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研究生: Syed Ahmad Raza
Syed Ahmad Raza
論文名稱: 以直接施力沉浸邊界法模擬紊流中三維物體的渦流引致震動
Simulation of vortex-induced vibration of 3-D structures in turbulent flow using direct-forcing immersed boundary method
指導教授: 陳明志
Ming-Jyh Chern
口試委員: 林昭安
Chao-An Lin
Jong-Shinn Wu
Yang-Yao Niu
Tzyy-Leng Horng
Chin-Cheng Wang
Wei-Hsin Tien
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 流能轉換直接施力沈浸邊界法大渦模擬法渦旋引致震動流固耦合空氣彈性力學
外文關鍵詞: flow energy conversion, direct-forcing immersed boundary (DFIB), large eddy simulation (LES), vortex-induced vibration (VIV), fluid-structure interaction (FSI), aeroelasticity
相關次數: 點閱:412下載:0
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第二個例子則是探討在雷諾數 = 3,900的紊流中圓柱的渦漩引致震動。這個研究中探討了兩個不同的計算區間大小以及三組不同的邊界條件造成的影響。結果發現較大的計算區間會增進計算結果的精度,特別是在較遠的尾流區。另外,在兩側的邊界使用週期性條件和對稱條件對於數值結果也有明顯的影響。

在第三個例子中,對於數值參數影響渦引致震動的計算結果進行研究。雖然網格獨立性研究會在鎖相放大的區間外進行並獲得適合的網格大小,但是更細的網格會影響在鎖相放大區間渦引致震動。例如在層流階段(Re = 90-115),形成穩定的震動的流場的演化會受到影響。而在紊流中(Re = 1,000),初始條件由靜止、逐漸加速、逐漸減速三個不同的情況的影響也被研究。遲滯現象被發現在鎖相放大區間當使用加速、減速的不同初始條件的時候。最後,研究所產出的數值模式亦可用於模擬多根圓柱在均勻流中同時產生渦引致震動現象。

Flow energy conversion is an important topic in renewable energy. To design a novel flow energy converter, an efficient flow solver is necessary to estimate the conversion performance. Therefore, a 3-D Navier-Stokes solver has been developed in C++ using finite volume method (FVM) and direct-forcing immersed boundary method (DFIB) for laminar and turbulent flows. It has been tailored to study vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of 3-D structures such as spheres and cylinders. Parallel computation has been implemented using OpenMP. QUICK (quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinematics) scheme has been adopted for the velocity differencing scheme and the Smagorinsky model for the turbulent flow scales to conduct large eddy simulation (LES). Bi-conjugate gradient stabilized method (Bi-CGSTAB) was used to solve the pressure Poisson equation.

Several cases studies were conducted using this solver. In the first study, laminar flow with Re=300 over a sphere undergoing VIV was analyzed and validated using published literature. Later, the effect of introducing a small stationary sphere upstream of the vibrating sphere was investigated with variation of the size of the small sphere and the distance between the spheres. It was found that the upstream sphere, if placed close enough to the oscillating sphere, led to an increased amplitude of vibration of the sphere during the "lock-in" or synchronization region. It also affected the onset of the synchronization and elongated its duration.

For the second study, a circular cylinder was considered in turbulent flow at Re=3,900 and the effect of two computational domain sizes and three different sets of boundary conditions was investigated. The larger computational domain was able to increase the accuracy of the results, especially in the far wake region. Moreover, switching the lateral boundaries between periodic and symmetry conditions enabled the numerical simulation to approach two different experimental results, which gave an interesting insight into the reasons for the contradiction in those results.

In the third study, the effects of some numerical parameters on laminar and turbulent flows over a cylinder were investigated. Despite a regular grid independent study outside the lock-in region, it was found that further refinement of the grid affected VIV in the lock-in region in both laminar and turbulent flows. For laminar flows (Re=90-115), the evolution of VIV flow to a stable vibrating pattern was also affected. In turbulent flows (Re=1,000), the effect of initial conditions on the VIV of the cylinder was also investigated with the rest, increasing reduced velocity and decreasing reduced velocity initial conditions. A hysteresis effect was observed in the lock-in region because the decreasing initial condition led to lower amplitudes of vibration. Finally, the solver has been used to conduct some preliminary studies with multiple cylinders undergoing VIV.

Chinese Abstract Abstract Acknowledgments Contents Nomenclature List of tables List of figures 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Flow over a sphere undergoing vortex-induced vibration 1.3 Boundary conditions and domain size for turbulent flow over a stationary cylinder 1.4 Investigation of some numerical parameters for a cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration 1.5 Direct-forcing immersed boundary method 1.6 Synopsis 2 Mathematical formulae and numerical model 2.1 Governing equations and models 2.1.1 Rigid-body equations 2.1.2 Smagorinsky model for Large Eddy Simulation 2.2 Direct-forcing immersed boundary method 2.2.1 Subgrid method 2.3 Parallelization using OpenMP 2.4 Miscellaneous other features of the solver 2.4.1 Adaptive timestep adjustment 2.5 Computing environment 3 Flow over a sphere undergoing vortex-induced vibration 3.1 Validation and numerical sensitivity studies 3.2 Transverse vibration of a single sphere 3.2.1 Sphere responses 3.2.2 Vortex shedding modes 3.2.3 Force analyses 3.3 Transverse vibration of a sphere downstream of a smaller fixed sphere 3.3.1 Sphere responses 3.3.2 Vortex shedding modes 3.3.3 Force analyses 3.4 Energy efficiency of VIV phenomena 3.5 Regression analysis for estimation of the effects of the small fixed sphere 4 Boundary conditions and domain size for turbulent flow over a stationary cylinder 4.1 Details of the cases and other numerical information 4.2 Boundary conditions 4.3 Strouhal number and recirculation region characteristics 4.3.1 Velocity fluctuations 4.3.2 Mean streamwise velocities 4.3.3 Velocity and vorticity contours 5 Investigation of some numerical parameters for a cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration 5.1 Details of the cases and other numerical information 5.2 Grid independence study for laminar regime 5.3 Investigation of grid refinement for laminar regime 5.4 Grid independence study for turbulent regime 5.5 Investigation of grid refinement for turbulent regime 5.6 Further analysis of the turbulent regime under other initial conditions 6 Conclusions and future work 6.1 Conclusions 6.1.1 Flow over a sphere undergoing vortex-induced vibration 6.1.2 Effect of boundary conditions and domain size on turbulent flow over a stationary cylinder 6.1.3 Investigation of some numerical parameters for a cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration 6.2 Future work Bibliography Appendix I Appendix II

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