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研究生: 郭帆昇
論文名稱: 針對台北市之城市永續發展而設計的居民對城市認同感與認知度教育型策略
The educational strategies of citizens’ identification and recognition for sustainable urban development in Taipei
指導教授: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
口試委員: 曾俊達
Jung-Da, Tseng
Yun-Wu, Wu
Chung-Ru, Liang
Yao-Huang, Lin
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 28
中文關鍵詞: 教育策略建築教育居民認同感與認知度永續都市發展。
外文關鍵詞: Educational strategy, Architectural education, citizen’s identification and recognition, Sustainable urban development.
相關次數: 點閱:627下載:0
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現今全球主要城市都面臨著都市更新與永續經營的問題。其中,都市居民的利益衝突與既有的生活型態與空間受到影響與變化是居民對城市都市更新造成的最大疑慮與阻力。台北市為了徹底改變臺北市長期窳陋的市容景觀,推出了一個綜合性的都市景觀改造行動-「臺北好好看」系列計畫,包含了8 項行動計畫及3 項整合計畫,包括了打造地標建築、增加開放空間、老舊建築騰空及基地綠美化、老舊建築立面修繕、廣告物美化更置、夜間景觀改善及校園圍牆綠籬化等實質改善工程,再加上整合水岸、道路及中央與地方政府各項行政資源整合型計畫。

Globalization and urbanization push forward city development, as well as providing city policymakers with more challenges and opportunities to rethink how the city can lead the way into a prosperous and sustainable future. Creating an attractive cityscape has become one of the most promising actions to improve urban functionality and increase urban competitiveness.
However, the resistances from the local inhabitants are always against the urban development. Taipei City, a metropolis in Taiwan, is now composed of complex urban systems chaotically enclosed by existing and new urban environments. The city government is attempting to re-shape its cityscape by implementing a series of city regeneration plans, namely “Taipei Beautiful”, considering the improvement of urban landscape, greenery open space, built environment, sustainable campuses and public facilities.
These actions represent how Taipei city government educates its citizens toward to identify and recognize the benefits from the developments. Although Taipei Beautiful is an ongoing project, achievements of the current stage have revealed potentials to significantly increase the number of tourists, decrease energy consumption, and promote economic benefits. This study presents an overall review of educational strategies and actions enacted by the city government.
Difficulties, challenges, and the role of the city government in affecting inhabitants’ identification and recognition are also discussed. Lessons learned in Taipei City could be useful for other cities that are facing similar city development requirements.

State of the literature •Complex and mixed urban environments have severely affected the urban habitability, functionality, and competitiveness. •Urban regeneration projects are often annoyingly surrounded by many social and economic problems; these cause the resistance from the local habitants. •Renewal, or regeneration, is the best way to solve deterioration of the urban function, promote land values, and improve environmental quality. Contribution of this paper to the literature •Educate citizens’ identification and recognition is necessary for sustainable urban developments. By reveal potentials to significantly increase the number of tourists, decrease energy consumption, and promote economic benefits with the achievements of re-shape the cityscape should be implemented to the urban regeneration plans. •Apply architectural education into the sustainable urban planning can be formulated as a series of urban regeneration projects action which can be helpful for citizens to comprehend and understand the importance of reshape the cityscape in the short term and improve urban competitiveness, renovation if industries and revival local economy, in the long term. •The proper educational strategies can promote the urban development of cultural and creative industries. The perceiving of benefits to the urban habitants is very much needed for a successful sustainable urban development. The results identified that local government should earn the trust and cooperation from its citizens by introducing the educational strategies into its urban development plans. Most importantly, the results can provide architecture and urban planning related fields’ students and experts for the future applications. •Introduction Taipei City, the political, economic, and cultural center of Taiwan, has become one of the most international and modern cities in Asia. This city is densely populated with a population of more than 2,600,000. In 2010, the population density ranks no.7 among world metropolitan areas. However, the speed of development for creating comfortable urban infrastructure and environment has not caught up with the speed of population increase. The major development resistant are coming from the local inhabitants due to believe of development will damage the current benefits and economic environments. Similar problems also occur in many rapidly developing countries (Firman, 2000). In the city of Taipei; more than 30% of the buildings were constructed before 1980, and there are 290,000 residence units currently in these buildings (as web site, URO, TCGO, 2013). Complex and mixed urban environments have severely affected the urban habitability, functionality, and competitiveness (Wu, 2007; Yigitcanlar, Connor & Westerman, 2008; as web site, TBP, TCGO, 2013). Renewal, or regeneration, is the best way to solve deterioration of the urban function, promote land values, and improve environmental quality (Adams & Hastings, 2001). However, urban regeneration projects are often annoyingly surrounded by many social and economic problems (Myllyla & Kuvaja, 2005), such as destruction of existing social networks, evaluation of policy development, expulsion of vulnerable groups, and adverse impacts on the living environment (Chan & Yung, 2004). With the intervention of the public sector, urban regeneration can be effectively implemented (Juan, Gao & Wang, 2010). Hence, to educate the local habitats and gain their identification and recognition on the development is the most important matter to solve, Taipei city government came out with a series of developments plan focus on educate the local inhabitants toward to the recognition to the sustainable urban developments. To prepare the city for the 2009 Taipei Deaflympics and the Taipei 2010 International Flora Expo, the Taipei City Government (TCG) decided to initiate a series of urban regeneration projects in 2008, namely “Taipei Beautiful”, to improve the cityscape and urban environment (as web site, TCRD, URO, 2008). Under the framework of Taipei Beautiful, eight action plans, summarized as follows, are defined. •Establish floor-area-ratio (FAR) incentives to encourage property owners to create more open green spaces in urban environments. •Establish floor-area-ratio (FAR) incentives and property tax waiver mechanisms for property owners to renovate obsolescent buildings. •Establish appropriate subsidies for cleaning buildings, refurbishing specific building facades, and improving streetscapes. •Establish appropriate subsidies for redesigning commercial signboards in areas where the 2009 Taipei Deaflympics and the Taipei 2010 International Flora Expo events will occur. •Allocate budget to build eco-wall systems and green fences for educational facilities. •Enact greenery plans for idle urban land and unused spaces. •Improve lighting systems for historical buildings and major urban attractions. •Utilize public artworks to beautify selected public buildings. The aim of this study is to examine the implementation of these developments policies for making Taipei City more beautiful and attractive that will appreciate the local inhabitants. And the citizens will receive the benefits from the developments; also with a specific focus on cityscape improvement. The outcomes and lessons learned will also be discussed.

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