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研究生: 林伯翰
Po-han Lin
論文名稱: 長石型高嶺土流變參數與泥質土石流之關係研究
The Study of Relationship Between two Feldspar Kaolin of Rheological Parameters for Mudflow
指導教授: 李咸亨
Hsien-heng Lee
口試委員: 蔡光榮
Kuang-jung Tasi
Yao-chung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 液性限度初始流動剪力強度移動球法土石流
外文關鍵詞: Liquid Limit, Initial Yielding Shear Strength, Moving Ball Test, Mud Flow
相關次數: 點閱:318下載:2
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  • 由於長石礦物性質與粉土之性質類似,本研究探討其對黏性土壤的剪力強度、流變參數與液性限度之影響。
    本研究以移動球法進行不同含水量之高嶺土試體在小剪切率下的流變參數試驗,得知試體在液相時為非牛頓流體。當受剪力超過「初始流動剪力強度( )」時,進入流動發展階段,呈緩慢流動狀態。當受剪力超過賓漢降伏剪力強度( )時,則流體呈現穩定流動,故宜以 為土石流的初始流動剪力強度。本文建立之含水量與初始流動剪應力迴歸公式,其迴歸相關係數(R2)皆達到0.98以上,可靠度相當高。
    一般液性限度皆以阿太堡試驗求得,但此試驗人為誤差影響較大,其準確性有待改進。許多前輩學者獲得之液性限度所對應之剪力強度值在1.1至2.6kN/m2間。本研究以室內直剪試驗儀進行固相試體之剪力強度試驗,以及以移動球試驗進行液相試體之剪力強度試驗,再經由內插得到液性限度及該臨界點之剪力強度。本研究試體的液性限度對應之剪力強度在1.89至2.44 kN/m2間,與前人成果極為相近,因此,本研究之液性限度試驗新方法值得採用。

    The influence of Feldspar to the shear strength and liquid limit of the cohesive soil were studied, since the characteristics of Feldspar is similar to the silt.
    In order to obtain rheological parameters of the commercial Kaolinite with different water contents, the Moving Ball Test (MBT) was employed under small shear strain rate. The results show that its fluid phase is in a non-Newtonian fluid state. When the applied shear stress exceeded the shear strength ( ), the fluid sample is in the liquid-developing stage and flows very slowly. When the shear stress more than the Bingham Yield Shear Strength ( ), the fluid sample is in a steady state condition. The shear strength ( ) is then recommended as the initial shear strength of a debris flow. The regression equations between water content and the initial shear strength were built in this study with coefficient of R2 larger than 0.98. It shows high reliability.
    The liquid limits are generally obtained by Atterberg test. However, the artificial errors are obvious in this test. Some previous researches showed that the shear strength corresponding to the liquid limits ranging from 1.1 to 2.6 kN/ m2. The Direct Shear Test (DST) for shear strength test in the solid state and the Moving Ball Test (MBT) for shear strength test in the liquid state were used in this research. The interpolation of these two results could then be obtained to find the critical shear strength in the liquid limit state. The shear strengths corresponding to liquid limit states in this study are in a range between 1.89 and 2.44 kN/m2. Because of the good agreements in both results, it is recommended to use our test procedures as a new approach to examine the liquid limit state of a cohesive soil.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究架構 3 1.3 研究內容與流程 4 第二章 文獻回顧與相關研究回顧 5 2.1 黏土礦物 5 2.1.1 黏土礦物定義與性質 5 2.2 土石流簡介 7 2.2.1 土石流之定義 7 2.2.2 土石流之分類 9 2.2.3 土石流發生條件 12 2.2.4 土石流災害防治 14 2.3 土石流之流變模式 15 2.3.1 牛頓流體 16 2.3.2 非牛頓流體 16 2.4 流變儀發展趨勢 20 2.4.1 常見用於土石流的流變試驗 21 2.5 液性限度 23 第三章 試驗原理、設備、步驟 27 3.1 移動球法 27 3.1.1 以Navies-Stokes方程式分析賓漢流體之推導 27 流體應力方程式 28 Navier-Stokes 方程式之推導 28 賓漢流體三維不可壓縮流之剪應力 30 3.1.2 球體在賓漢流體流場中之總阻力 31 3.1.3 球體在賓漢流體中拉升運動方程式 33 3.1.4 球體在賓漢流體中的邊際效應 33 3.1.5 移動球法試驗儀器與試驗步驟 35 試驗儀器 35 試驗材料 36 試驗步驟 36 3.1.6 賓漢流體參數計算 37 3.1.7 移動球法試體注意事項 38 3.2 室內剪力試驗 38 3.2.1 試體壓密 39 3.2.2 直剪試驗 40 直剪試驗儀器 40 試驗步驟 40 3.3 X-光繞射試驗 41 3.3.1 X-光繞射原理 41 3.3.2 X-光繞射式樣準備與試驗條件 42 3.3.3 X-光繞射儀器 42 3.4 土壤基本物理性質試驗 43 3.4.1 液性限度試驗 43 3.4.2 塑性限度試驗 44 第四章 試驗結果與討論 46 4.1 土壤基本物理性質試驗 46 4.2 X-光繞射分析 46 4.3 移動球邊際效應試驗(尺寸效應) 47 4.4 移動球試驗結果 48 4.5 直接剪力試驗結果 50 4.6 流變曲線與流變方程式 50 4.7 液性限度 54 4.8 長石型高嶺土與純高嶺土之比較 56 第五章 結論與建議 59 5.1 結論 59 5.2 建議 61 參考文獻 62

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