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研究生: 游政樺
Yu Cheng-Hua
論文名稱: 應用分析層級程序法評選筆記型電腦之新世代顯示技術
Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process for Selecting the Next-generation Display Technology of NoteBook PC
指導教授: 林希偉
Shi-Woei Lin
口試委員: 謝志宏
Chih-Hung Hsieh
Chiuhsiang Joe Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 筆記型電腦分析層級程序法顯示技術
外文關鍵詞: notebook computer, analytic hierarchy process, display technology
相關次數: 點閱:264下載:0
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本研究運用分析層級程序法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)建構多屬性決策分析模型,透過專家意見歸納評選時所需考量的重要因素,建立層級架構,最後並透過擷取專家判斷決定不同屬性權重,並整合選出最適決策方案。

Notebook computers have been playing an important role in our lives and/or at work. Although the notebook computer market keeps declining in recent years, we can still observe strong growth potential in the high-end notebook segment. In the meantime, the evolvement of various display technologies also offers multiple choices for better product differentiation and competition for high-end notebooks. Therefore, it is critical and crucial to help decision makers to identify the appropriate technology that suits the goal via multi-attribute decision analysis methodologies.
In this study, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to develop a comprehensive framework for structuring the decision problem, for representing and quantifying its elements, for relating those elements to overall goals, and for evaluating alternative solutions.
Results of the study reveal that the key factors of selecting new display technology is quality, manufacturing process and materials. While most companies tended to focus more on factors related to technology trend and market differentiation when evaluated and planned to enable a new technology, our analysis suggests that cost-related factor should be emphasized. This study also demonstrates that using the right decision tool not only can help us to elicit useful expert judgments to justify and support the decision, but also can help us to avoid the mistake of missing some important factors.
The methodology and the results of this study could be a useful reference for practitioners in IT industry especially when they face the similar decision problem in developing a new product.

摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝III 目錄V 圖目錄VII 表目錄VIII 第一章、 緒論1 1.1 研究背景與動機1 1.2 研究目的5 1.3 論文流程6 第二章、 文獻回顧8 2.1 全球筆記型電腦之現況8 2.2 顯示器技術發展11 第三章、 研究方法18 3.1 分析層級程序法之簡介18 3.2 應用分析層級程序法進行決策分析之主要流程20 3.2.1 AHP層級架構23 3.2.2 評估尺度及專家判斷的一致性檢定24 3.3 本研究問卷設計與評估準則說明28 3.4 專家的遴選35 第四章、 研究結果38 4.1 專家意見收集38 4.2 AHP權重分析40 4.2.1 三大主構面之相對權重40 4.2.2 市場區隔構面下之準則的相對權重41 4.2.3 成本因素構面下之準則的相對權重42 4.2.4 供應鏈因素構面下之準則的相對權重44 4.3 敏感度分析50 第五章、 結論與建議53 5.1 結論53 5.2 研究限制與建議54 參考文獻 55 一、中文文獻55 二、英文文獻55 三、網路文獻56 附錄一 研究問卷58

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TrendForce. (2019). 受惠於美系品牌出貨表現亮眼,第一季全球筆記型電腦市場不淡。集邦科技。取自https://press.trendforce.com.tw/press/20190509-3899.html。上網日期:2019-05-21
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