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研究生: 王志皓
Chih-Hao - Wang
論文名稱: 應用愉悅性導引的諷刺產品設計於環境污染議題
The Application of Pleasure Oriented Satire Product Design to the Issues of Environmental Pollution
指導教授: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
口試委員: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
Jeng-Neng Fan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 愉悅情感黑色幽默諷刺性設計
外文關鍵詞: pleasurable emotion, black humor, satire design
相關次數: 點閱:403下載:3
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本創作的目的,在於增加情感設計的價值,讓傳遞情感的同時,也能透過功能的操作、啟發的傳達,去解決鎖定的問題點及傳達意義給使用者。首先,需要了解鎖定的愉悅幽默情感,討論要如何將不同的情感重點結合在一起;而後,收集相關的情感設計案例,分析並歸納出情感元素重點,統整出一套適合的設計流程;最後,應用統整的情感重點,去進行設計創作。本創作以一系列三件作品,來表現複數的情感結合,並且透過愉悅感吸引,再進行諷刺感的傳達,來啟發使用者:以空氣污染為議題的保濕水缸設計-「熊世界(Bear World)」;以垃圾污染為議題的桌上型垃圾桶設計-「垃天翁(Happy Albatross)」;以水資源污染為議題的食用油分裝瓶設計-「油體(Oil Body)」。透過這三件作品,去探討如何讓情感設計的價值,獲得更多的提升,及如何結合並平衡不同的情感元素,希望能嘗試更多不同的情感結合,提供給想嘗試此創作方向的設計師,有更多不同的靈感來源。

In today’s consumer market, different elements of emotional design are constantly embodied on products because of consumer demands. Products were mostly emphasized on functions in previous era. Nowadays it is signified by emotional communication, affective improvement and sentimental expression, which depict s the importance of visceral demands. Because of the depressed emotional state in current society, this work tried to bring about emotional products that could influence users by conveying pleasurable sensations and promoting product values. The main function was to communicate enjoyable affection and the added functional value could also be accomplished by application method and problem solving. The major issue of this work was to attract users to use products and evoked a sense of pleasure while improving addressed social problems.
The purpose of this work was to increase the value of emotional design by emotional transition, functional operation and inspirational communication to solve addressed problems and to communicate meaning to users. Firstly, it was necessary to understand intended pleasure and humor, and to discuss the method of combining different emotional priorities. Subsequently, relevant examples of emotional design were collected and key emotional elements were analyzed and concluded to establish a suitable design process. Finally, the established pivotal emotions were applied to final design works. There was a series of three works to present multiple emotional combinations and users could be inspired by pleasurable attraction and satire communication. The first was a humidifier with a concern on air pollution: Bear World. The second was a desktop trash bin with a concern on garbage pollution: Happy Albatross. The third was an oil dispenser with a concern on water pollution: Oil Body. By the three designs, this work tried to explore how to further improve the value of emotional design, and how to combine and balance different emotional elements. It was hoped that the attempt and result of combining more emotions in this work could provide interested designers with more inspirations.

論文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 圖表索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1 創作背景 1 創作動機 2 創作目的 3 創作架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 7 愉悅 7 愉悅性理論 7 愉悅導引的研究 7 幽默 8 幽默商品定義 8 幽默創造力 9 幽默商品的感受歷程 10 黑色幽默 10 壓力 12 壓力的定義 12 壓力反應 13 諷刺 14 諷刺的定義 14 諷刺的目的 14 環境議題 15 環境污染類型 15 水資源污染 16 空氣污染 17 廢棄物污染 18 應用愉悅性導引的作品案例 18 Suck UK 18 25togo Design 19 Mark Jenkins 20 Piano Stairs 22 The World’s Deepest Bin 23 Bang! 24 Domsai 25 Animal Stool 25 Eneloop 療癒燈 26 應用諷刺手法的作品案例 27 Mushroom Lamp 27 BBQ Tray 28 一個和平的炸彈 29 家具雞蛋糕 30 血肉真皮包 31 Last Season 32 Hanno Yskoud Uhuru 概念包裝 33 Larsen C 34 Unusual Chair 35 Polluted 36 信任橡皮擦 37 Reactive Particle Pollution Shirt 38 應用複數情感的作品案例 39 槍梳 39 Plastic Land 40 Toxic Tuna 40 Chalk 2.5 41 Suspicious Fires 42 小結 43 第三章 創作方法 45 設計案例分析歸納 45 設計創作方法 50 第四章 設計成果 51 初期概念討論 51 熊世界(Bear World) 54 設計理念 54 設計脈絡 55 設計草圖與3D 建模 55 成品製作過程 57 成果呈現 61 垃天翁(Happy Albatross) 65 設計理念 65 設計脈絡 65 設計草圖與3D 建模 66 成品製作過程 69 成果呈現 73 油體(Oil Body) 78 設計理念 78 設計脈絡 79 設計草圖與3D 建模 79 成品製作過程 81 成果呈現 86 第五章 結論與建議 92 作品自我評述 92 熊世界(Bear World)評述 92 垃天翁(Happy Albatross)評述 92 油體(Oil Body)評述 93 結論 93 後續創作建議 94 參考文獻 96

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