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研究生: 黃兆杰
論文名稱: 面對藥品全球化供應問題衛生主管機關的策略研究
The Strategies of the Health Authority (in Taiwan) when Facing the Issues of Global Supply of Drugs
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 歐陽超
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 全球化藥品審核藥品製造藥品供應藥品安全食品藥物管理局
外文關鍵詞: Examination of drug, the quality of drug manufacturers, pharmaceutical supply chain, drug safety, Food and Drug Administration, FDA
相關次數: 點閱:222下載:0
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  • 近年來隨著全球化的浪潮席捲各國,關於藥物安全的問題也越發棘手,而中國的崛起,更引爆一系列藥物、食品安全的事件,為解決藥品全球化供應的問題,各國紛紛提出各項政策,台灣也無法置身於風暴之外,2010年將比照美國「食品藥物管理局(FDA)」,在衛生署下成立「食品藥物管理局」以建立食品、藥物衛生的安全管理機制。成立一專責單位,將政策、檢驗與研究等各項事權集中一條鞭,使行政管理步調齊一且更有效率,確實是需要的。但是,成立「食品藥物管理局」,是否就足以因應?
    依本研究之發現,藥品全球化供應的問題可以將之劃分為,藥品審核、藥品製造品質以及藥品使用安全追蹤三大部分,而我國藥政主管機關目前亦以針對此三大部分研擬了相對應的策略,但是,研究結果發現,政府政策尚有部分未竟周全,因此提出個人建議,包括:藥政主管機關整併並無法完全解決藥品全球化供應的現況,建議健全專業法人組織充分授權;規範、準則的制訂並未充分檢視、整合、完備,政策制訂後的配套亦多缺乏,建議FDA應有專責單位統籌,並規劃完備的配套措施;僅要求製造部分達到最新國際GMP標準(PIC/S GMP),並無法解決藥品全球化的供應的風險,建議重新檢視整個藥品供應鍊,特別是原料的供應安全;採用最新國際GMP標準,並無法紓解查核人力不足的情形,對於國內製藥業將產生重大影響,建議應有完備的配套措施;在藥品使用的安全追蹤上,應在重返世界衛生組織(WHO)的同時,建構對應的組織與窗口,並培養適當且足夠的人才,以獲取實質的利益與協助,而對於日益增加的工作,亦應規劃因應。

    Owing to the Globalization, the issue of drug safety has emerged in recent years. Moreover, a series of drug, food safety incidents occurred because of the expanding of Chinese market. Most of the countries have established some policies to resolve the problems of global supply of drugs. There is no exception in Taiwan as well. In 2010, "Food and Drug Administration" will be set up under the authority of the Department of Health which is expected to perform as FDA of the USA government. That is, "Food and Drug Administration" will be in charge of the management mechanism of the safety of the food, drug and health. It is crucial for government to construct one specific department to integrate all the policies, tests and researches, and gain the synergy of administrative uniformity and efficiency. However, is it capable for government to face any crises of food, drug and health only because of the establishment of "Food and Drug Administration"?
    This study choose the qualitative methodology and try to discuss several issues of global supply of drugs, taken methods of facing global supply of drugs, and role playing of those international drug-related organizations or groups. In addition, this study sums up several international trends and principles then compares them to the strategies which Taiwanese government adopted in the past and present. Finally, this study presents the conclusions and recommendations.
    According to the conclusions of this study, the three agenda of global supply of drugs are the examination of drug, the quality of drug manufacturers, and the safety tracking of drug use. And the administration of Taiwanese government has also drawn up proper strategies for the three agenda above. Nevertheless, this study found that there is still something to be done. Therefore, the recommendations of this study are as follows:
    First, the merger of the drug administration couldn’t resolve the whole present situation of global supply of drugs. Instead, the empowerment of professional organization matters most.
    Second, the establishment of regulations is not completed enough, including the review, integration, and complementary measures. So, the future FDA may assign a particular unit to organize and make better supporting measures.
    Third, the demanded achievement of GMP (PIC/S GMP) during manufacturing will not reduce the risks of global supply of drugs. Therefore, the study suggests that the government re-examine the entire pharmaceutical supply chain, in particular the security of supply of raw materials.
    Forth, the adaptation of the latest international GMP standards won’t improve the shortage of inspection manpower, and the shortage will influence the domestic pharmaceutical industries a lot. Consequently, the complementary measures are greatly suggested.
    Last, especially about the safety tracking of drug use, this study recommends that the government reconstruct the corresponding organization and contact window during Taiwan's participation of World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 again. Besides, the key to be succeeding in future assignments are the full development of human resources and well management of projects.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致 謝 IV 目錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究流程 3 第四節 論文結構 4 第五節 研究限制 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 全球化的意涵 6 一、全球化理論 6 二、全球治理 8 第二節 藥品安全的定位 10 一、藥品的定義 10 二、藥品製造與輸入 13 三、藥品的安全 17 第三節 藥品供應全球化的問題 28 一、全球藥害事件: 28 二、藥害事件分析 34 三、藥品供應全球化的安全風險與挑戰 35 第四節 對藥品供應全球化的因應 38 一、面對藥品供應全球化各國的作法 38 二、與藥品相關的全球化組織或團體 44 第三章 研究方法 57 一、研究設計 57 二、研究對象 57 三、個案分析重點與文獻回溯法 57 四、思維邏輯推導 58 第四章 我國衛生機關的個案探討 61 第一節 衛生署之歷史演進 61 第二節 藥政管理的歷史脈絡分析 63 一、藥政管理組織 63 二、藥事法規 64 三、藥品製造 66 四、藥品輸入 70 五、藥品檢驗 71 六、藥品使用安全追蹤 72 第三節 藥品管理的現況 74 一、主管機關 74 二、藥品審核 80 三、藥品製造品質 82 四、藥品使用安全追蹤 83 第四節 面對「藥品供應全球化」我國政府的策略分析 87 一、主管機關整併 87 二、藥品審核 89 三、藥品製造品質 91 四、藥品使用安全追蹤 93 第五章 結論與建議 94 參考文獻 98

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