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研究生: 陳祈仰
Chi-Yang Chen
論文名稱: 二硒化鎢層狀半導體電傳輸特性與過渡金屬硫屬化合物析氫與析氧反應研究
Electronic transport in WSe2 Layered Semiconductors and Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
指導教授: 趙良君
Liang-Chiun Chao 
Cheng-Maw Chen
口試委員: 趙良君
Liang-Chiun Chao 
Cheng-Maw Chen
Kuei-Yi Lee
Li-Chyong Chen
Cheng-Maw Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 二硒化鎢層狀半導體電傳輸特性過渡金屬硫屬化合物析氫反應析氧反應
外文關鍵詞: WSe2, Layered Semiconductor, Electronic transport, Transition Metal Dichalcogenide, Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Oxygen Evolution Reaction
相關次數: 點閱:518下載:0
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目錄 中文摘要......................................................................................................I Abstract.......................................................................................................II 致謝...........................................................................................................III 目錄...........................................................................................................IV 圖目錄 .....................................................................................................VI 表目錄 .....................................................................................................IX 第一章 緒論...........................................................................................1 1.1二硒化鎢層狀半導體電傳輸特性研究背景.......................................1 1.1.1 層狀晶體之二維奈米材料.......................................................2 1.1.2 過渡金屬硫屬化合物...............................................................4 1.1.3 過度金屬硫屬化合物表面載子聚集.......................................7 1.2過渡金屬硫屬化合物析氫與析氧反應研究背景...............................9 1.2.1 氫能源發展...............................................................................9 1.2.2 產氫與產氧技術.......................................................................8 1.2.3 燃料電池..................................................................................10 第二章 樣品介紹......................................................................................12 2.1 晶體成長.............................................................................................12 2.2 二硒化鎢晶體結構與基本特性 ......................................................14 2.3 二硫化鉬、二硒化鉬與二硫化鎢晶體結構與基本特性................17 第三章 實驗方法.....................................................................................19 3.1二硒化鎢層狀晶體檢測.....................................................................19 3.1.1 拉曼光譜儀 (Raman Spectrometer)……………...................19 3.1.2 X光繞射術(X-ray Diffraction, XRD) ....................................22 3.1.3 雙束型聚焦離子束系統 (Dual-Beam Focused Ion Beam, DB-FIB) ...............................................................................26 3.1.4原子力顯微術 (Atomic Force Microscopy, AFM)................29 3.1.4角度解析光電子能譜(Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, ARPES) .........................................................32 3.2 二硫化鉬層狀半導體元件製作........................................................35 3.2.1 基板製作.................................................................................35 3.2.2 二維層狀奈米薄片(nanosheets) ............................................36 3.2.3電子蒸鍍機(e-beam)氧化保護層蒸鍍....................................38 3.2.4 奈米元件製作.........................................................................39 3.3 元件之暗電導量測...........................................................................43 3.3.1 電流對電壓量測(current-voltage measurement, I-V measurement) ................................................................43 3.3.2 溫度變化之電性量測 (temperature-dependent measurement) ...................................45 3.3.3金氧半場效應電晶體量測(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor measurement, MOSFET measurement)………………………....................................47 3.4過渡金屬硫屬化合物析氫與析氧反應樣品製備與量測.......49 3.4.1 電化學量測樣品製備.............................................................49 3.4.2 氮電漿參雜樣品製備.............................................................50 3.5電化學反應與量測............................................................................53 3.5.1 電解水反應............................................................................53 3.5.2 析氫反應................................................................................54 3.5.3 析氧反應................................................................................56 3.5.4 三極式電化學分析系統........................................................58 3.5.5 HER線性掃描伏安法(Linear Sweep Voltammetry, LSV)量測.............................................................................60 3.5.6 OER線性掃描伏安法(Linear Sweep Voltammetry, LSV)量測.............................................................................62 3.5.7參考電極(Reference electrode)之間的電極轉換………......64 第四章 結果與討論................................................................................66 4.1二硒化鎢層狀半導體電傳輸特性....................................................66 4.1.1晶體形貌與結構分析...............................................................66 4.1.2 WSe2狀半導體元件................................................................70 4.1.3 WSe2奈米結構暗電導............................................................72 4.1.4 電導率厚度相依特性..............................................................77 4.1.5 變溫電導率與活化能量測......................................................80 4.1.6 金氧半場效應電晶體量測......................................................83 4.1.7 由ARPES證實表面電子聚集................................................87 4.1.8 WSe2奈米結構本質電導率量測..............................................91 4.2 TMD層狀單晶析氫與析氧反應........................................................94 4.2.1 MoS2表面電子聚集效應之析氫反應效率探討.....................94 4.2.2 MoSe2表面電子聚集效應之析氫反應效率探討..................100 4.2.3 表面熱處理於MoSe2析氫反應效率探討...........................103 4.2.4 氮電漿轟擊MoSe2表面之析氫反應...................................105 4.2.5 MoSe2與MoS2表面電子聚集效應之析氫反應比較……..108 4.2.6 MoSe2析氫反應比較............................................................109 4.2.7 WS2表面電動聚集效應之析氧反應.....................................112 4.2.8 表面熱處理於WS2析氫反應...............................................115 4.2.9 氮電漿轟擊MoSe2表面之析氫反應...................................116 第五章 結論...........................................................................................118 參考文獻.................................................................................................119

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