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研究生: 阮怡禎
Yi-Chen Juan
論文名稱: 資訊新創企業創新數位產品之實踐歷程-以學悅科技公司為例
The Digital Product Enactment Process of the Entrepreneurial IT Enterprise-The Case Study of Zuvio Company
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Sun-Jen Huang
Tzu-Chuan Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 實踐歷程策略創業資源拼湊組織靈巧能力IT Artifact
外文關鍵詞: Enactment, Strategic Entrepreneurship, Resource Bricolage, Ambidextrous Capability, IT Artifact
相關次數: 點閱:591下載:1
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  • 台灣近年資訊創業風氣逐漸蓬勃發展,然而整體創業環境的不確定性加劇,使得許多新創企業無法繼續維持生存,根據經濟部統計顯示,目前台灣新創企業能夠存活超過五年的機率僅有1%,因此為了避免被市場淘汰,新創企業必須持續與環境互動開闢多元市場,以獲得更多創造利潤的機會,並且形成可持續成長的競爭優勢。


    本研究探討個案對象-學悅科技股份有限公司,創立於2013 年企業主要服務項目為各類型之數位產品。本研究將其發展歷程分為技術創業時期、產品拓展時期、新事業探索時期與策略轉換時期,分別探討此四個階段企業如何運用策略創業的概念在變動的環境中,持續地透過創業心智發掘市場上的機會,並觀察其提出何種適應市場需求的創新解決方案,進一步探究企業如何調配內部資源以追求此機會,並且經過創業思維與策略活動之間的配適後形成階段性的策略目標。而企業為了追求此目標,如何在資源缺乏的情況下尋找所需資源協助企業快速發展,並分析不同的網絡關係資源對企業產生何種影響,最後觀察各階段的發展結果如何影響企業未來方向,並統整歸納出一套「資訊新創企業創新數位產品之實踐歷程架構」,提供給其他資訊新創企業作為創新產品及探索新市場之參考依據。

    In recent years, the trend of entrepreneurship has been popular and flourishing in Taiwan. However, there are many start-up companies unable to survive due to the uncertainty of difficult environment. According to the statistics of the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs, only 1% Taiwan's start-up companies can survive for more than five years. In order to prevent start-up companies from being eliminated by market, they need to explore diversified markets to obtain more opportunities to create profits and competitive advantage to make companies continue to grow up.

    In this research, Strategic Entrepreneurship has been applied to observe how IT start-up companies identify market opportunities accurately. Moreover, this research makes use of Resource Bricolage and Ambidextrous Capability to analyze the processes of companies quickly accumulate relevant resources and internal competencies. It has a positive impact on the survival of the company. Finally, Digital Interaction Enactment has been applied to explore how the company can find the most suitable target market and bring more growth to the company.

    This research explores the development process of the case object Zuvio that established in 2013 and the main service projects are various types of digital interactive products. The development process has been divided into four stages: technology-based venture period, product expansion period, new venture exploration period and strategy transition period. This research aims to observe how Zuvio continue to identify market opportunities through entrepreneurial mindsets. Moreover, the enterprise proposes innovative solutions to meet the demand of markets and observe how enterprise allocates internal resources to pursue the opportunity. This research explores the enterprise how to obtain relevant resources and rapid development with limited resources in order to achieve the strategic goal and also analyze the impact of different resources of network relationship on the enterprise. In addition, this research examines how the results of each phase affect the future direction of the business. Finally, the research summarizes and sorts out the “The Digital Product Enactment Process of the Entrepreneurial IT Enterprise” for other IT start-ups as a basis for the innovated products and exploring new venture.

    摘要I ABSTRACTII 致謝III 目錄IV 表目錄VI 圖目錄VII 第一章、緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究問題與目的2 1.3 研究範圍與流程4 1.4 論文架構6 第二章、文獻探討8 2.1 實踐歷程(Enactment)8 2.2 策略創業(Strategic Entrepreneurship)11 2.2.1 策略創業之定義11 2.2.2 策略創業之要素15 2.3 資源拼湊(Resource Bricolage)19 2.3.1 資源拼湊之定義19 2.3.2 資源拼湊之要素21 2.3.3 網絡關係拼湊(Network Bricolage)23 2.4 組織靈巧能力(Ambidextrous Capability)24 2.4.1 組織靈巧能力之定義24 2.4.2 組織靈巧能力之要素26 2.5 IT Artifact29 第三章、研究方法與架構30 3.1 研究方法30 3.1.1 質化研究31 3.1.2 個案研究32 3.2 研究架構33 3.3 研究觀察重點37 3.4 研究對象40 3.5 資料蒐集與分析41 第四章、個案描述與分析44 4.1 個案公司簡介44 4.2 經營團隊成員背景描述46 4.3 個案公司發展歷程47 4.3.1 第一階段:技術創業時期(2011-2013)47 4.3.2 第二階段:產品拓展時期(2013-2014)50 4.3.3 第三階段:新事業探索時期(2015-2016)54 4.3.4 第四階段:策略轉換時期(2017-2018)58 4.4 個案分析63 4.4.1 第一階段:技術創業時期(2011-2013)63 4.4.2 第二階段:產品拓展時期(2013-2014)72 4.4.3 第三階段:新事業探索時期(2015-2016)81 4.4.4 第四階段:策略轉換時期(2017-2018)92 4.4.5 分析總結103 第五章、研究結論與建議111 5.1 結論與研究貢獻111 5.2 研究限制與未來研究方向114 參考資料115 中文部分115 英文部分115 網站部分123

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