Author: |
Thesis Title: |
二代接班傳承與轉型 - 以常裕工業股份有限公司為研究對象 Second generation succession and Business Transformation for Enterprise - Chang Yue Industry Company as the research object |
Advisor: |
Chiung-Ju Liang |
Committee: |
Kung-Jeng Wang 彭雲宏 Yeng-Horng Perng |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 79 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 家族企業 、傳承 、轉型 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Family business, Inheritance, Transformation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 443 Downloads: 0 |
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隨著全球保護主義興起、極端氣候變遷、政治鬥爭等因素使得全球經濟景氣詭 譎多變,台灣企業在國內及國外市場皆面臨著益發激烈的競爭,遑論台灣家族企 業在企業經營視野、組織規模、人力資本、社會網絡資本稀缺、難以籌資、財務 槓桿保守等諸多限制下,家族企業永續經營的挑戰更是嚴峻。
而家族企業一直扮演台灣經濟的重要支柱,根據統計,台灣90%中小企業為家 族經營,家族企業經營過程中除剛性議題例如:企業經營績效、公司治理議題外, 代際傳承、家族情感凝聚、家族使命發現均影響著家族企業的發展。是以家族企 業如何透過轉型常保成長動能及兼顧公司與家族治理以凝聚家族情感與集合資 源達持續經營與傳承之目的成為家族企業當務之急。
因此本研究採用個案分析法,以常裕工業為對象,探討家族企業面對環境變動, 如何順利傳承並透過轉型的過程來建立競爭優勢,提升企業之組織績效,以作為 家族企業進行傳承時公司規劃之參考。
With the rise of global protectionism, extreme climate change, political struggle, and other factors make the global economic climate changeable. Taiwan’s enterprises face increasingly fierce competition not only in the domestic and foreign markets. Not to mention the challenge of sustainable operation of Taiwan's family-owned enterprises are having more difficulties because of the different vision of business management, size of organization scope, demand of human capital, lack of social network capital, difficult to raise funds, and the restriction of conservative financial leverage, and so on.
The family business has been playing an important role in Taiwan's economy for many years. According to the investigation conducted in Taiwan, about 90% of Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises are family-style management. The business process of a family enterprise is variable. Apart from the business performance, corporate governance issues, and also the intergenerational inheritance, family emotional cohesion, as well as the family mission. It is discovered that all of those factors affect the development of the family business. Therefore, how to keep motivated and find a compromise between the company and family governance and combine resources to achieve the goal of going concerned and succession through the transformation is the urgent priority of the family business.
This research accepting the case study method of taking Changyu industry as the research object. In this study, I will discuss how the family business facing the dynamics of the environment and have successfully integrational succession of the family business. Also, how the family business establishes a competitive advantage and improves the organizational performance of the enterprise through the process of transformation. This study can serve as a reference model for Taiwan’s family enterprises in planning the company’s transfer succession.
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二、 英文部分
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三、 參考網站
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