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研究生: 黃毓舜
Yu-Shun Huang
論文名稱: 整合GIS,BIM和Facility的基礎資訊平台應用於都市管理的執行策略
An integrated GIS, BIM, and Facility infrastructure information platform designed for city management
指導教授: 施宣光
Shen-Guan Shih
口試委員: 高宗正
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 189
中文關鍵詞: 地理資訊系統建築資訊模型建築設施
外文關鍵詞: GIS, BIM, Facility Management
相關次數: 點閱:639下載:0
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資料整合是都市邁向數位治理的基礎工作。本文以政府機關推動數位化都市管理的論點,研究如何從制度、策略、執行與系統開發四個面向提出一個數位發展藍圖架構,並提供政府部門推動建築數位資訊料應用的可執行的方法。建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling,簡稱BIM)的Industry Foundation Classes(簡稱IFC)資料應用是本文討論的核心議題,以IFC與COBie建置基礎資訊平台使其成為都市管理永續發展的資訊骨幹。
在GIS和BIM資料整合,以地籍圖、地形圖、土地使用分區圖三項基本圖說建立3D的基礎資訊平台,在BIM模型的建築執照作業樣版,導入TWD97座標系統(含X,Y,Z軸)於模型專案資訊欄位,使建築基地與資訊平台上的地籍圖的座標可以進行連結。藉由3D Web的資訊操作介面,讓建築師可以將建築物設計的基本資料上傳資訊平台,作為智慧城市永續發展的重要媒介。

Data integration is an infrastructure work towards digital governance for cities development. The thesis discusses the digital city management from the government’s perspective and establishes a framework of digital development in four aspects including institution, strategy, execution, and system development. It also proposes a roadmap and an implementation method for digital data integration. The application of the Building Information Model (BIM) is the main topic discussed in this study. The IFC data format is adopted to connect the geographic information of the external environment and the maintenance- d ata of the facilities and equipment of the internal space in the building, The infrastructure information platform can be the backbone of sustainable information development of urban management.
The infrastructure information platform is a common data environment (CDE), which includes an urban management database, an IFC object parameter database, and a geographic information database. The thesis takes the experience of the digital system development promoted by the Taipei City government and the New Taipei City government as an example. The IFC and COBie standards are introduced as open data formats to establish an automated data connection method between GIS, BIM, and facility data.
Integrating GIS and BIM data, the 3D infrastructure information platform is established with cadastral maps, topographic maps, and land use zoning maps, the three important maps utilized in urban management. In the BIM model template, this research imports the TWD97 coordinate system (including X, Y, Z-axis) into the model project information. Thus, the coordinates of the building site and the cadastral map can be linked on the information platform. The platform provides the 3D Web operation interface. Architects can submit BIM model to the platform. Based on this mechanism, it can assist the smart city policy for sustainable development.
The thesis adopts the IFC and COBie standards to integrate BIM and facility data into the common data environment. Thus, the building model and the MEP models can be integrated with the same coordinate system. This research, besides, discusses property management with IfcSpace, IfcObject, and IfcSenerType that can define the space and the object data successfully. By this method, it can bridge the gap between the 2D building plan and MEP plan.
One of the significant contributions of this research is to establish an automatic data verification mechanism. Via the semantic analysis method of IFD, the keyword of each parameterizable law can be marked, and the logical dependencies (e.g. the direct and indirect relationship) can be recognized. These analytical results are the base for developing rules checking program. The rules-checking program can be divided into four types.
In the system development aspect, the rules checking system can assist the reviewer to increase the data accuracy in the building permitting process. If architects use this system well, they can reduce the manpower for correcting the area values of various drawings. In the institutional aspect, it makes possible the paperless and digital applications for the building permit. In the strategic aspect, it encourages the construction industry to learn new BIM technology, raising work efficiency. In the strategic aspect, it establishes an interactive mechanism for the government agencies and the industry and provides basic data for urban development. the mechanism between government agencies and industry and provides basic data for urban development.

第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究範圍 2 1.2.1都市建築管理藍圖 2 1.2.2資訊轉型計畫 4 第三節 研究方法 6 第四節 研究課題 8 第二章 文獻回顧 13 第一節GIS應用 13 2.1.1都市管理基礎圖資調查 13 2.1.2都市計畫書圖分類 21 2.1.3 GIS與BIM交換標準 22 第二節BIM應用 25 2.2.1 IFC架構 25 2.2.2法規檢測 47 第三節 設施維護管理應用 60 2.3.1 COBie交換標準 60 2.3.2維護管理資料 63 第三章 研究方法:基礎資訊平台架構 69 第一節 都市管理資料庫 70 3.1.1基礎圖資應用 70 3.1.2圖說交換標準 72 3.1.3土管與建築法規 74 3.1.4外部調查與監測數據 75 第二節 參數資料庫 76 3.2.1 物件資料集 77 3.2.2 屬性資料集 83 第三節 地理資訊資料庫 90 3.3.1 2D到3D圖資轉換 90 3.3.2 平台功能 91 第四章 研究成果:執行策略介紹 93 第一節 3D GIS資訊平台整合策略 93 4.1.1 GIS和BIM坐標資料協調 94 4.1.2 2D地圖轉換為3D圖形引擎 95 4.1.3 3D Web的資訊操作界面 97 第二節 BIM和設施數據整合策略 98 4.2.1 BIM和設施數據集成 98 4.2.2 IFC和COBie數據交換 102 第三節 資料驗證策略 104 4.3.1 模型視圖定義 104 4.3.2編輯法規物件和屬性分析 108 4.3.3編輯建築物審查IDM 111 4.3.4建立法規輔助查核系統 113 第五章 成果討論 123 第一節 都市管理共同資訊平台 123 5.1.1全市資訊骨幹 123 5.1.2共同資料庫 126 5.1.3系統成效 129 5.1.4研究限制 130 第二節 研究之貢獻 134 5.2.1制度面向 134 5.2.2策略面向 135 5.2.3執行面向 139 5.2.4系統開發面向 144 第六章 結論與建議 147 第一節 結論 147 第二節 建議 150 參考文獻 151 附錄 157 附錄一:基本名詞 157 附錄二:建造執照資料庫欄位與IFC對應分析 158 附錄三:新北市建造執照建築師簽證案件抽查審核表(104年版) 168 附錄四:法規檢測運算類型 169

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五 網址
https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC2x3/FINAL/HTML/ifckernel/lexical/ifcproject.htm (date:2021/06/25)
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