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論文名稱: Comparison of Uniform Grating and Partially Corrugated Grating DFB Structures for High-Speed Directly Modulated Lasers
Comparison of Uniform Grating and Partially Corrugated Grating DFB Structures for High-Speed Directly Modulated Lasers
指導教授: 李三良
San-Liang Lee
口試委員: Da-Wei Ren
Da-Wei Ren
Pinghui Yeh
Pinghui Yeh
Wen-Jeng Ho
Wen-Jeng Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 400 Gb/s EthernetDirect-modulation lasersUniform gratingPartially corrugated gratingModulation bandwidthCavity length
外文關鍵詞: 400 Gb/s Ethernet, Direct-modulation lasers, Uniform grating, Partially corrugated grating, Modulation bandwidth, Cavity length
相關次數: 點閱:461下載:8
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Future data center optical networks desired a high-speed laser to meet IEEE 802.3bs standard, which is defining an Ethernet speed of 400 Gb/s (4x100 Gb/s or 8x50 Gb/s) for network aggregation applications. The objectives of designing high-speed lasers are low-cost, reliable, and high performance. Direct-modulation of semiconductor lasers (DML) was proposing an attractive choice for large-capacity transmission. However, DMLs have some disadvantages, including a relatively small direct modulation bandwidth and the modulation induced chirp effects that prevent their high-speed applications. One of the solutions for enhancing modulation bandwidth of DMLs is using short cavity length. Practically, a shorter cavity length (L< 200 µm) is difficult to cleave and handle. The partially corrugated grating (PCG) structure is able to improve the resonance frequency of laser and provide a high immunity to external reflections.
In this thesis, the characteristics of DMLs with a uniform grating (UG) and partially corrugated grating (PCG) structures were analyzed and compared in various aspects. The simulated frequency response of DMLs agreed with the calculated results in terms of smaller modulation bandwidth for longer laser lengths. We have achieved a better dynamic performance by using PCG-DMLs against UG-DMLs for a data rate up to 50Gbps. PCG-DFB structures have obtained -3dB bandwidth of >30 GHz with a side-mode suppression ratio (SMSR) of>45dB by using a grating length of 150 µm for 200-µm long lasers. These enhancements make PCG-DMLs attractive as high-speed light sources for future broadband access networks.

Future data center optical networks desired a high-speed laser to meet IEEE 802.3bs standard, which is defining an Ethernet speed of 400 Gb/s (4x100 Gb/s or 8x50 Gb/s) for network aggregation applications. The objectives of designing high-speed lasers are low-cost, reliable, and high performance. Direct-modulation of semiconductor lasers (DML) was proposing an attractive choice for large-capacity transmission. However, DMLs have some disadvantages, including a relatively small direct modulation bandwidth and the modulation induced chirp effects that prevent their high-speed applications. One of the solutions for enhancing modulation bandwidth of DMLs is using short cavity length. Practically, a shorter cavity length (L< 200 µm) is difficult to cleave and handle. The partially corrugated grating (PCG) structure is able to improve the resonance frequency of laser and provide a high immunity to external reflections.
In this thesis, the characteristics of DMLs with a uniform grating (UG) and partially corrugated grating (PCG) structures were analyzed and compared in various aspects. The simulated frequency response of DMLs agreed with the calculated results in terms of smaller modulation bandwidth for longer laser lengths. We have achieved a better dynamic performance by using PCG-DMLs against UG-DMLs for a data rate up to 50Gbps. PCG-DFB structures have obtained -3dB bandwidth of >30 GHz with a side-mode suppression ratio (SMSR) of>45dB by using a grating length of 150 µm for 200-µm long lasers. These enhancements make PCG-DMLs attractive as high-speed light sources for future broadband access networks.

ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES xiii GLOSARY OF TERMS xiv CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Fundamentals of Direct Modulated Laser 2 1.1.1 Introduction of DML 3 1.1.2 Operational principle of DML 5 1.2 High-Speed Optical Interconnects 6 1.2.1 Limitation of external modulated semiconductor laser 8 1.2.2 DFB laser section 10 Wulff-Bragg’s condition 11 Lasing and coupling efficiency with distributed feedback 12 Grating penetration depth 13 1.3 Motivation for the Work 14 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 15 CHAPTER 2-LITERATURE REVIEW 16 2.1 State of Art of Direct Modulated Lasers 16 2.1.1 Static intensity modulation performance 16 Carrier transport effects 18 2.1.2 Dynamic frequency modulation performance 20 2.2 Analysis of Different Laser Structures in DML 21 2.2.1 Overview 21 2.2.2 Standard DFB laser 22 2.2.3 λ/4 Phase shifted DFB laser 24 2.2.4 Partially corrugated grating DFB structure 25 CHAPTER 3-THEORETICAL MODELING OF DFB LASERS 27 3.1 General Rate Equations 27 Steady-state solution 28 Small-signal frequency response 29 Relative intensity noise (RIN) 33 3.2 Effective Mirror Calculation for Gratings 34 3.3 Modulation Bandwidth Enhancement 35 CHAPTER 4-DEVICE MODELING WITH PHOTONICS TLM METHOD 39 4.1 Photonics Transmission Line Model (TLM) 39 4.2 Device Structure 42 4.2.1 Time and space discretization 42 4.2.2 MQW active region 42 Rate equation dynamics 43 Carrier transport time 44 4.2.3 Traveling-wave equations for optical fields 45 Optical coupling efficiency 46 4.2.4 Laser gain model 48 4.2.5 Grating sections 50 4.3 Simulation Setup to Measure L-I Characteristics 53 4.4 Simulation Setup to Measure RIN 54 4.5 Simulation Setup to Measure the Dynamic Performance 56 4.6 Simulation Setup to Measure the IM and FM Characteristics 58 CHAPTER 5-SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 60 5.1 Validation Data 60 5.2 Performance Analysis of DML with Conventional DFB Laser 61 SMSR dependency 62 Grating coupling strength effects 64 IM and FM responses 65 25Gbps NRZ signals 67 5.3 Performance Analysis of DML with Partially Corrugated Grating (PCG)-DFB Laser 68 IM and FM responses 70 25Gbps NRZ signals 73 50Gbps NRZ signals 74 5.4 Performance Comparisons between UG and PCG DMLs 75 SMSR comparison 77 Comparison of IM and FM responses 78 Comparison of 50Gbps NRZ signal performances 80 5.5 Discussion 81 CHAPTER 6-CONCLUSION 85 6.1 Future Work 86 REFERENCES 87

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