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研究生: Marissa Kristiani Hosea
Marissa Kristiani Hosea
論文名稱: An Empirical Study on Internationalization and Financial Firm Performance – Evidence from Indonesia Manufacturing Firms
An Empirical Study on Internationalization and Financial Firm Performance – Evidence from Indonesia Manufacturing Firms
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day - Yang Liu
口試委員: 張琬喻
Jang, Woan-Yuh
Zeng Guoan
Zeng Guoan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: InternationalizationFirm PerformanceIndonesia
外文關鍵詞: Internationalization, Firm Performance, Indonesia
相關次數: 點閱:610下載:0
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In a more globalized world, especially because of liberalization of trade, business practices are experiencing international market expansion and diversification. However, when a company become more internationally diversified, the firm performance of the company also will be affected naturally. Therefore, a simple question arises: “Does greater internationalization lead to a better performance?”. This research is conducted to help in explaining the relationship between internationalization and current firm performance using residual income approach. Residual income is considered as an appropriate measure for strategic performance because it comprises the financial risk, measured by cost of capital, and company’s profitability. Moreover, in order to know the international diversification and long term firm performance relationship, this research uses Tobin’s Q as the representation of incorporating expectations measure. The model has been tested at the sample of Indonesian companies in manufacturing sector from 2011-2015. This research result indicated that the relationship between degree of internationalization and current firm performance follows a non-linear J-shape pattern, while the future performance, measured by Tobin’s Q follows a linear pattern with positive slope.

In a more globalized world, especially because of liberalization of trade, business practices are experiencing international market expansion and diversification. However, when a company become more internationally diversified, the firm performance of the company also will be affected naturally. Therefore, a simple question arises: “Does greater internationalization lead to a better performance?”. This research is conducted to help in explaining the relationship between internationalization and current firm performance using residual income approach. Residual income is considered as an appropriate measure for strategic performance because it comprises the financial risk, measured by cost of capital, and company’s profitability. Moreover, in order to know the international diversification and long term firm performance relationship, this research uses Tobin’s Q as the representation of incorporating expectations measure. The model has been tested at the sample of Indonesian companies in manufacturing sector from 2011-2015. This research result indicated that the relationship between degree of internationalization and current firm performance follows a non-linear J-shape pattern, while the future performance, measured by Tobin’s Q follows a linear pattern with positive slope.

ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research Background 1 1.2. Research Objectives 3 1.3. Contents 3 1.4. Research Flowchart 4 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1. Internationalization and Firm Performance 6 2.2. Performance Measurement 7 2.3. ROCE - Internationalization Relationship 9 2.4. WACC - Internationalization Relationship 10 2.5. Tobin’s Q - Internationalization Relationship 11 2.6. Logic Flowchart Table 11 CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 13 3.1. Research Design, Framework and Models 13 3.2. Hypothesis Testing Tools 18 3.3. Sources of Data 23 CHAPTER IV. EMPIRICAL STUDY 25 4.1. Descriptive Statistics 25 4.2. Hypothesis Testing 26 CHAPTER V. REGRESSION ANALYSIS 34 5.1. Discussion of The Result of Testing DOI to ROCE Relationship 34 5.2. Discussion of The Result of Testing DOI to WACC Relationship 37 5.3. Discussion of The Result of Economic Profit 40 5.4. Discussion of The Result of The Estimation of DOI to Tobin’s Q Relationship 41 CHAPTER VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 42 6.1. Conclusions 42 6.2. Recommendations 44 APPENDIX 1 45 APPENDIX 2 48 APPENDIX 3 61 REFERENCES 64

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