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研究生: 郭宇翔
Yu-Xiang Guo
論文名稱: 議題行銷廣告訊息體驗對廣告效果之影響
The Influences of Experience of Advertising Messages on Advertising Effects in Cause-Related Marketing
指導教授: 魏小蘭
Hsiao-Lan Wei
口試委員: 魏小蘭
Hsiao-Lan Wei
Sun-Jen Huang
Yu-Qian Zhu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 議題行銷社會顯著性體驗行銷廣告訊息廣告效果
外文關鍵詞: Cause-related Marketing, Social Significance, Experiential Marketing, Advertising Message, Advertising Effect
相關次數: 點閱:526下載:1
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  • 議題行銷是當今火熱的行銷手法之一。議題行銷為什麼重要呢?議題行銷不僅能增進企業績效,還能拓廣可見度、加強形象、擴大客群。其實際上為一種品牌聯盟促銷活動,可以改善品牌權益,並增強消費者對產品的認知品質。而除了受惠企業本身,議題行銷還可以促進非營利機構提升知名度與募集資金,是一種雙贏的主張。過去有許多文獻探討議題與產品的適配程度、活動持續度、執行保證、社會顯著性對於企業形象或是品牌權益的影響,多數研究針對議題行銷的兩個方向做探討:(1)議題行銷能為公司帶來哪些效益; (2)消費者對議題行銷內容的感受(例如:信任、態度)。鮮少研究觀察乘載議題行銷的「媒介」,也就是「廣告」,它的呈現應包含哪些要素、針對消費者設計哪些訊息,才能達到理想的效果。

    Cause-related marketing is one of today's hot marketing practices. Why is it important? Cause-related marketing can improve the business performance, increase the visibility of the business, strengthen the image of corporate and brand, and expand the customer base. Actually, Cause-related marketing is a brand-alliance activity that increases brand equity and enhances the quality of product which consumers perceive. In addition to benefiting the enterprise, Cause-related marketing can also promote nonprofit organizations to raise awareness and raise funds, which is a win-win proposition. In the past, there are many literatures discussing the effects of product-cause fit, sustainability, implementation promise, and social significance on corporate image or brand equity. Most of the research is about two aspects of Cause-related marketing: (1) Cause-related marketing can bring the company with what benefits; and (2) the consumer's perception of the content of Cause-related marketing (eg. trust and attitude). Few studies research the “media” of Cause-related marketing, that is, "advertising", for instance, “Which elements should be presented on the Cause-related marketing advertisement?” and “What messages should be designed for the consumer to achieve the desired results?”.
    Schmitt's Experiential Marketing explores whether various media (such as an ad, a trademark, a storefront space, etc.) can induce particular Strategic Experiential Models(SEMs), including Sense, Feel, Think, Act, and Relate. In addition, Schmitt stressed that marketing should pay much attention to the feelings of consumers. Consumers are both rational and emotional animals, and therefore media can not blindly emphasize the functional value of products.
    This study suggests that the conditions Experiential Marketing examines are in line with the current consumers’ expectations of marketing, and it can bring a lot of unforgettable experience to the community, closing to the desired benefits of Cause-related marketing. Therefore, this study decides to explore the advertising messages of Cause-related marketing with the view of Experiential Marketing, and discuss the moderator of social significance. The purpose of this study is to understand the advertising effects of Cause-related marketing advertisements enhanced by Experiential Marketing.
    In this empirical study, 104 students from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology were invited to browse through the designed advertisements and conduct a questionnaire survey. The results show: (1) “sense”, “feel”, and “think” in experience of advertising messages have significant effects on “attitude toward advertising” in advertising effects. (2) “sense”, “feel”, “think”, and “act” in experience of advertising messages have significant effects on “attitude toward brand” in advertising effects. (3) “sense”, “think”, and “act” in experience of advertising messages have significant effects on “purchase intention” in advertising effects. (4) “social significance” between experience of advertising messages and advertising effects has a partial moderating effect. Therefore, this study suggests that when an enterprise implements Cause-related marketing, it can take SEMs as a reference strengthening the advertising messages, and respectively consider different experiences under the conditions of high social significance and low social significance. In this way, enterprises have more opportunities to achieve the desired advertising effects.

    目錄 摘要 III Abstract V 目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 研究目的 3 第四節 研究流程 4 第五節 論文架構 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 議題行銷 6 2.1.1 議題行銷的起源 6 2.1.2 議題行銷的定義 6 2.1.3 議題行銷的分類 9 2.1.3 議題行銷的社會顯著性 10 2.1.4 議題的分類 11 2.1.5 議題行銷相關的研究 13 第二節 體驗行銷 14 2.2.1 體驗的定義 14 2.2.2 體驗行銷 15 第三節 廣告效果 20 2.3.1 廣告的定義 20 2.3.2 廣告效果 23 2.3.3 廣告效果的衡量 24 第三章 研究模型 26 第一節 研究架構 26 第二節 研究假說 27 3.2.1 廣告訊息體驗與廣告效果 27 3.2.2 社會顯著性對廣告訊息體驗與廣告效果之調節 37 第四章 研究方法 39 第一節 研究設計 39 第二節 問卷設計方法 40 4.2.1 產品中性確認 40 4.2.2 社會顯著性 42 4.2.3 感官行銷 44 4.2.4 情感行銷 45 4.2.5 思考行銷 45 4.2.6 行動行銷 46 4.2.7 關聯行銷 47 4.2.8 廣告態度 47 4.2.9 品牌態度 48 4.2.10 購買意圖 49 第三節 資料分析方法 50 4.3.1 敘述性統計分析 50 4.3.2 驗證性因素分析 51 4.3.3 研究假說檢定 52 第五章 資料分析 53 第一節 前測 53 5.1.1 樣本敘述性統計分析 53 5.1.2 產品中性確認 55 5.1.3 社會顯著性 56 第二節 正式問卷 57 5.2.1 樣本敘述性統計分析 57 5.2.2 驗證性因素分析 59 第三節 研究假說之檢定 64 5.3.1 自變數與依變數之假說檢定 64 5.3.2 調節變數之假說檢定 66 第四節 檢定分析結果說明 69 第六章 結論與建議 72 第一節 研究發現與結論 72 第二節 研究貢獻 78 第三節 研究限制 80 第四節 未來研究方向與建議 81 參考文獻 83 附錄一:前測問卷 91 附錄二:正式問卷 94 附錄三:實驗廣告 98 表目錄 表1-1 論文架構表 5 表2-1 議題行銷的定義 8 表2-2 議題行銷近期的研究 13 表2-3 體驗的定義 15 表2-4 體驗媒介 18 表2-5 體驗行銷評鑑工具 19 表2-6 廣告的定義 21 表4-1 非社會汙名化衡量項目 41 表4-2 低涉入程度衡量項目 41 表4-3 購買能力衡量項目 42 表4-4 社會顯著性衡量項目 42 表4-5 感官行銷衡量項目 44 表4-6 情感行銷衡量項目 45 表4-7 思考行銷衡量項目 46 表4-8 行動行銷衡量項目 46 表4-9 關聯行銷衡量項目 47 表4-10 廣告態度衡量項目 48 表4-11 品牌態度衡量項目 49 表4-12 購買意圖衡量項目 49 表5-1 前測性別 54 表5-2 前測出生(民國) 54 表5-3 前測學院別 54 表5-4 前測各產品低涉入題項之可靠度 55 表5-5 產品中性確認 56 表5-6 社會顯著性 56 表5-7 性別 57 表5-8 出生(民國) 58 表5-9 學院別 58 表5-10 每月可支配所得 59 表5-11 信度分析表 60 表5-12 因素負荷量 61 表5-13 因素結構矩陣與交叉負荷量 62 表5-14 平均變異萃取量(AVE)分析表 63 表5-15 區辨效度相關係數表 64 表5-16 路徑係數分析彙整表 65 表5-17 低社會顯著性組(學術研究類議題)路徑係數分析 67 表5-18 高社會顯著性組(醫療保健議題)路徑係數分析 68 表5-19 低 / 高社會顯著性比較 69 表5-20 假說檢定結果 70 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究流程圖 4 圖2-1 策略體驗模組 17 圖2-2 體驗行銷的策略計劃 19 圖3-1 研究架構 26 圖5-1 路徑分析結果 66

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