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研究生: 陳君霖
Jun-Lin Chen
論文名稱: 應用不同燃料於化學迴路產氫製程之模擬與操作變數分析研究
Simulation and Operating Variables Analysis of Chemical Looping Hydrogen Production via Various Fuels
指導教授: 李豪業
Hao-Yeh Lee
口試委員: 顧洋
Young Ku
Yao-Hsuan Tseng
Wei Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 化學迴路製程移動床反應器產氫製程程序模擬煤炭與甲烷燃料
外文關鍵詞: chemical looping combustion, Moving bed reactor, Hydrogen production, process simulation, coal and methane fuel
相關次數: 點閱:497下載:1
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  • 此研究主要針對30kWth的移動床反應器之化學迴路程序,利用Aspen Plus模擬軟體進行不同燃料之模型建立與模擬分析。
    固體燃料選擇低揮發度的Pocahontas No.3煤炭在絕熱條件下進行模擬,因此當還原反應器進料溫度與燃燒反應器出料溫度相同時,則系統達熱平衡。當操作在較大的氣送空氣量時,由於會帶走較多的熱量,使得產氫量下降。而操作在較低的循環量或使用較高惰性載體配比之載氧體,均會使得載氧體轉化率上升,同時也使得產氫量上升。在不同還原反應器進料溫度下,低溫有利於增加產氫量,但所需之載氧體會大幅提升,因此當使用惰性載體配比為40%且進料溫度為1000oC系統有最大產氫量。最後可再藉由提升惰性載體配比為60%,可使產氫量上升8.6%。
    在甲烷燃料化學迴路程序,探討還原反應器在絕熱與恆溫條件兩種不同模擬方式之差異。結果顯示,載氧體轉化率主要受循環量與配比影響較顯著。利用ɸmin條件載氧體測試,在較低溫的還原反應器下需要更多的Fe2O3配比才能使甲烷轉化率達100%。在絕熱條件下,降低循環量會使出料溫度下降,同時使得產氫量增加;在恆溫條件下,降低循環量會導致燃燒反應器上升才能達系統熱平衡,因此會使得產氫量下降。在載氧體配比Fe2O3:Al2O3為 60 wt%:40 wt%,可再藉由調整循環量使產氫量增加。在絕熱條件下,將還原反應器出料溫度為750 oC有最大產氫量;在恆溫條件下,將燃燒反應器出料溫度為1050 oC有最大產氫量。

    In this study, 30kWth moving bed reactor chemical looping process simulation and analysis via various fuels are studied by using Aspen Plus simulator.
    This study can estimate the optimum operating conditions and the maximum hydrogen yield in this model by feeding Pocahontas No.3 as solid fuel. In this study, all reactors are setting in the adiabatic condition. Therefore, the system means to the heat balance condition under the combustor outlet temperature the same with the reducer inlet temperature. If the system operates at higher air flowrate, the more heat will be take away and the hydrogen yield will decrease. It is found that the oxygen carrier conversion and hydrogen yield will increase at lower oxygen carrier circulation rate or with higher inert support percentage. Moreover, the hydrogen yield is inversely proportional to the reducer outlet temperature in different conditions of reducer outlet temperature. The result shows that the maximum hydrogen yield can be found when the reducer inlet temperature is at 1000 oC and the oxygen carrier support percentage is 40% of the 30 kWth system. Furthermore, the hydrogen yield will increase 8.6% under the 60% inert support percentage.
    The oxygen carrier conversion is dominated by the circulation rate and the inert support percentage. However, increasing Fe2O3 percentage is an important operation if the reducer is operated at lower temperature. It is found that the hydrogen yield can be adjusted by the circulation rate under the oxygen carrier support percentage equal to 40%.
    In this study, the tendency of main operating variables for the reducer between in adiabatic and isothermal conditions is quite different for CH4 chemical looping process. In adiabatic condition, the outlet temperature would decrease, and the hydrogen yield increases simultaneously if the circulation rate decreases. The result shows that the maximum hydrogen yield can be found when the reducer outlet temperature is at 750 oC in adiabatic condition. In isothermal condition, the hydrogen yield is proportional to the circulation rate because increasing the combustor temperature to reach heat balance is required under the lower circulation rate. Besides, the maximum hydrogen yield can be found when the combustor outlet temperature is at 1050 oC in isothermal condition.

    致謝I 摘要II AbstractIII 目錄IV 圖目錄VI 表目錄IX 第一章 緒論1 1.1前言1 1.2文獻回顧4 1.2.1二氧化碳捕捉之技術4 1.2.2化學迴路燃燒程序6 1.2.3化學迴路產氫程序17 1.3研究動機與目的24 1.4組織章節25 第二章 熱力學與動力學26 2.1前言26 2.2熱力學27 2.3動力學29 2.3.1還原反應器29 2.3.2氧化反應器31 2.3.3燃燒反應器32 第三章 直接煤炭化學迴路程序33 3.1前言33 3.2研究方法34 3.3模型建立37 3.4不同操作變數之影響41 3.4.1最小載氧體循環量評估42 3.4.2載氧體惰性載體配比探討44 3.4.3載氧體循環量探討48 3.4.4燃料反應器操作溫度探討53 3.4.5系統最大產氫量評估67 第四章 氣體燃料化學迴路程序69 4.1前言69 4.2甲烷燃料絕熱與恆溫條件之比較分析69 4.2.1絕熱與恆溫條件研究方法之比較73 4.2.2還原反應器出料之結果探討75 4.2.3系統產氫量之結果探討80 4.3系統產氫量最佳參數之分析87 4.3.1系統最大產氫量研究方法之比較87 4.3.2還原反應器在絕熱條件下分析91 4.3.3還原反應器在恆溫條件下分析95 第五章 結論與未來展望99 參考文獻102

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