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研究生: 李東昇
Tung-Sheng Lee
論文名稱: 線上課程購買意願實證研究 – 以網路爬蟲、機器學習整合Udemy課程資訊以及Indeed職缺資訊為例
An Empirical Study of Online Course Purchase Intention – Using Web Crawler and Machine Learning Integrates Udemy Course Information and Indeed Job Vacancies as an Example
指導教授: 朱宇倩
Yu-Qian Zhu
口試委員: 魏小蘭
Hsiao-Lan Wei
Yu-Hui Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 大規模開放線上課程消費者決策過程使用者生成內容商家生成內容理性選擇理論效用最大化理論網路爬蟲機器學習
外文關鍵詞: MOOC, Consumer Decision Process, UGC, MGC, Rational choice theory, Utility maximization theory, Web crawler, Machine learning
相關次數: 點閱:623下載:31
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The sudden emergence of Covid19 has had a profound impact on education, starting with the lockdown and social distance policies, which forced classes to move from physical classrooms to online, and gradually we became accustomed to online learning. In addition, the public also started to seek learning resources through the internet, which led to a massive explosion in the number of registrants for MOOCs. However, past research has mostly focused on students’ online learning outcomes and behaviors and has confirmed that many factors affect the course preference and the possibility of dropping out. We still have no idea what factors might influence students’ purchase decisions in MOOCs through the previous research. Therefore, this study explores the impact of consumer information search and evaluation of alternatives on purchase decisions by “User-generated content,” “Marketer generated content,” and “Outcome expectation.”

In this study, we took two months to collect 77,552 courses’ web content from Udemy. Moreover, we gathered 40,414 job vacancies from Indeed in order to construct a classification model to predict consumers’ expectations. The textual features were extracted by text mining, and the hypothesis model was analyzed by using Python to construct HLM and OLS statistics models. The results revealed that in “Outcome expectation,” the expected salary showed a significantly positive correlation with course enrollment. In “Marketer-generated content,” the number of courses and tests were significantly and positively correlated with the course enrollment, while the number of course hours, original price, special price, course description length, and readability were significantly and negatively correlated with the course enrollment. In terms of “User-generated content,” the number of reviews, and review text positivity were significantly and positively correlated with the course enrollment, while the length of review text was significantly and negatively correlated with the increase in course enrollment. Therefore, this study suggests that course providers and lecturers should shorten the duration of each lecture, increase the difficulty of obtaining certificates, and encourage students to create high-quality positive comments.

摘要 Abstract 致謝 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 壹、緒論 一、研究背景與動機 二、研究問題與目的 三、研究架構 四、研究流程 貳、文獻探討 一、大規模開放線上課程(MOOC) (一)定義及發展概況 (二)相關文獻 二、消費者決策過程 (一)資訊搜尋 (二)替代品評估 (三)小結 三、使用者生成內容(UGC)與商家生成內容(MGC) (一)使用者生成內容(UGC) (二)商家生成內容(MGC) (三)小節 四、理性選擇理論與效用最大化理論 參、研究架構與假說 一、研究架構 (一)商家生成內容 (二)使用者生成內容 (三)預期結果 二、研究假說 (一)課程屬性 (二)課程介紹 (三)課程評分 (四)評論內容 (五)預期結果 (六)總體層級 肆、研究方法 一、資料蒐集 (一)Udemy API (二)自行開發爬蟲程式 – Udemy (三)自行開發爬蟲程式 – Indeed 二、資料處理 (一)分類模型 (二)生成內容資訊量萃取 (三)計算新增課程註冊數 (四)資料合併 伍、資料分析 一、樣本描述性統計 (一)課程類別 (二)課程等級 (三)研究變數 二、多重共線性診斷 (一)全部研究變數 (二)刪除共線性變數 三、階層線性回歸模型 (一)模型1 (二)模型2 (三)模型3 (四)小結 四、普通最小平方法 (一)模型1 (二)模型2 (三)模型3 (四)小結 陸、結論與建議 一、研究發現與結論 (一)課程數量與課程時數 (二)測驗數量 (三)原始價格與特價價格 (四)課程介紹文字長度 (五)課程介紹文字可讀性 (六)課程評分 (七)評價數量 (八)評論文字長度 (九)評論文字情緒 (十)評論文字主觀性 (十一)評論文字可讀性 (十二)預期薪資與預期職缺數量 (十三)課程類別 二、研究貢獻 (一)學術之貢獻 (二)實務之貢獻 三、研究限制與未來建議 參考文獻

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