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研究生: 陳啟銘
Chi-ming Chen
論文名稱: 結合修正式分析網路程序法與修正式TRIZ發明方法應用於LED閱讀燈創新設計方案優先次序評估
Combination of modified analytic network process (ANP) method with modified TRIZ invention method for application to evaluation of the priority order of innovative design projects of LED reading light
指導教授: 林榮慶
Zone-Ching Lin
口試委員: 許覺良
Chaug-liang Syu
Kuang-hua Fuh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: LED閱讀燈TRIZANP散熱結構燈架結構
外文關鍵詞: LED, reading light, TRIZ, ANP, heat dissipation structure, light stand structure
相關次數: 點閱:324下載:2
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The paper mainly takes LED reading light as the major carrier of design improvement. LED reading light is an auxiliary lighting device for operators to use during reading, or use of notebook computer or desktop computer in the office or at home for learning at night or in any place with dim and insufficient light. First of all, the study searches the knowledge document information from the existing journals, periodicals, patent documents and research papers about LED reading light. After that, the paper performs classification of the technical functions of LED reading light, including its heat dissipation, overall structural design and high-effect optical system. Then, referring to the heat dissipation structure, overall structure, and the forms of reflector and optical cover written in the related patent and knowledge documents, the paper defines the improvement requirements needed. Furthermore, the paper uses TRIZ as a basis for development of an innovative method for product design. Using modified TRIZ invention method, the paper implements innovative design and research and development (R&D) for the heat dissipation, overall structural design and LED light-source body of LED reading light.

Regarding the LED reading light project of the paper, the design improvement concept by modified TRIZ invention method is adopted to produce 3 innovative projects. Each of the projects contain 2 kinds of the improvement techniques we focus on, including the heat dissipation, overall structural design and LED light-source body of LED reading light. These 3 innovative projects employ modified analytic network process (ANP) method to determine the priority order of the 3 innovative projects. For the modified ANP method of the paper, hierarchical relationship is firstly established between goals and evaluation criteria attributes. Meanwhile, in consideration of the mutual effects among different criteria attributes, the paper develops it to be a network structure. Besides, the paper proposes referring to several technical documents and references about patents, to consider the appearance frequency and normalization ratios of the relevant technical terms corresponding to the various functions of LED reading light, including its heat dissipation, overall structural design and LED light-source body.

The study firstly compares the relative importance among different evaluation criteria, and judges the relative importance scale according to normalization ratios of technical terms. If the numerical distance during comparison of normalization ratios is greater, a greater ratio is used to distribute a unit importance scale. If the numerical distance during comparison of normalization ratios is smaller, a smaller ratio is used to distribute importance scale. If it exceeds the determined ratio to make comparison, a unit importance scale is increased. After all the relative importance scales are compared, pairwise comparison matrices are formed, and weights are calculated. Consistency test is taken to judge whether the rating values are acceptable. After that, ANP has to consider the internal interdependence among different evaluation criteria. Therefore, the study adopts the normalization ratio of the keywords searched from retrieval of patents’ technical terms, to the appearance frequency of keywords of this technique. If the same keywords of patents are found in related technical patents, the interdependence among evaluation criteria can be judged.

Finally, comparison of relative importance is made on internal interdependence among different projects. As to judgment of relative importance scale ratio of internal interdependence among different projects, the paper finds the sum of normalization ratios of key technical terms with internal interdependence among evaluation criteria to be compared between 2 innovative techniques. The sum is substituted in the pairwise comparison matrix formed by comparison of relative importance among different items. Furthermore, the various weights and feature vectors are calculated. Using the paper’s modified ANP method, the pairwise comparison matrix resulted from comparison of relative importance among different items is substituted in its super matrix, and prioritized weights are calculated. Finally, prioritized weights are calculated by different innovative projects to undergo selection and strategic decision of product project, so as to determine the priority order of innovative projects.

As shown in the research results of the study, combination of modified TRIZ invention method with modified ANP method to determine the priority order of innovative R&D projects of products can effectively help R&D staff to make strategic decision and reduce the time required for R&D.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract V 誌謝 VIII 圖目錄 XII 表目錄 XV 第一章緒論 1 1.1研究背景與研究動機目的 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.2.1 LED散熱相關文獻 3 1.2.2 LED閱讀燈相關文獻 5 1.2.3 LED燈源主體相關文獻 5 1.2.4 TRIZ相關文獻 6 1.2.5 分析網路程序法相關文獻 9 1.3 論文架構 11 第二章 LED閱讀燈相關理論介紹 13 2.1 LED閱讀燈介紹 13 2.1.1 LED閱讀燈BOM表 15 2.2 LED理論介紹 16 2.2.1 LED發光原理 17 2.2.2 LED封裝後之溫度 19 2.3 熱傳遞理論 20 2.3.1熱傳導傳遞 20 2.3.2熱對流傳遞 21 2.4 光學理論 23 2.4.1 光通量 23 2.4.2 照度 23 2.4.3 發光強度 24 2.4.4 配光曲線 25 第三章 修正式TRIZ分群法介紹 29 3.1 TRIZ源起 29 3.2 TRIZ理論基礎 29 3.3 TRIZ解題方法 32 3.3.1 矛盾衝突矩陣法 33 3.3.2 矛盾矩陣表與創新法則 35 3.4 修正式TRIZ分群法介紹 39 3.4.1 修正式分群法TRIZ判讀流程 39 第四章 修正式分析網路程序法(ANP)介紹 43 4.1 分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP) 43 4.1.1 基本假設 44 4.1.2 建立層級式結構優點 45 4.1.3 AHP模式與使用步驟 45 4.2 分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process,ANP) 48 4.2.1 ANP法的決策程序 49 4.2.2 比較AHP法與ANP法在概念上的差異 51 4.2.3傳統分析網路程序法 53 4.2.4修正式分析網路程序法 53 第五章 修正式ANP法評選方案過程 67 5.1 利用專利技術字篩選出評估準則 67 5.2 建立層級架構圖 67 5.3 Super Decisions 軟體簡介 69 5.4 修正式ANP法計算方案權值 70 5.5 選擇產品最佳創新方案 87 第六章 LED閱讀燈修正式TRIZ創新個別方案研發過程及模擬 91 6.1新改良LED閱讀燈技術問題 91 6.2 利用修正式TRIZ在閱讀燈散熱性的技術改良與模擬 92 6.2.1 專利號US20120211212之散熱結構說明 93 6.2.2 Fluent熱傳軟體介紹 94 6.2.3 運用修正式TRIZ改良善熱結構 103 6.2.4 加入風扇散熱鰭片的散熱效果改善 108 6.2.5 散熱鰭片重量與散熱效果改善 114 6.3 利用修正式TRIZ在LED閱讀燈支架結構的技術改良與模擬 119 6.3.3 LED閱讀燈轉軸之扭力計算模式 129 6.4 利用修正式TRIZ在LED燈源主體的技術改良與模擬 130 6.4.1 專利號USD629555S之反射罩說明 130 6.4.2 TracePro光學軟體介紹 132 6.4.3 運用修正式TRIZ改善光照亮度 137 6.4.4 反射罩之修正式TRIZ系統的判讀流程 141 6.4.5 反射罩之創新法則概念設計 144 6.5 修正式TRIZ改良的創新技術成為修正式ANP的創新方案 146 第七章 結論 147 7.1 結論 147 參考文獻 150

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