簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王培紘
Pei-Hung Wang
論文名稱: 高齡獨居者在地老化之服務模式
The Service Model of Aging in Place for Solitary Elderly
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 鄭金典
Jin-Dean Cheng
Wen-Hsiang Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 在地老化服務模式高齡者心智模型設計社會設計
外文關鍵詞: Solitary Elderly, Design of Mental model, Long-term Service
相關次數: 點閱:363下載:8
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  • 臺灣社會人口趨勢已邁入少子化與高齡化,在家庭結構與社會結構產生質變下,引發獨居長者獨自過世於家中悲劇,政府基於促進社會福利進步與國家價值昇華過程,提倡去機構化落實在地老化生活模式,長照政策推動中政府與民眾間,信息交流頻率與鏈結強弱儼然成為重要關鍵,因次,本研究目的為瞭解信息交流之資訊傳遞缺口,探討符合年長者資訊接收模式,分別以傳統行銷手法,及即時通訊平台群組溝通網絡密度優勢,創造傳遞價值資訊鍊結長照服務模式。
    藉由探討年長者取得資訊之心智模型分析及質化研究過程,得知最符合獨居長者獲得長照服務資訊方式兩大重點:1. 非網路式傳遞長照服務模式、2. 網路式傳遞長照服務模式,從社會設計共創設計過程中取得模型設計依據,規劃網路與非網路傳遞之長照服務模式,然而社會設計伴隨著永續議題的討論及社會鍊結啟動,為顧及受眾輪廓不同者,以人為本的設計目標改善社會上更多人的生活質量,重要研究成果歸納如下:
    (1) 長照服務資訊傳遞方式的缺口,提出以網路與非網路傳遞兩種方案;
    (2) 長照服務資訊傳遞路徑分別為,傳統在地化行銷手法及群眾效益即時通訊平台置入行銷;
    (3) 藉由圖式化失能程度自評表初步判斷尋求長照服務項目及服務對應接口;
    (4) 模型設計原型以「概念設計流程」為基礎架構協助年長者思考使用;
    (5) 給予政府單位建議,社會設計執行計劃過程中,應納入更多利害關係者共同參與過程,才能使政策運作永續化福利貼近人性化需求。


    The World Health Organization announced that any country with the population of 7% of 65years or older are considered as an “ Aging Society”, 14% or higher will be regard as an “ Aged Society” and if it goes as high as 20%, it will be termed as a “ Super Aged Society”. Taiwan Ministry of Interior has officially announce that Taiwan today is an “ Aged Society” ( 2018) withholding the 14% benchmark of a population of 65 years old.
    The Taiwan government has since started many initiatives to boost fertility rate, those efforts has not been paid off. Taiwan birth rate 1.13, are the third lowest in the world. The family structure has changed, providers of the family will grow less.
    The Taiwan government has fell to the need to develop a robust Long Term Care Plan to formulate a policy that are sustainable, healthy, accessible, interdependent and engaging. It has been on-going since and it has transformed itself to a newer version, the Long Term Care Plan 2.0. This plan also has it faults of functionality. The massive amount of information uploaded to the websites by the government are over flowing with informations, that might not be helpful to most people.
    The purpose of this research report is to analyze the informations exchange between the government body with the elderly population, based on their initiatives to care for the elder population in Taiwan. At the same time, it is also to find out how much of an understanding of the elderly to the information delivered by the government as well as the effectiveness of it. The evidence of the research of how elderly receive information are through model analysis and qualitative research.
    Based on the research methods, there are two most profound platforms , namely; Long Term Care Plan via Internet and Long Term Care Plan non internet. Both platform need to adopt to the model design that contains social design and co-create design process. This is to plan a long-term care service model of network and non-network transmission.
    Social design will discuss issues of sustainable social links based on insights input from different audience personas and profiles.
    The summarization of the research findings are stated below.
    1. The gap betwwen the government and the elderly for information delivery of the long-term care services via internet and non internet platforms.
    2. The long-term care service information deliver through traditional localization marketing method by using mass messaging platform.
    3. To seek self assessments and judgement of user experience by using the interfaces for services in the system.
    4. To create a design prototype (concept design) for the elderly to enhance their user experience for information accessing. This is to aid elderly to a better understanding on how to access the informations.
    5. The findings and designs will be used as a recommendation to the local government so that more stakeholders will be included into the design process. This will assist the plan of creating a better welfare system in reaching the aging society in Taiwan.

    Keywords: Aging in place, Solitary Elderly, Service model, Design of Mental model, Social Design, Long-term Service.

    摘要---ii Abstract---iii 誌謝---v 目錄---vi 圖表索引---ix 第一章 緒論---1 1.1研究背景---1 1.2研究動機---3 1.3研究目的---7 1.4研究範圍與限制---7 1.5研究架構---10 第二章 文獻探討---12 2.1在地老化概念---12 2.2高齡者心智模式與人格---13 2.3服務設計Service Design---14 2.4服務模式Service Model---16 2.5在地老化對高齡友善環境的定義---21 2.6長照服務模式原型---22 第三章 研究方法---27 3.1研究設計---28 3.1.1.質化研究---28 3.1.2.深層訪談法---28 3.1.3.參與式觀察---29 3.2現況訪談---30 3.2.1訪談基礎---30 3.2.2.受訪者---33 3.3質化研究資料歸納分析---34 3.4設計規劃驗證---37 第四章 研究成果與分析---39 4.1前期研究訪談及觀察發現---39 4.1.1.訪談內容---41 4.1.2.訪談結果---41 4.2訪談所得小結---54 4.2.1.觀察法實施---55 4.2.2.觀察結果---55 4.2.3.觀察所得小結---58 4.2.4.訪談與觀察所得---58 4.3服務模式規劃---59 4.3.1.心智模型圖繪製---61 4.3.2.利害關係人地圖分析---68 4.3.3.工作坊共創設計---69 4.4服務模式設計---84 第五章 結論與建議---97 5.1.研究結論---97 5.2.後續研究與建議---100 參考文獻---102 附錄A:訪談邀請函(範例)---109

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