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研究生: 張翊祥
Yi-Hsiang Chang
論文名稱: 具雙路徑頻率補償技術與緩啟動功能之積體化降壓型轉換器
Dual-Path Frequency Compensation Technique and Soft-Start Mechanism for Integrated Buck Converters
指導教授: 羅有綱
Yu-Kang Lo
Huang-Jen Chiu
Pang-Jung Liu
口試委員: 馬紅波
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 補償電容電容放大直流-直流轉換器暫態響應
外文關鍵詞: Compensation capacitor, capacitor multiplier, dc-dc converters, transient response
相關次數: 點閱:367下載:5
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本轉換器使用TSMC 0.35 μm 2P4M CMOS製程來實現,晶片面積為1.780×1.977 mm2,輸入電壓5 V而輸出電壓3.3 V,外接電感與電容分別為4.7 μH與10 μF,切換頻率則是1 MHz。與其他參考文獻相比,雙路徑電容放大技術能將所需的補償電容值縮小百倍,且當負載電流由50 mA變化至500 mA時,轉換器回復時間小於18 μs。緩啟動電路則有效抑制浪湧電流與過充電壓。

This thesis presents a dual-path frequency compensation technique and implements the technique in a dc-dc converter. This compensation technique uses two currents, whose directions are reversed, to simultaneously charge and discharge the compensation capacitor of the error amplifier. This method not only has capacitor multiplier effect, but also improves the transient response of the dc-dc converter. This thesis also introduces a novel soft-start circuit that uses a signal to control a charging current value into the capacitor of the soft-start circuit. As a result, the voltage reference of the error amplifier increases slowly as a stair-case signal to prevent inrush current and output voltage overshoot during the start-up period. Both of two techniques have capacitor multiplier effect, so the compensation capacitor and soft-start capacitor are easy to be integrated into on-chip. Therefore, it leads to a reduction in external components.
This converter had been fabricated with TSMC 0.35-μm 2P4M CMOS process, and its chip size is 1.173×1.146 mm2. The input voltage is 5 V and the output voltage is 3.3 V. The off-chip inductance and capacitance are 4.7 μH and 10 μF, respectively. The switching frequency is 1 MHz. To compare with other references, the value of compensation capacitor can be reduced by hundred times with dual-path frequency compensation technique and the transient recovery time of the dc-dc converter is less than 18 μs for the load current changing between 50 mA and 500 mA.

摘 要i Abstractii 目 錄iii 圖目錄v 表目錄viii 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究背景1 1.2 研究動機1 1.3 論文概述3 第二章 雙路徑頻率補償技術4 2.1 補償技術之討論4 2.2 雙路徑電路與緩啟動分析9 第三章 降壓型轉換器之設計與實現13 3.1 系統架構13 3.2 雙路徑電路14 3.3 緩啟動電路15 3.4 鋸齒波產生器17 3.5 電感電流偵測器19 3.6 斜率補償器20 3.7 遲滯比較器23 3.8 具空白時間緩衝器25 第四章 模擬結果28 4.1 暫態響應28 4.2 緩啟動模擬35 4.3 輸出電壓漣波39 4.4 電源調節率39 4.5 負載調節率40 4.6 效率41 第五章 晶片量測結果43 5.1 晶片佈局圖與腳位配置43 5.2 量測考量48 5.3 量測結果49 5.4 文獻比較表與討論51 第六章 結論與未來展望52 參考文獻53

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