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研究生: Sarah Lintang Sariwening
Sarah Lintang Sariwening
論文名稱: IndoBERT: Transformer-based Model for Indonesian Language Understanding
IndoBERT: Transformer-based Model for Indonesian Language Understanding
指導教授: 呂永和
Yungho Leu
口試委員: 楊維寧
Wei-Ning Yang
Yun-Shiou Chen
Yun-Shiou Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: DataNLPLanguage ModelingSummarizationSentiment AnalysisBERT
外文關鍵詞: Data, NLP, Language Modeling, Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, BERT
相關次數: 點閱:566下載:5
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Deep learning-based language models pre-trained on large unannotated text corpora have been developed to allow efficient transfer learning for natural language processing. A recent approach, Transformer-based models such as BERT, has become increasingly popular due to their state-of-the-art performance. However, most work of these models are usually focused on English, leaving other languages to multilingual models with limited resources. This paper proposes a monolingual BERT for the Indonesian language (IndoBERT), which shows its state-of-the-art performance compared to other architectures and Multilingual BERT (M-BERT) models.
We built IndoBERT from scratch. This model consistently outperforms the multilingual BERT model on downstream NLP tasks such as Sentiment Analysis and Summarization task.

Deep learning-based language models pre-trained on large unannotated text corpora have been developed to allow efficient transfer learning for natural language processing. A recent approach, Transformer-based models such as BERT, has become increasingly popular due to their state-of-the-art performance. However, most work of these models are usually focused on English, leaving other languages to multilingual models with limited resources. This paper proposes a monolingual BERT for the Indonesian language (IndoBERT), which shows its state-of-the-art performance compared to other architectures and Multilingual BERT (M-BERT) models.
We built IndoBERT from scratch. This model consistently outperforms the multilingual BERT model on downstream NLP tasks such as Sentiment Analysis and Summarization task.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF FIGURES iv LIST OF TABLES v CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 6 1.1 Background of the Problem 6 Research Question 8 Limitation of Research 8 1.2 Objective 9 1.3 Benefits of Research 9 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Related Works 10 2.2 Theoretical Foundation 13 Language Modelling 18 Encoder-Decoder Model 19 Attention 20 Transformers 21 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 29 3.1 Literature Study 29 3.2 Tools of Research 29 3.3 Data for research 29 3.4 Work Procedure for IndoBERTT 32 3.5 Work Procedure for Summarization 34 3.6 Work Procedure for Sentiment Analysis 39 3.7 Work Procedure for POS Tagger 40 3.8 Evaluation 41 CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULT 42 4.1 Experimental IndoBERT 42 4.2 Experimental Summarization 44 4.3 Experimental Sentiment Analysis 48 4.4 Experimental POS Tagger 50 CHAPTER 5 52 REFERENCES 55

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