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研究生: 李長龍
論文名稱: 自動測試系統智慧整合之研究 - 以交換式電源供應器電氣特性測試為例
Research on Intelligent Integration of Automatic Test System - Take the electrical characteristics test of switching power supply as a Case Study
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Fu-Chen Teng
口試委員: 曹譽鐘
Yu-Chung Tsao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 自動化測試系統電源供應器智慧整合
外文關鍵詞: Automation, Test System, Power Supply, Smart Integration
相關次數: 點閱:632下載:0
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Personal desktop computer power supplies are in the mature stage of the product life cycle, and the product's profit has fallen sharply. The application object of this research is the personal desktop computer power supply R&D department. Facing the changing trend of the power supply industry and maintaining the existing competitiveness of the market, how to inspire innovative technology for the department through multi-faceted analysis and discussion to keep taking the lead and creating mainstream products in the market is urgent action. This research first obtains the critical success factors that promote the growth of the department’s performance through the analysis and inference of the system thinking diagram (developed automatic measurement system) and then incorporates the key factors into the SWOT analysis (internal and external crisis analysis) to integrate the existing resources of the department Conduct a more in-depth comprehensive review of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal and external environments, as well as the current status of the organization, to estimate the feasibility assessment of the implementation of critical factors, and finally introduce the TOWS analysis of the Dawes matrix. In the analysis model, find out (S-O) attack, (O-W) transformation, (S-T) defense, (W-T) avoidance, these four oriented strategies, and obtain the best execution plan from them. After having a clearer understanding of the outline, details, and execution steps of the entire action plan, comprehensively analyze the operation and operation problems of the commercially available automatic test system and find technical gaps. This research formulates a three-year R&D technology blueprint plan so that its products will continue to maintain their leading position in the Red Sea market under the fierce competition. Finally, implement the development and results from the display of the automatic test system according to the strategy.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 I 表目錄 I 第一章 緒論 2 1.1 研究背景 2 1.2 研究動機 4 1.3 研究議題 5 1.4 研究流程 7 第二章 自動測試系統發展概述 8 2.1 發展概況 8 2.2 匯流排通訊技術 11 2.2.1 IEEE488 匯流排技術 11 2.2.2 USBTMC 匯流排技術 14 2.2.3 VXI-11 匯流排技術 15 2.2.4 儀器程式標準命令 16 2.3 電源供應器自動測試系統運行架構 18 2.4 電源供應器自動測試系統運行程序 21 2.5 電源供應器輸入輸出電氣特性 22 2.6 未來自動測試技術發展 29 第三章 個案公司策略分析與研發技術藍圖 31 3.1 個案公司簡介 31 3.2 研究應用對象暨現況說明 33 3.3 部門效能動態分析 35 3.4 優劣勢分析 36 3.5 TOWS 策略展開 39 3.6 研發技術藍圖規劃 41 第四章 系統研製 45 4.1 系統分析方法 45 4.2 智慧整合創新工藝 48 4.3 檢測設備建置 49 4.3.1 硬體層 50 4.3.2 軟體層 51 4.3.3 設備容量選用 52 4.4 訊號切換控制器組件設計與選用 54 4.4.1 電力電驛驅動設計與選用技巧 55 4.4.2 數位邏輯訊號分析設計與訊號切換驅動電路 56 4.5 系統應用程式 57 4.5.1 使用者介面設計 58 4.5.2 測試項流程設計 60 4.6 波形診斷分析技術 61 4.7 結語 64 第五章 系統整合成果展現與實證 65 5.1 系統輸入介面 66 5.2 量測數據實例展示 71 5.3 波形診斷 72 5.3.1 電源供應器輸出短路實例說明 72 5.3.2 電源供應器輸出上升時間實例說明 73 5.4 建置成果綜合分析 75 第六章 研究結論與建議 76 6.1 研究結論 76 6.2 建議 77 6.3 研究限制 78 附錄一、電源供應器介紹 79 附錄二、數位功率計 82 附錄三、數位萬用電錶 85 附錄四、可編程交流電源供應器 88 附錄五、數位示波器 90 附錄六、可程式化直流電源供應器 91 附錄七、可程式化電子負載 93 附錄八、C#程式語言 94 附錄九、數位輸入輸出控制介面卡 96 參考文獻 98

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