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研究生: 林夢玲
Bang-Ling Lim
論文名稱: 人際信任理論性構念之研究
A Study of the Interpersonal Trust Theoretical Construct
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-wei Cheng
口試委員: 劉念琪
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 145
中文關鍵詞: 人際信任經濟性產出社會性產出制度型信任情感型信任認知型信任
外文關鍵詞: Social Outcomes, Interpersonal Trust, Institution-based Trust, Cognition-based Trust, Affect-based Trust, Economic Outcomes
相關次數: 點閱:1027下載:0
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This study bases on the methodology of constructive realism to propose a theoretical construct of interpersonal trust. This study includes four parts: the characteristics, the forms, the antecedents, and the outcomes of interpersonal trust. First, the characteristics of interpersonal trust are interdependence, psychological contract, risk, goodwill, rational dimension and affective dimension. Next, three forms of interpersonal trust are identified, which are cognition-based, affect-based, and institution-based trust. The antecedents that influence these three forms of trust are “benefits, competence, integrity & social similarity”, “benevolence & mutual sentiment” and “laws and regulation, formal institutions, shared understanding & informal institutions” accordingly. Then, the outcomes of interpersonal trust are divided into social and economic outcomes, and the economic outcomes will be actualized only through the social outcomes. Five propositions based on the theoretical model of interpersonal trust and implications for future research are presented.

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................1 1.1 Research Background..........................................................................................1 1.1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................1 1.1.2 Interpersonal Trust - Creation of Social Moral Integrity and Prosperity .........3 1.2 Research Boundary..............................................................................................4 1.3 Interpretation of the Scientific Idea of the Research Approach...........................5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................7 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................7 2.2 The Definition of Interpersonal Trust.................................................................7 2.2.1 The Static Definition of Interpersonal Trust ...................................................7 2.2.2 The Dynamic Definition of Interpersonal Trust..............................................8 2.2.3 The Shortcomings of Static and Dynamic Definition of Interpersonal Trust .9 2.3 The Characteristics of Interpersonal Trust ......................................................10 2.3.1 Interdependence ............................................................................................10 2.3.2 Psychological Contract..................................................................................10 2.3.3 Risk................................................................................................................ 11 2.3.4 Goodwill........................................................................................................ 11 2.3.5 Rational Dimension........................................................................................12 2.3.6 Affective Dimension .....................................................................................12 2.4 The Conclusion of Definition and Characteristics of Interpersonal Trust and Development of Proposition ...................................................................................13 2.4.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................13 2.4.2 The Development of Proposition of Characteristics of Interpersonal Trust .14 2.5 The Forms of Interpersonal Trust.....................................................................15 2.5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................15 2.5.2 The Definition of The Forms of Interpersonal Trust.....................................17 2.6 The Conclusion of Forms of Interpersonal Trust and Development of Proposition ............................................................................................................19 2.6.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................19 2.6.2 The Development of Proposition of Forms of Interpersonal Trust...............19 2.7 The Antecedents of Interpersonal Trust ..........................................................20 2.7.1 The Antecedents related to Trustee – the Credible Evidence .....................20 2.7.2 The Antecedents related to Trustor – the Tendency of Saneness ...............25 2.8 The Conclusion of Antecedents of Interpersonal Trust and Development of Proposition .............................................................................................................27 2.8.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................27 2.8.2 The Development of Proposition of Antecedents of Interpersonal Trust .....28 II 2.9 The Outcomes of Interpersonal Trust..............................................................30 2.9.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................30 2.9.2 Social Outcomes............................................................................................30 2.9.3 Economic Outcomes .....................................................................................32 2.10 The Conclusion of Outcomes of Interpersonal Trust and Development of Proposition ............................................................................................................33 2.10.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................33 2.10.2 The Development of Proposition of Outcomes of Interpersonal Trust........34 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................................35 3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................35 3.2 The Flow Chart of Research.............................................................................35 3.3 The Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Research..............................37 3.3.1 Qualitative Research .....................................................................................37 3.3.2 Quantitative Research ...................................................................................37 3.3.3 The Comparisons of Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research..........38 3.3.4 Sub-conclusion..............................................................................................40 3.4 The Evolution of Qualitative Research ............................................................40 3.4.1 The Traditional Period...................................................................................40 3.4.2 The Modernist Phase.....................................................................................41 3.4.3 The Blurred Genres .......................................................................................41 3.4.4 The Crisis of Representation .........................................................................42 3.4.5 The Present Moment .....................................................................................42 3.5 The Definition of Qualitative Research.............................................................42 3.5.1 Fryer (1991)...................................................................................................43 3.5.2 Nelson (1992)................................................................................................43 3.5.3 Denzin & Lincoln (1994) ..............................................................................43 3.5.4 Jannifer Mason (1996) ..................................................................................44 3.5.5 Creswell (1998) .............................................................................................44 3.5.6 Lin Shu-Ying (1991) .....................................................................................44 3.5.7 Ju Mei-Jen (1992)..........................................................................................45 3.5.8 Hwang Jenq-Jye (1998).................................................................................45 3.6 The Studies of Main Steps of Qualitative Research .........................................45 3.6.1 The Collection of Data ..................................................................................47 3.6.2 The Analysis of Data.....................................................................................48 3.6.3 Sub-conclusion..............................................................................................49 3.7 The Design of Research Method .....................................................................52 III CHAPTER FOUR RESEARCH RESULT..............................................................54 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Overall Questionnaires ..............................................54 4.2 The Analysis of Result of ‘The Characteristics of Interpersonal Trust’ .....57 4.2.1 The Analysis of Result of ‘Interdependence’...........................................57 4.2.2 The Analysis of Result of ‘Psychological Contract’ ................................58 4.2.3 The Analysis of Result of ‘Risk’ .............................................................60 4.2.4 The Analysis of Result of ‘Goodwill’ ......................................................61 4.2.5 The Analysis of Result of ‘Rational Dimension’ .....................................62 4.2.6 The Analysis of Result of ‘Affective Dimension’....................................64 4.3 The Analysis of Result of ‘The Forms of Interpersonal Trust’ ..................65 4.3.1 The Analysis of Result of ‘Cognition-based Trust’..................................66 4.3.2 The Analysis of Result of ‘Affect-based Trust’........................................69 4.3.3 The Analysis of Result of ‘Institution-based Trust’ .................................70 4.4 The Analysis of Result of ‘The Credible Evidences of Trustee’ ................72 4.4.1 The Analysis of Result of ‘Cognition-based Antecedents’ ......................73 4.4.2 The Analysis of Result of ‘Affect-based Antecedents’ ...........................76 4.4.3 The Analysis of Result of ‘Institution-based Antecedents’......................77 4.5 The Analysis of Result of ‘The Tendency of Saneness of Trustor’............77 4.5.1 The Analysis of Result of ‘Perception of Risk’........................................78 4.5.2 The Analysis of Result of ‘Perception of Goodwill’................................79 4.5.3 The Analysis of Result of ‘Tendency of Trust’ .......................................81 4.6 The Analysis of Result of ‘The Outcomes of Interpersonal Trust’ ............83 4.6.1 The Analysis of Result of ‘Social Outcomes’ .........................................83 4.6.2 The Analysis of Result of ‘Economic Outcomes’....................................88 CHAPTER FIVE RESEARCH CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................92 5.1 The Construction of Interpersonal Trust Theory ..............................................92 5.2 Research Contribution.......................................................................................94 5.3 An Idea for Managing and Monitoring.............................................................94 5.4 The Limitation of Research................................................................................96 5.5 The Suggestion for Future Research .................................................................96 5.6 Conclusion.........................................................................................................97 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................98 Chinese References..................................................................................................98 English References .............................................................................................................100 APPENDIX.............................................................................................................107

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