and Invacare. (3) The core development items of walking aids manipulated by both arms is portable folding function. Power drive system is concerned as research and development items within five years. (4) Taiwanese research and development item majorly focus on break system and improvement of break system in order to strengthen structure, increase operational safety and simplify operational efficacy. (5) Taiwan does not develop technology-function items such as low risk of infringement of paten right include 35 items. In addition, there are 19 items need to actively expand in new technology-function items.

    誌謝 I 摘要 III ABSTRACT V 目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 7 1.3 研究目的 9 1.4 章節概要 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 2.1 雙臂操作步行輔具相關文獻 11 2.2 專利分析相關文獻 17 第三章 資料分析 23 3.1 資料分析流程 23 3.1.1 檢索範疇確定 23 3.1.2 資料庫選擇 24 3.1.3 關鍵字選擇 25 3.1.4 擬定檢索式 25 3.1.5 驗證檢索式 30 3.1.6 專利資訊彙整 31 3.1.7 技術功效歸類 31 3.2 資料分析限制 33 第四章 分析結果 35 4.1 整體趨勢分析 35 4.1.1 歷年趨勢分析 35 4.1.2 主要國家別分析 36 4.1.3 主要專利權人分析 38 4.1.4 主要專利權人產品發展 39 4.1.5 我國上市產品製造商比對 42 4.1.6 分類號分析 45 4.1.7 國際布局狀況分析 47 4.1.8 法律狀態分析 48 4.1.9 重點專利分析 49 4.2 技術趨勢分析 53 4.2.1 技術定義 53 4.2.2 功效定義 55 4.2.3 整體技術功效矩陣分析 56 4.2.4 我國技術功效矩陣分析 57 4.2.5 失效技術功效矩陣分析 59 4.2.6 近年技術功效矩陣分析 61 第五章 結論 65 5.1 專利分析結論 65 5.2 未來研究建議 68 文獻參考 69

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