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Author: 羅元駿
Yuan-Chun Lo
Thesis Title: 企業掛牌之旅:以質性訪談探討證券承銷與再行銷售
Corporate Listing Journey: A Qualitative Interview on Securities Underwriting and Reselling
Advisor: 謝劍平
Joseph C.P. Shieh
Committee: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
Chun-Nan Chen
Woan-Yuh Jang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Graduation Academic Year: 111
Language: 中文
Pages: 41
Keywords (in Chinese): IPO承銷價價拍賣公開申購過額配售
Keywords (in other languages): IPO, Underwriting, Competitive auction, Public subscription, Over-allotment
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  • 本研究研究台灣資本市場的首次公開發行(IPO),研究發行公司在掛牌前的歷程,從上市櫃的審查流程開始,到主管機關台灣證券交易所或證券櫃買賣中心審查通過後,接下來的辦理募集及承銷作業的探討。透過質性研究的深度訪談法,與五位在證券業的從業人員訪談,更貼近我國真實證券發行市場的樣貌。




    This study describes and discusses the IPO process in Taiwan's capital market, starting from the listing counter to the examination and approval of the competent authority, the Taiwan Stock Exchange or Taipei Exchange, and then the subsequent processing of the offering and underwriting operations. Through qualitative research, we interviewed five practitioners in the securities industry to get a closer look at the real market in Taiwan.

    This study focuses on the criteria for review of securities, the relationship between competitive auction, public subscription and over-allotment. Since public information rarely reveals a lot, in-depth interviews were conducted to understand the context. The main issues are the proportion of IPO, the determination of auction and public offering prices, how to define a good IPO case, and finally, the future outlook of IPOs in Taiwan's capital market.

    The results revealed that the establishment of the emerging market system let issuers adapt to the rules of the capital market and provides a reference issue price for future listings. The interviews also revealed that securities dealers do not stabilize the share price, but allow the market to determine the price of the company's shares. In addition, the number and proportion of shares for auction, public offering, and over-allotment are different from company to company, and may be affected by various factors such as industry, company operation, finance, risk, and shareholding structure, etc. No general rule can describe the market results.

    Last, revealing that brokerage firms can increase the market dynamics by strengthening their research and placement capabilities. It’s a trend that more venture capitalists and conglomerates will find out more IPO cases. And finally, more companies related to the six core strategic industries will enter the capital market in the future due to the continuous promotion of government policies.

    摘要 Abstract 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 第二節 研究目的及問題 第三節 研究架構與研究流程 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 資訊不對稱與折價理論 第二節 承銷商因素 第三節 承銷流程與制度 第參章 研究方法 第一節 質性研究 第二節 訪談法 第三節 訪談模式 第四節 訪談對象 第五節 訪談大綱 第肆章 訪談整理與分析 第一節 上市櫃審查流程 第二節 興櫃股價與競價拍賣底價 第三節 新股上市之配售比例 第四節 承銷價格的訂定 第五節 承銷個案分析 第六節 定義「好」的IPO案件與未來發展 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 未來研究方向建議 第陸章 參考文獻

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    Full text public date 2025/07/20 (Internet public)
    Full text public date 2025/07/20 (National library)