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研究生: 黃冠豪
Kuan-hao Huang
論文名稱: 包裝造形設計之情緒維度與ERP研究
A Study on Emotion Dimensions and Event-Related Potential Evoked by Packaging Shapes
指導教授: 王韋堯
Regina W.Y. Wang
口試委員: 宋同正
Tung-Jung Sung
Yi-Shin Deng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 情緒維度抽象化比例包裝造形事件相關電位
外文關鍵詞: emotion dimensions, abstract, proportion, packaging shapes, event-related potentials
相關次數: 點閱:240下載:5
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(4)綜合比較「包裝瓶造形設計趨勢調查」與「情緒維度調查」結果發現:目前設計師對於個人清潔用品包裝瓶的設計主流思維是「1:2 / 造形抽象」,能迎合一般消費大眾的偏好。不過真正能引起消費者正面情緒和高購買慾望的是「1:3 / 造形抽象」。設計師的設計考量偏中性、大眾化,使包裝瓶造形之間的差異性小。消費者的認知上,則是較偏好購買差異性更大的包裝。整體來看,設計師的設計考量與消費者購買慾望成正相關。


In this study, we are discussing the subject of “shape designs in packagings”, and exploring the relations among “emotion dimension”, “buying desire”, and “event-related potentials”. The purposes of the study are (1) to find out the design trend on “proportion” and “abstract” of bottle packagings of personal cleansing products, through the collection of such bottle packaging samples; (2) to find out by means of survey the influence of “proportion” and “abstract” design of bottle packagings on consumer’s emotion dimensions like “valence”, “arousal”, and “buying desire”; (3) to find out by means of experiment the influence of “proportion” and “abstract” design of bottle packagings on the amplitude of consumer’s “ERP”; (4) to comprehensively explore the relationship between “design trend” of bottle packagings and consumer’s cognition for “emotion dimensions” as well as between that and “buying desire”; (5) to comprehensively explore the consistency between consumer’s mental “emotion dimensions” and physiological reaction of “ERP”. This study is divided into three stages: (a) A trend survey of shape design for bottle packagings. (b) A survey of emotion dimensions”. (c) ERP experiment. We found in the study that:
(1)After referring to previous documents and the trend survey of designs, proportions of bottle packagings can be divided into “1:1, 1:2, and 1:3”, and abstract into “rendering graphic, graphic symbology, and abstract symbology”. Among them, “1:2” combined with “abstract symbology” is the main stream of design at the present day. Its presentation is in a neutral, simple, and popular style. “1:1” combined with “abstract symbology” and “1:3” combined with “rendering graphic” are both in the minority. However, the graphic design of bottle packagings greatly varies with the brand. It is endowed with more uniqueness.
(2)The survey result of emotion dimensions shows that consumers have positive emotion and strongest desire toward “the thinnest and tallest in proportion combined with the most abstract in graphic design”, and negative emotion and lowest desire toward “the thickest and shortest in proportion combined with the most concrete in graphic design”. The valence shows “positive correlation” to buying desire, and therefore emotion valence can be an index of consumer’s buying desire. Since the arousal degree of all samples is above medium, “the thicker, shorter, and more concrete”, the higher the arousal and the lower the buying desire will be. When the emotion is above medium arousal, buying desire will show “negative correlation” to the arousal.
(3)The experiment result of ERP shows that for consumers on components of “attention (N100), emotion (P200, N200, and P300), and memory (SW)”, the thinner and taller the bottle packagings in their “proportion” are, the greater the resulted amplitude of ERP will be. For consumers on components of “attention (N100)”, bottle packagings with rendering graphic (most concrete) and abstract symbology (most abstract) are most greatly influenced in their shape design; while on components of “emotion (P200 and N200)”, the more concrete the “graphic abstract” of bottle packagings is, the greater the resulted amplitude of ERP will be. When consumers are in stages of “emotion (P200) and memory (SW)”, “proportion and abstract” produce more obvious activation in the “midline” than in the “left and right” of the brain, and no lateralization effects occur when the brain is processing visual messages. When consumers are in stages of “attention (N100), emotion (P200, N200, and P300), and memory (SW)”, activation of the brain on all components, with the passage of cognition process, goes gradually from frontal lobe to parietal lobe (from front to rear).
(4)Comparison between the survey results of “shape designs in bottle packagings” and “emotion dimensions” shows that the designer’s main idea at present about the designs of personal cleansing bottle packagings is “1:2 / abstract symbology ”, which can meet the public’s preference. However, it is “1:3 / abstract symbology” that can truly arouse consumer’s positive emotion and high buying desire. The designer’s considerations go toward neutrality and popularity, which helps reduce the differences between all shape designs of the bottle packagings. In terms of consumer’s cognition, they prefer packaging with greater differences. In general, the designer’s consideration is positively correlated to consumer’s buying desire.
(5)Comparison between the results of “survey for emotion dimensions” and “ERP experiment” shows the relations of consumer’s “emotion valence” with ERP amplitude that in terms of “proportion”, the more positive emotion valence are, the greater the resulted amplitude of ERP will be; in terms of “abstract”, the more negative emotion valence are, the greater the resulted amplitude of ERP will be. The above-mentioned is the same as the results of related studies over the years, which means consumers’ psychology is consistent with their physiology when facing the two properties of “proportion” and “abstract”. As for the relations of consumer’s “emotion arousal” with ERP amplitude, in terms of “proportion”, the emotion being above medium arousal, the closer it is to medium arousal, the greater the resulted amplitude of ERP will be, and emotion arousal is negatively correlated to ERP amplitude; in terms of “abstract”, the higher emotion arousal is, the greater the resulted amplitude of ERP will be, and emotion arousal is positively correlated to ERP amplitude. Some of the above results do not agree with the ones of related studies over the years, which means consumers’ psychology is inconsistent with its physiology when being surveyed for their emotion arousal under the two properties of “proportion” and “abstract”. This inconsistency requires further proof by experiment.

中文摘要---------------------------i ABSTRACT---------------------------iii 誌謝---------------------------v 目次---------------------------viii 表目次---------------------------x 圖目次---------------------------xii 第1章 緒論---------------------------1 1.1 研究背景與動機---------------------------1 1.2 研究目的---------------------------2 1.3 研究名詞定義---------------------------3 1.4 研究範圍與限制---------------------------4 1.5 研究架構與假設---------------------------5 1.6 研究流程---------------------------6 第2章 文獻探討---------------------------7 2.1 包裝瓶造形設計---------------------------7 2.1.1 個人清潔用品包裝瓶---------------------------7 2.1.2 造形比例---------------------------8 2.1.3 造形抽象化---------------------------10 2.2 情緒---------------------------14 2.2.1 情緒的定義---------------------------14 2.2.2 情緒維度---------------------------15 2.2.3 情緒認知的調查方式---------------------------19 2.2.4 情緒與購買慾望---------------------------21 2.3 情緒腦波---------------------------23 2.3.1 情緒與大腦---------------------------23 2.3.2 事件相關電位(ERP)---------------------------24 第3章 包裝瓶造形設計趨勢與情緒維度調查---------------------------31 3.1 包裝瓶造形設計趨勢調查---------------------------31 3.1.1 現況調查方法與步驟---------------------------31 3.1.2 調查結果與趨勢分析---------------------------33 3.2 情緒維度調查---------------------------36 3.2.1 調查架構---------------------------36 3.2.2 調查設計---------------------------37 3.2.3 資料分析方法---------------------------40 3.2.4 調查結果---------------------------41 3.2.5 討論---------------------------45 第4章 ERP實驗---------------------------48 4.1 實驗架構---------------------------48 4.2 實驗設計---------------------------50 4.3 腦波資料處理與數據分析方法---------------------------54 4.4 實驗結果---------------------------55 4.4.1造形比例對不同大腦位置上ERP振幅之影響---------------------------56 4.4.2造形抽象化對不同大腦位置上ERP振幅之影響 60 4.5 討論---------------------------64 第5章 綜合討論---------------------------67 5.1 包裝瓶造形設計趨勢與情緒維度調查結果比較---------------------------67 5.2 情緒維度調查與ERP實驗結果比較---------------------------69 第6章 結論與建議---------------------------72 6.1 結論---------------------------72 6.1.1 包裝瓶造形設計趨勢與消費者情緒認知---------------------------72 6.1.2 消費者心理「情緒維度」認知與生理「ERP」反應---------------------------3 6.2 後續研究建議---------------------------73 參考文獻---------------------------75 附錄A:現況樣本---------------------------82 附錄B:樣本設計圖---------------------------85 附錄C:情緒維度調查問卷---------------------------104

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