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研究生: 陳朝鈺
論文名稱: 企業核心能力與經營模式之研究-以工業電腦為研究對象
Core Competence and Operation Model Research:Use an Industrial PC Company as an Example
指導教授: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
口試委員: 紀佳芬
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 工業電腦核心能力經營模式
外文關鍵詞: Industrial PC, core competence, business models
相關次數: 點閱:238下載:6
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報


In later of 2007, Financial Storm was induced by refinancing of house. It not only impact to the finance industry but also to all industries. This impact, indeed, is a good chance to exam solidness of enterprise operations. We may and should take this exam as feedback of operation and review overall operation to improve weakness, enhance and augment existing core competence.
This research is based on Fabia Tech Corporation, an Industrial PC company, as research target. The author, an employee of Fabia Tech, is able to understand core competence and review details of business models of operations. Applying existing innovation map, this research try to understand if her core competence and operation model could be competitive. Furthermore, employed future innovation map, the research try to discover customers’ new value and meanwhile the organization also try to relocate key resources and improve process to build innovation competence. With new-build competence, operation efficiency can be enhanced and new operation model can be built. As the result, a new operation model can be formed and can be improved.
In this research, we find the company is a technical-oriented company, and customers requirements are: providing industrial specifications for controller. Customers’ new value requirements are: customer-oriented industrial spec. quality controller with user friendly interface. This mean the company is switch from technical-oriented company to customer-service-oriented company. The customer-service-oriented switch need software, value-added process and modulization design and manufacturing to solve current issues. We can shorten development time via software, modulization and value-added process. In addition, we can understand

customer requirements and potential needs via doing so. With limited resources allocation, we provide such services for top 20 or new customers.
Employed modulization design and manufacturing to replace customization products will enable to do semi-module in design and production for partial of product and the rest can do customization as build-to-order basis. As the result, inventory can be reduced.

中文摘要 Ⅲ 英文摘要 VII 誌  謝 Ⅵ 圖索引 VII 表索引 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 第三章 產業分析 31 第一節 分析模式 31 第二節 議題的產生 33 第三節 資料的來源 34 第四節 產業變數 40 第五節 策略研擬 43 第六節 戰術擬定與執行 44 第四章 個案研究 45 第一節 工業電腦產業概述 45 第二節 個案公司簡介—函數科技股份有限公司 47 第三節 函數產品線之產品生命週期分析 62 第四節 函數公司的產業價值鏈分析 64 第五節 以創新地圖來分析 66 第五章 結論與建議 72 第一節 結論 72 第二節 建議 76 參考文獻 77

一、 中文部份
1. 馬克•強森Mark W.Johnson、克雷頓•克里斯 生Clayton M.Christensen、孔翰寧Henning Kagermann(2008),商業模式再創新,HBR,December 2008哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版
2. 資策會「贏在未來—產業分析的12堂課」
3. 勇於創新 (Winning Through Innovation) ,周旭華譯,天下文化。
4. 創新的原點 (How to Grew When Markets Don’t) ,Adrian Slywotzky and Richard Wise合著,洪瑞璘譯,數位時代。
5. 價值創新管理講義,梁瓊如教授著,國立台灣科技大學財金所。
6. 核心競爭力講義,梁瓊如教授著,國立台灣科技大學財金所。
7. 產業分析講義,詹文男教授著,資策會產業情報研究所所長。
8. 碩士論文參考,趙煥光,國立台灣科技大學九十五年度管理研究所EMBA碩士。
9. 資策會資訊市場情報中心,MIC產業研究報告,資策會 (2006) ,http://mic.iii.org.tw。
10. 策略九說:策略思考的本質﹒吳思華(2000)﹒台北市:臉譜文化出版﹒
11. 研華股份有限公司網頁,http://www.advantech.com.tw。
12. 創新與創業雜誌 期數:HBR012 出刋日期:2007年8月號 另闢成長蹊徑

二、 英文部份
1. Adner, Ron (2006) ,”Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem”, Harvard Business Review,vol.84, No4,pp.101
2. Geoffrey A.Moore(2004)“The old Innovation Stategy”, Harvard Business Review (August 2004) .

3. Philip Kotler (2003) , A Frame Work for Marketing Management, Second Edition.

4. Scott D.Anthony (2006) , “Mapping Your Innovation Stategy”, Harvard Business Review (May 2006) .

5. Fernando Suarez(2005),“The Half-Truth of First-Mover Advantage”, Harvard Business Review (April 2005) .

6. Thomke, Stefan , Hippel , Eric Von (2002) ,”Customers as Innovators: A New Way to Create Value”,Harvard Business Review,vol.80, No4,pp.76

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