Author: |
郭啟容 Chi-Jung Kuo |
Thesis Title: |
凱利圖上回饋問題及獨立擴展樹之研究 On the Study of Feedback Problems and Independent Spanning Trees in Cayley Graphs |
Advisor: |
Chiun-Chieh Hsu |
Committee: |
Yue-Li Wang 賴源正 Yuan-Cheng Lai 蕭培墉 Pei-Yung Hsiao 陳永昇 Yong-Sheng Chen |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2010 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 98 |
Language: | 英文 |
Pages: | 68 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 安全訊息發送 、容錯廣播 、獨立擴展樹 、三價凱利圖 、有向圖 、不完全旋轉圖 、旋轉圖 、回饋邊集合 、回饋點集合 |
Keywords (in other languages): | secure message distribution., fault-tolerant broadcasting, independent spanning tree, trivalent Cayley graph, directed cycle, incomplete rotator graph, rotator graph, feedback arc set, feedback vertex set |
Reference times: | Clicks: 370 Downloads: 0 |
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旋轉圖(rotator graph)及三價凱利圖(trivalent Cayley graph)同屬於凱利圖(Cayley graphs)家族的成員。本論文探討在旋轉圖與不完全旋轉圖(incomplete rotator graphs)的最小回饋點/邊集合(feedback vertex/arc set)問題;以及在三價凱利圖上建構獨立展開樹的方法。
一個圖的回饋點/邊集合(簡稱FVS/FAS)是此圖的點/邊子集合,而此圖的每一個環路(cycle)至少有一個點/邊是在此子集合內,將此FVS/FAS從圖移除後,此圖剩下的部份將不存在任何的環路,而最小FVS/FAS是指包含最少點/邊的FVS/FAS。Hsu和Lin [22]在n!節點的旋轉圖上,提出一個時間複雜度為O(nn-3) 的建構FVS演算法:另外,他們證明此FVS的大小為n!/3而且是最小的。本論文提出一個有效率的演算法,此演算法同樣能在n!節點的旋轉圖上建構出大小為n!/3的FVS,而時間複雜度則只有O(n!)。換言之,我們可以旋轉圖節點數的線性時間複雜度(linear time complexity)之演算法得到最佳解。另外我們提出一個建構旋轉圖FAS的精簡集合式,並證明此集合式建構出的FAS是最小的,而此集合式很容易撰寫成一個有效率的演算法。最後,我們也在不完全旋轉圖上,提出一個建構最小FAS的集合式。
而建立多顆獨立擴展樹(independent spanning trees)在網路通訊方面有很多的應用,如容錯廣播(fault-tolerant broadcasting)和安全訊息發送(secure message distribution)。Cheriyan和Maheshwari [8] 證明所有3-連結的圖一定可以在O(|V||E|)的時間複雜度,建構出3顆獨立擴展樹。三價凱利圖是由Vadapalli and Srimani 在 [38] 所提出的節點分支度為3的互連網路(interconnection network)。本論文提出一個以三價凱利圖的任一節點當作樹根(root)建構3顆獨立擴展樹的線性時間演算法,而此演算法植基於一組描述每個節點的父節點的簡潔規則,因此使得這個演算法也很容易平行化。
Rotator graph and trivalent Cayley graph are two members of Cayley graphs. This dissertation studies the minimum feedback vertex/arc set in rotator and incomplete rotator graphs, as well as the independent spanning trees of trivalent Cayley graphs.
A feedback vertex/arc set (abbreviated as FVS/FAS) of a graph is a subset of the vertices/arcs which contains at least one vertex/arc for every cycle of the graph. Removing the FVS/FAS from the graph makes the remaining graph acyclic. A minimum FVS/FAS is an FVS/FAS which contains the smallest number of vertices/arcs. For a rotator graph with M = n! nodes, Hsu and Lin [22] first proposed an algorithm which constructed an FVS with time complexity O(nn-3). In addition, they found that the size of the FVS is M /3, which was proved to be minimum. In this dissertation, we present an efficient algorithm which constructs an FVS for a rotator graph in O(M) time and also obtains the minimum FVS size M /3. In other words, this algorithm derives the optimal result with the time complexity which is linearly proportional to the number of nodes in the rotator graph. In addition, we present a concise formula for finding an FAS for a rotator graph and prove that the FAS is minimum. This formula can be easily implemented by an efficient algorithm which obtains a minimum FAS in a rotator graph. Finally, we also present a concise formula for finding a minimum FAS in an incomplete rotator graph in this dissertation.
The construction of multiple independent spanning trees has many applications in network communication, such as fault-tolerant broadcasting and secure message distribution. Cheriyan and Maheshwari [8] showed that three independent spanning trees can be constructed in O(|V||E|) time for every 3-connected graph. In this dissertation, we present a linear time algorithm to construct three independent spanning trees rooted at any node in a trivalent Cayley graph, which was proposed by Vadapalli and Srimani in [38] for designing the topology of an interconnection network with constant regularity of node degree 3. In particular, our algorithm relies on a set of concise rules that describe the parent of nodes in each tree. Therefore, the construction scheme can be easily parallelized.
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