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研究生: 郭柏賢
Po-hsien Kuo
論文名稱: 第四代行動通訊網路的網路選擇機制
Network Selection Strategies for Fourth Generation Mobile Communication Network
指導教授: 馮輝文
Huei-Wen Ferng
口試委員: 葉丙成
Ping-Cheng Yeh
I-Shyan Hwang
Bor-Jiunn Hwang
Chyou-Hwa Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 垂直交遞階層式網路網路整合第四代行動通訊網路
外文關鍵詞: hierarchical network, vertical handoff, fourth generation mobile communication network, network integration
相關次數: 點閱:405下載:3
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  • 未來的行動通訊系統,將會是由多種不同網路系統整合成的多階層式網路。
    因此在多階層式網路架構下,如何提出一個有效的網路選擇機制(Network Selection Strategy),
    頻寬(Bandwidth)等因素做為費用函數(Cost Function)輸入參數的機制當作參照,
    讓使用者可以依照計算出的費用值(Cost Value)高低依序做使用網路的選擇,
    有效降低了系統的阻塞機率(Blocking Probability)。
    有效達到了降低系統垂直交遞率(Vertical Handoff Rate)的效果。

    The form of a hierarchical network composed of various networks will be expected to be
    used for the future mobile communication system. Therefore, how to come up with an
    effective network selection strategy for the hierarchical network to allow a handoff
    user to move to an appropriate network is the issue to be discussed in this thesis.
    Mainly based received signal strength (RSS), variation of RSS (VRSS), and bandwidth
    as input parameters to a cost function, we design three network selection strategies
    in this thesis. The first network selection strategy allows multiple choices of networks
    based on cost values to decrease the blocking probability in the system. Further
    considering the user's velocity in choosing a network, the second network selection
    strategy is formed. Finally, a threshold related to the improvement of the cost value
    is further added to have the third network selection strategy to greatly decrease the
    vertical handoff rate. By simulation, the three network selection strategies can be
    proven effective in terms of blocking probability, vertical handoff rate, and etc.,
    thus improving the overall system performance.

    目錄 中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 目錄 iii 表格目錄 v 圖形目錄 vi 1.緒論 1 1.1前言....................................1 1.2研究背景................................2 1.3研究動機................................4 1.4研究目標................................4 1.5論文架構................................5 2.文獻回顧 6 2.1各種不同的交遞機制......................7 2.2選取適當網路............................7 2.3減少交遞延遲...........................10 3.第四代行動通訊網路的網路選擇機制 13 3.1網路基本架構與相關參照機制.............13 3.1.1新進呼叫的網路選擇方式............14 3.1.2交遞呼叫的網路選擇方式............16 3.2本篇論文提出的三個網路選擇機制說明.....18 3.2.1網路選擇機制一....................18 3.2.2網路選擇機制二....................23 3.2.3網路選擇機制三....................26 4.模擬結果與討論 28 4.1模擬環境設定...........................28 4.2模擬結果與討論.........................32 4.2.1使用第一組權重值設定的結果討論....32 4.2.2使用第二組權重值設定的結果討論....34 4.2.3使用第三組權重值設定的結果討論....35 4.2.4使用第四組權重值設定的結果討論....37 5.結論 45 參考文獻 46 誌謝 50

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