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研究生: 張旭凱
論文名稱: 考量碳足跡之建物生命週期總成本最適化分析模式-以 MEGA House為例
Carbon-Footprint Based Optimization Model for Building Life-Cycle Total Cost Analysis -A Case Study of MEGA House
指導教授: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員: 曾惠斌
Hui-Bin ZENG
Yi-Dong YANG
Yu-Wei WU
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 開放式建築碳費制度循環經濟(5R)SOS 2.0建築資訊模型
外文關鍵詞: Open Building, Cost of Carbon System, Circular Economy (5R), Symbiotic Organism Search 2.0, Building Information Model
相關次數: 點閱:407下載:0
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MEGA House為內政部研究所委由台灣科技大學之產學合作案,以開放式建築的設計理念所建置的一棟開放式建築示範屋。本研究將以開放式建築MEGA House為例,探討考量碳足跡之建物生命週期最適化分析模式。因應未來碳費制度的實施,在設計/興建階段選擇不同的構法及材料,其興建成本、碳足跡成本及廢棄物處理成本亦不相同。因此本案利用建築資訊模型將營建材料依照材料特性定義為再利用(Reuse)、再生(Recycle)或廢棄物(Waste)三種類別,並應用SOS 2.0作為搜尋最佳組合之工具,求得工程項目興建成本、碳足跡成本及廢棄物處理成本三者之生命週期最低總成本。
1.發展一套新穎考量碳足跡之建物生命週期最適化分析模式。將模式應用在初步設計階段,應用SOS 2.0求得最佳之工法與作業項目方案。

The global warming has been serious issues around the world, and most of the countries have adopted carbon pricing policies to transform companies that could achieve the net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. To reduce the impact of the construction industry on global warming, it is imperative to check the carbon footprint of the construction life cycle and reduce it from the construction materials. Base on the concept of circular economy, the majority of the building materials is suggesting to use the sustainable one instead of the high-carbon one. In order to achieve “circular economy” and “sustainable building materials”, a new method "Open Building" has been developed. Based on the design concept of "Cradle to Cradle (C2C)", the open-plan building system utilizes the reuse and recycle of construction materials. For example, the ways to improve the sustainability of construction materials in demolition stage are recycling and reusing the building materials, and reducing the waste of natural resources.
MEGA House is an industry-university cooperation project of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology commissioned by the Institute of the Ministry of the Interior with the design concept of open architecture. This study will take the open-plan building MEGA House as an example to discuss the optimal analysis mode of cost of the total life cycle considering the carbon footprint of the building. The cost of construction, carbon footprint and waste disposal are different after the implementation of the cost of carbon system in the future. Therefore, this study defined Reuse, Recycle and Waste according to the material characteristics of construction materials by using building information model and use SOS 2.0 as a tool to search for the best combination, obtain the minimum total life cycle cost of project construction, carbon footprint and waste disposal costs.
There are two contributions of this research:
1.Develop a new model of carbon footprint based optimization model for building life-cycle total cost analysis. Apply the model at the preliminary design stage, and use SOS 2.0 to search for the best construction method and project plan.
2.Nowadays, the life cycle cost of construction does not take into account to the cost of carbon footprint and waste disposal. The carbon fee system was imported into this study and transform the carbon footprint of construction materials to carbon footprint costs, and calculating the cost of material waste at the demolition stage that cannot be reused. Finally, the total construction life cycle cost will be the sum of cost of the carbon footprint, waste disposal and the construction of the project.
Key words: Open Building, Cost of Carbon System, Circular Economy (5R), Symbiotic Organism Search 2.0, Building Information Model.

第一章 緒論 1.1 研究動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究範圍與限制 1.4 研究方法與流程 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1 營建產業永續發展 2.1.1 循環經濟 2.1.2 開放式建築 2.1.3 開放式建築實際案例 2.2 建築產業碳足跡盤查 2.2.1 建築產業碳足跡認證 2.2.2 建立碳足跡資料庫 2.3 國內外碳定價政策發展趨勢 2.3.1 國際碳定價制度 2.3.2 台灣碳費制度 2.4 生物共生演算法2.0(SOS 2.0) 第三章 模式建構 3.1 建立資訊模型 3.2 分項工程項目 3.3 工法及作業項目組合 3.3.1 工程項目的分類 3.3.2 工法選定 3.4 構件材料參數輸入 3.4.1 輸入BIM各部位所使用的材料 3.4.2 新增材料類別欄位 3.4.3 確認材料類別 3.5 作業項目數量計算 3.6 工料分析 3.7 營建材料成本計算 3.7.1 單價搜尋 3.7.2 作業項目營建材料成本計算 3.8 營建材料碳足跡計算 3.8.1 蒐集資料 3.8.2 建立碳足跡資料庫 3.8.3 作業項目營建材料碳足跡計算 3.9 導入碳費制度 3.9.1 決定碳費價格 3.9.2 作業項目營建材料碳足跡成本計算 3.10 營建材料廢棄物處理費用計算 3.10.1 營建材料廢棄物處理費用查詢 3.10.2 作業項目營建材料廢棄物處理費用計算 3.11 Life Cycle Cost(生命週期成本) 3.12 生命週期最佳化成本 3.12.1 建立目標函數及設定限制式 3.12.2 工程項目生命週期成本加總 第四章 案例實測與最佳化 4.1 案例建築資訊模型介紹 4.1.1 量體初步設計 4.1.2 分項工程 4.2 案例測試與結果 4.2.1 工法與作業項目組合 4.2.2 構件材料參數輸入 4.2.3 作業項目數量計算 4.2.4 工料分析 4.2.5 作業項目營建材料成本計算 4.2.6 作業項目營建材料碳足跡計算 4.2.7 工程項目碳足跡成本計算 4.2.8 作業項目營建材料廢棄物處理費用計算 4.2.9 Life Cycle Cost(生命週期成本) 4.2.10 工程項目生命週期成本 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 結論 5.2 建議 參考文獻

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