簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳茵
Yin Chen
論文名稱: 美國專利審查情況與核准率關係之研究
The Study of Relationship Between the U.S. Patent Examination Condition and Grant Rate
指導教授: 管中徽
Kuan Chung-Huei
口試委員: 劉國讚
Kuotsan Liu
Wei-Nien Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 專利核准率核駁理由適格性新穎性進步性引證數量
外文關鍵詞: rejection reason, eligibility, non‑obviousness
相關次數: 點閱:589下載:18
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專利是否能夠得到核准無疑是申請人所關心的課題,然而申請過程其實當花錢及花時間,因此,申請人在收到審查意見書(office action,簡稱OA)後,是否值得繼續投資時間及金錢,就常是一個困難的抉擇。本研究之內容為分析不同核駁理由及引證數量之專利核准率,希望藉此輔助申請人進行判斷在接到審查意見後是否繼續進行答辯、或是放棄。

本研究採用由美國專利及商標局(United States Patent and Trademark Office,簡稱USPTO)發佈的Office Action Research Dataset for Patents資料集,並分析其中申請號前兩碼為12之申請案之核准率。



Whether a patent can be granted or not is undoubtedly an issue that the applicants care about. However, the application process is costly and time consuming. Thus, after receiving the office action(OA), the applicant will face the problem to decide whether to continue the application process or not, and this is often a tough decision. The research focuses on analyzing patent grant rate of different rejection reasons and the number of citations, hoping to assist the applicants in determining whether to continue the defense or give up after receiving the OA.

The research uses the Office Action Research Dataset for Patents released by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and analyzes the grant rate of applications with the first two digits being 12 in the application numbers.

The analysis of this research is divided into two parts. The first one is the relationship between different rejection reasons and the number of office actions, and the grant rate. The second one is the relationship between the number of citations and the number of office actions, and the grant rate. The rejection reasons can be subdivided into four categories: lack of eligibility, lack of novelty, lack of non‑obviousness, and lack of novelty and non‑obviousness at the same time. The number of citations used in a rejection can be subdivided into three types: more than 1 citation used in rejection for lack of novelty, more than 3 citations used in rejection for lack of non‑obviousness, and only 1 citation used in rejection for lack of non‑obviousness.

According to the data, the overall grant rate of applications rejected due to lack of eligibility is 80.02%, which is higher than the overall grant rate of applications rejected due to lack of novelty (65.1%) and the overall grant rate of applications rejected due to lack of non‑obviousness (59.9%). Based on this result, it can be inferred that overcoming lack of eligibility is not as difficult as imagined. In addition, the overall grant rate of applications which more than 1 citation used in rejection for lack of novelty is 63.1%, the overall grant rate for applications which more than 3 citations used in rejection for lack of non‑obviousness is 58.7%, and the overall grant rate of applications which only 1 citation used in rejection for lack of non‑obviousness is 65.5%. This can be inferred that applications overlapping with multiple prior arts do not always imply they are more likely to be rejected. However, in contrast with those applications rejected by combing ordinary skill and only 1 prior art, those rejected by combing multiple prior arts are indeed more difficult to be granted.

指導教授推薦書 I 學位考試委員審定書 II 中文摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖表索引 VIII 1. 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2章節概要 2 1.3相關研究 3 2.美國答辯程序與核駁理由 6 2.1美國的答辯程序 6 2.2美國的核駁理由 9 3. 研究方法 12 3.1主要數據來源 12 3.2主要數據概述與選擇 17 3.3專利核准率之計算方式 19 3.4補充資料來源 22 3.5補充資料的處理 23 3.6數據整體概況 25 4. 分析方法與結果 29 4.1不同核駁理由及OA次數與專利核准率之關係 29 4.1.1因適格性被核駁 29 4.1.2因新穎性被核駁 30 4.1.3因進步性被核駁 32 4.1.4同時因新穎性及進步性被核駁 34 4.2核駁時引證數量及OA次數與專利核准率之關係 37 4.2.1核駁理由為新穎性且先前技術文件多於1份 38 4.2.2核駁理由為進步性且先前技術文件多於3份 39 4.2.3核駁理由為進步性且先前技術文件僅有1份 41 5.結論與未來研究方向 45 5.1結論 45 5.2研究限制與未來研究方向 45 參考文獻 47

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35 U.S.C. §101(2018)
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35 U.S.C. §112(2018)