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Author: 黎美秀
Thesis Title: 以端粒保護及細胞自嗜為基礎之逆齡營養學探討
Reverse Aging Diet Study base on telomere protection and cell autophagy
Advisor: 梁瓊如
Liang, Chiung-Ju
Committee: 彭雲宏
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Graduation Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Pages: 95
Keywords (in Chinese): 端粒端粒酶低碳減醣細胞自嗜胰島素抗阻間歇性斷食
Keywords (in other languages): Telomeres, Telomerase, Low-carbohydrate diets, Autophagy, Insulin Resistance, Intermittent Fasting
Reference times: Clicks: 315Downloads: 0
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隨著教育的提升及醫療的普及,透過網路各種知識的取得也很容易,已經有越來越多人對健康有所警覺,想要對自己的健康進行改善。 其中外型是最容易被看見,肥胖會影響著個人的自信心和社交,各種專家也告訴大家許多疾病是因為肥胖而產生,因此,減重成為大多數人第一優先想要做的健康改善。網路上有各種減重的方式和知識,有些可能短期達成,但如果不是順從身體機能的做法,很難長期維持,甚至反向影響身體健康。

From the overall perspective of the social environment, the emergence of modern
civilized illness is already a trend. The birth rate of the new generation is getting lower and lower, the life expectancy of the prime-age generation is getting longer and longer, and the three leading long-term diseases of high blood lipids, hypertension, and high blood sugar derived diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia and many other illnesses are the primary causes of the long-term care pressure of an unhealthy senior generation.
With the improvement of education and the popularization of medical care, it is
easy to obtain various knowledge through the Internet, and more and more people are
alert to their health conditions and want to improve their health. Among them, the
outward appearance is the most easily observed, obesity will affect personal selfconfidence and social interaction, various experts have also informed that many
diseases are caused by obesity, therefore, weight loss has become the first priority for most people when it comes to health improvement. There are various ways and
knowledge of weight loss on the Internet, some of which may be achieved in a short
amount of time, but if it is not a practice that observes the bodily functions, then it is difficult to maintain results for a long time, and may even cause adverse health affect.
This study, from the needs of cells, the smallest units of the body, and the research
of two Nobel Prize winners - the discovery of telomerase and the operation of cell
ephilia, sorted out the metabolic cooperation with the body that can be performed for a
long time, so that the body may maintain a healthy state.
III To maintain physical health and function, the most important thing is still choosing the right body energy. Best way is starting from a correct diet with the right choice of food. Do not rush to reduce the intake amount, but rather absorb the correct category of food. The first step is to reduce sugar and carbohydrates intake in order to reduce insulin resistance. The second step is to choose the correct oil so that you can gradually reduce the diet quantity but not feeling hungry. The third step is intermittent fasting, which activates cell self-effluence and prolongs the healthy life of telomeres. Weight loss is only a process of self-regulation of the body before the restoration of health, and becoming younger is also the obvious result of the purification of the body, and ultimately the long-term purpose of prolonging healthy life.

摘要 ............................................................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. II 誌謝 ......................................................................................................................................... IV 圖目錄 .................................................................................................................................... VII 表目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... IX 第壹章 緒論 .......................................................................................................................... 1 第一節 研究背景及動機........................................................................................ 1 第二節 研究目的.................................................................................................... 2 第三節 研究方法.................................................................................................... 3 一、 文獻探討 ............................................................................................................. 3 二、 理論應用 ............................................................................................................. 4 三、 個案分析與經驗探討 ......................................................................................... 4 第貳章 文獻探討 .................................................................................................................. 5 第一節 細胞的壽命與端粒.................................................................................... 5 一、 細胞分裂的海富利克極限 ................................................................................. 5 二、 端粒Telomeres 研究的起源 .............................................................................. 6 三、 使端粒復元的酵素-端粒酶(TELOMERASE)的發現 ................................ 10 四、 端粒與健康的關係 ........................................................................................... 12 第二節 細胞自嗜autophagy ................................................................................ 14 一、 細胞自嗜的定義 ............................................................................................... 14 二、 細胞自噬的研究歷程 ....................................................................................... 14 三、 細胞自噬對人體的影響 ................................................................................... 17 第參章 細胞健康與老化 .................................................................................................... 19 第一節 老化的定義.............................................................................................. 19 一、 生理年齡與實際年齡 ....................................................................................... 19 二、 逆轉老化 ........................................................................................................... 21 三、 端粒與老化 ....................................................................................................... 23 第二節 代謝症候群與肥胖.................................................................................. 25 一、 代謝症候群與肥胖 ........................................................................................... 25 二、 碳水化合物-胰島素模型 .................................................................................. 27 VI 三、 胰島素的作用 ................................................................................................... 30 四、 胰島素抗阻 ....................................................................................................... 32 第肆章 先減後加的逆齡營養學 ........................................................................................ 35 第一節 降低體內發炎-減少醣類攝取 ...................................................................... 35 一、 碳水化合物 ....................................................................................................... 35 二、 升糖指數(Glycemic Index) .......................................................................... 37 三、 高碳飲食對身體的影響 ................................................................................... 39 第二節 提供身體能量-增加好的脂肪 ................................................................ 44 一、 脂肪的分類 ....................................................................................................... 44 二、 對膽固醇的誤會 ............................................................................................... 47 三、 低脂與高脂 ....................................................................................................... 49 第三節 體內環保-間接性斷食 ............................................................................ 51 一、 間接性斷食的定義 ........................................................................................... 51 二、 間接性斷食對身體的影響 ............................................................................... 52 三、 啟動細胞自嗜 ................................................................................................... 54 第伍章 個案分析與經驗探討 ............................................................................................ 58 第一節 證實低碳高脂有效的實驗...................................................................... 58 第二節 低碳水飲食的生活經驗.......................................................................... 62 第三節 計畫的維持.............................................................................................. 64 第四節 社團減重逆齡成功個案一-自律與堅持的王先生 ................................ 68 第五節 社團減重逆齡成功個案二-脂肪肝消失的郭先生 ................................ 71 第六節 社團減重逆齡成功個案三-抗癌成功的黎先生 .................................... 73 第陸章 結論 ........................................................................................................................ 75 第一節 研究結論.................................................................................................. 75 第二節 研究建議與商模...................................................................................... 76 參考文獻 ................................................................................................................................. 77

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