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研究生: 陳孟專
Meng-Chaun Chen
論文名稱: 泡膜敷料專利分析之研究-以L企業創新研發為主
A Study of Patent Analysis on Foam Dressing-The Case Study for L Company
指導教授: 蔡鴻文
Hung-Wen Tsai
口試委員: 耿筠
Yun Ken
Sheng-San Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 泡膜敷料傷口癒合專利分析
外文關鍵詞: Foam Dressing, Wound Healing, Patent Analysis
相關次數: 點閱:1394下載:0
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  • 隨著生技醫療日益進步,覆蓋於傷口上的敷料,已不同於傳統紗布,高階生物性敷料儼然已是當今傷口敷料的優先選擇,此外,濕潤癒合也已成為未來創傷治療及創傷照護的主要潮流,創造濕潤創傷環境、促進傷口快速癒合、降低感染機率、減少疤痕產生及降低照護成本等是一個先進敷料的基本條件。濕潤型敷料佔市場總值45%並以每年6%速度增加,前景可期。

    With increasing advances in medical biotechnology, dressing on the wound, the gauze has been different from the traditional, high-end biological dressings seem to be a priority for today's. In addition, moist wound healing has also become the future treatment and care of major trauma trend, creating moist wound environment to promote faster healing, reduced risk of infection, reduce scar formation and reduce the cost of care is a basic condition for advanced dressings. Moist dressings accounted for 45% of market value and 6% annual rate of increase, with a bright future.
    L Company solutions to moist wound healing as the main trend of future treatment and wound care, and the efficiently absorb exudate, high biocompatibility, antibacterial and medicated water effect are the future moist dressings competitive core of key commodities. The high efficiency and easy operation characteristics, particularly for wound care applications, postoperative wound care and pressure sores caused by aging, the diabetic foot, venous ulcers and other wound care market has a key influence.
    This purpose of this study is using lean innovation development process to strengthen the patent portfolio, patent exploration by analysis, and then find out the status of some patents held by each dressing manufacturers in the world at present, to further evaluate the technology gap L company R&D and market development policy, through efficient when conducting a patent search will be more effective research and innovation.

    摘要 ABSTRACT 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章緒論 1.1研究動機與背景 1.2研究目的 1.3研究範圍 第二章文獻探討與技術分類 2.1泡膜敷料背景 2.1.1.敷料歷史 2.1.2.敷料分類 2.1.3.敷料產業現況 2.1.4.台灣敷料市場現況 2.2.L企業泡膜敷料技術分類 2.2.1.技術原理 2.2.2.L企業泡膜敷料特性 第三章企業發展必要之專利策略 3.1.企業與專利策略 3.1.1.企業活動與智慧創造的循環 3.1.2.生醫企業運作與智慧財產 3.1.3.專利策略的必要性 3.2.專利的功用 3.3.專利管理分析 3.4.專利檢索步驟 第四章泡膜敷料專利分析 4.1.專利檢索流程 4.2.泡膜敷料專利現況與分析 4.2.1泡膜敷料專利申請現況 4.2.2泡膜敷料IPC技術分類號分析 4.2.3泡膜敷料專利關鍵字分析 4.2.4泡膜敷料競爭廠商分析 4.2.5泡膜敷料競爭廠商專利佈局 4.3.L公司泡膜敷料相關專利分析 4.3.1L公司敷料產品技術特徵 4.3.2專利檢索方針、檢索式與結果 4.4.與市售主要競爭產品比較 4.5.小結 第五章結論 5.1.結論 5.2.未來方向 參考文獻

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